The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Collection

Illustration for Who rides on a tiger

Illustration by John Haelen for story by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes entitled "Who rides on a tiger" shows a younger woman and an older woman looking at each other and standing in an elegant parlor. The younger woman is dressed in a form-fitting dress and shawl. The older woman, dressed in black and holding a purse & a lorgnette (eye glasses with a handle), has a sour look on her face. Caption reads, "The young duchess asked in a steely voice, 'And whom is Zella Blunt supposed to have killed?'"


34.2 x 31 cm

Tribune Company


  • English

  • still image
  • text

  • These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.

  • The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection

  • Chicago Sunday Tribune (March 10, 1935), Part 7, p. 10

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  • image/jpeg