Michigan State University Libraries
Open Educational Resources
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Open Educational Resources (OER) Advisory Committee

The OER Advisory Committee brings together key stakeholders from across Michigan State University (MSU) to provide advice and support for the MSU Libraries OER Program. To ensure that the OER Program advances the goal of affordability, access, and pedagogical innovation as a pathway to student success, the Dean of Libraries charges the OER Advisory Committee as follows:

  • Provide ongoing advice and support for the MSU Libraries open education initiatives, which include the adoption, adaptation, and creation of openly-licensed educational materials and the promotion of innovative open educational practices.
  • Examine the current use of OER across MSU and make recommendations to increase their use while respecting faculty rights and responsibilities.
  • Identify any impediments or barriers to OER adoption at MSU and propose solutions to overcome these issues.

Specific goals of the OER Advisory Committee include (but are not limited to):

  • Serving as the adjudication committee for OER Award Program grants.
  • Raising awareness about OER.
  • Making OER more discoverable.
  • Providing opportunities for training on OER creation, adaptation, and adoption.
  • Providing opportunities for training on open education and open pedagogy.
  • Organizing campus-wide events during Open Education and Open Access weeks.
  • Facilitating promotion and communication of MSU Libraries open education initiatives, both internally and externally.
  • Applying for internal and external grants to support open education initiatives.
  • Encouraging research on OER and open educational practices and pedagogy.
  • Developing policies, procedures, and practices in support of OER adoptions.

Operating Procedures:

  • Committee members who are faculty representatives will normally be expected to serve for two years. Appointments are renewable.
  • The Committee will meet in-person at least once per semester. If a committee member cannot attend an in-person meeting, a delegate may participate on the member’s behalf. The committee is ongoing.
  • A minimum of three committee members must be present to conduct business at meetings. A majority of committee members present at the meeting is required to pass a motion.

OER Program Advisory Committee Members:

  • Denise Acevedo, Assistant Professor, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
  • Jason Almerigi, Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science
  • Dave Goodrich, Learning Experience Designer, Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation (CTLI)
  • Kevin Henley, Instructional Designer & Accessibility Specialist, Digital Experience Team (DigitalX), MSU IT Services
  • Hibah Khan, Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU), Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • Linda Miles, OER Librarian, MSU Libraries, OER Advisory Committee Chair
  • Heidi Schroeder, Accessibility Coordinator, MSU Libraries
  • Kenneth Szymusiak, Managing Director-Academic Programs, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Broad College of Business
  • Arlene Weismantel, Senior Associate Dean, MSU Libraries