Michigan Research Libraries Triangle (MRLT) Policies
If you are interested in obtaining privileges to borrow at University of Michigan or Wayne State Libraries please contact MSU Main Library Circulation (884-1946 or lib.circadm@msu.edu) to begin this process. As long as you are a currently enrolled MSU Student in good library standing you are eligible for reciprocal borrowing privileges at these institutions.
\ | MSU | UM-Ann Arbor | UM-Flint | UM-Dearborn | WSU |
Fee charged? | No | No | No | No | No |
Loan Period | 3 weeks | 3 weeks | 3 weeks | 3 weeks | 4 weeks |
Number of books that can be checked out at one time | 25 item limit | no limit | 50 item limit | 50 item limit | 10 item limit |
Number of renewals | 5 renewals | Varies by library | 1 renewal | 2 renewals | 1 renewal |
Place recall or hold? | No | Yes | Yes - holds No - recalls | Yes - holds No - recalls | Neither are allowed |
Overdue fines | $1.00/hour Reserve material | $1/hour Reserve material | $.25/day $.25/hr for Reserves, max $10.00 | $.25/day $15.00/day for Reserves | $.25/day |
Recall fines | $1/day | $2/day | $1/day, max $14.00 | $1/day, max $10.00 | $1/day |
Replacement cost | Minimum of $150.00 or current market value PLUS applicable fines | $50.00 processing fee PLUS minimum of $100.00 or current market value PLUS applicable fines. | Current market value PLUS $15.00 processing fee PLUS Applicable fines | $65 plus any applicable fines | $25.00 - Undergrad, $45.00 - Purdy, $81.00 - Science, $125.00 - Medical, $65.00 - Law; PLUS Applicable fines. |
When are privileges suspended? | When books are more than 30 days overdue and/or fines total $1.00 or more. | When books are more than 30 days overdue and/or when recalled items are not returned on due date. | When books are more than 30 days and/or fines total $10.00 or more. | When books are more than 7 weeks overdue and/or for fines totaling $5.00 or more. | When books are more than 42 days overdue and/or fines totaling $100.00 or more. |
Borrowing restrictions | Non-circulating materials. | Non-circulating materials. | Non-circulating materials. | Non-circulating materials, Reserves and Reference materials. | Non-circulating materials closed materials and Reserve materials. |
Service restrictions | No ILL, remote access to eResources, or MICHICARD service. | No ILL or remote access to eResources on MIRLYN. | No ILL, no dial-in access to restricted databases, no RLRC usage. | No ILL, computer lab or AV equipment. No network access to some databases. | No ILL. No Access to eResources. |
Miscellaneous | Picture ID required to check out materials, collection agency used for long overdue/lost materials. | May renew books by phone or online. | Collection agency used for long overdue/lost materials. | Picture ID and completed MRLT form verifying affiliation and graduate student status required. | |
Needed | Proof of current enrollment | Proof of current enrollment | Proof of current enrollment | Proof of current enrollment | Proof of current enrollment |