Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Digital Development and Strategies

Digital Development and Strategies (DDaS) develops, maintains and envisions digital content, services and applications for the MSU Libraries.


  • Devin Higgins - Librarian, Head of Digital Development and Strategies
  • Jenny Brandon - Librarian, Digital Interface Designer
  • Nathan Collins - Software Developer and Systems Administrator
  • Kevin Finkenbinder - Web Applications Developer
  • Damien Guillaume - Software Developer
  • Megan Schanz - Software Developer and Systems Administrator
  • Robby Roudon - Software Developer

About Us:

The DDaS unit researches, develops, and implements technologies that improve and expand the ways that MSU Libraries' stakeholders interact with collections, data and services. The focus of DDaS is on innovative projects that expand MSU Libraries' digital capabilities while maintaining and updating existing technologies.

Featured Projects:

FOLIO Development (Project Details) (In Production)
As of 2022, FOLIO is the new Integrated Library System (ILS) at MSU Libraries. FOLIO is an open-source ILS, and DDaS participates in the development of FOLIO's acquisition apps through FOLIO's Thunderjet team. On top of accelerating FOLIO's development, this participation creates a more direct communication between users at MSU and FOLIO developers (who are mostly contracted by EBSCO).
Primary Maintainer: Damien Guillaume

Glazer (In Production)
Digital storage system for transferring files to an AWS environment.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Megan Schanz

MakeAtState (In Production)
A PHP application which allows MSU Library patrons to submit jobs for 3DPrinting, vinyl printing, and laser cutting.
Primary Maintainer: Sruthin Gaddam

OAI Repo (In Production)
Python module to assist in constructing an OAI-PMH repository server. Follow the link above to interact with the MSUL digital repository's OAI interface. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Devin Higgins, Megan Schanz

PackMan (Coursepackhub) (In Production)
Application used by the Course Materials Program to organize the materials in coursepacks and manage orders for copyright permissions to CCC.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Library Catalog (VuFind) (In Production)
Infrastructure and deployable public catalog instance of VuFind, including many local customizations. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Devin Higgins
Contributor(s): Damien Guillaume, Jenny Brandon, Megan Schanz, Nathan Collins, Robby Roudon

Sandhill (Framework for Digital Repository) (In Production)
A framework for building data-driven web sites, Sandhill is currently used as the front-end interface of the MSUL digital repository. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Devin Higgins, Megan Schanz, Robby Roudon

Swamplr ( [login required] (In Production)
Interface to ingest, process, and manage items in a Fedora Commons digital repository.
Primary Maintainer: Devin Higgins
Contributor(s): Megan Schanz, Nathan Collins

TextAssembler [login required] (In Production)
Pull together metadata and full-text documents returned from Nexis Uni queries. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz
Contributor(s): Devin Higgins

TGIF Star Interface (In Production)
Allows information from the Turfgrass Information File to be shared publicly.
Primary Maintainer: Kevin Finkenbinder
Contributor(s): Sruthin Gaddam

Additional Projects:

Catalog Floor Map Locator (In Production)
Locates and labels appropriate floor map given call number and other item information.
Primary Maintainer: Sruthin Gaddam

Colophon (In Production)
Extendable quality control verification system for manifest files.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

Commons CORE Backend (In Production)
Software stack for the MSU commons institutional repository, including Fedora Commons, Solr, etc.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz
Contributor(s): Nathan Collins

Copyright Permissions (In Production)
Application allowing users to request copyright clearance for a variety of different types of materials.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

EBookplates Backend (In Production)
Backend to eBookplates interface.
Primary Maintainer: Kevin Finkenbinder

Facilities Work Requests (In Production)
Web-based application that manages facilities requests.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Findingaids (ArchivesSpace) (In Production)
Setup and configuration files for the ArchivesSpace application. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Forward (Prototype/Testing)
A dynamic datastore capable of user defined record definitions.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

GitLab CI/CD Templates (In Production)
Templates for automated application deployment via GitLab. (View Code)
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

GRIN (Removed)
Application to download dissertations from Google's storage system.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Library Hours Backend (In Production)
Interface to update officially listed hours of operation for various Libraries units and locations.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Libstaff (In Production)
Back-end interface to manage MSUL's staff database.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Linguistics (In Production)
Site to provide access to corpora from the Linguistics Data Consortium (LDC) and other sources.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

MiLCOPS (In Production)
A Python application which appends the MSU Libraries' cover page to requested Turfgrass and African e-journals PDFs.
Primary Maintainer: Sruthin Gaddam

Open Lister [login required] (In Production)
A themed interface for making files web-accessible publicly, or to select users.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

Plot Tracker (In Production)
Records and store requests to the Plotter printer.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Rindexer ([login required] (In Production)
Interface between repository (Fedora Commons) and indexing software (Solr).
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Devin Higgins, Megan Schanz

SID (In Production)
Ticketing system to monitor and log work on IT projects.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Megan Schanz

SMART (In Production)
Interface to manage and track employment time, accounts, and budgets within the MSU Libraries.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins
Contributor(s): Megan Schanz

SMB Quotas [Internal Use Only] (In Production)
Monitor and manage shares and quotas, saving changes to a database.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

STAR API (In Development)
API giving access to StarXML database.
Primary Maintainer: Sruthin Gaddam

Student Jobs [login required](In Production)
Student developed application to allow students to apply for jobs at MSUL.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

Subcat (In Development)
Experimental classification application trained on 50,000 dissertation abstracts.
Primary Maintainer: Sruthin Gaddam
Contributor(s): Devin Higgins, Nathan Collins

Supplies (In Production)
Allow users to submit order requests, get approvals, and track status.
Primary Maintainer: Megan Schanz

Tribune Backend Entry (Deprecated)
Entry application for Tribune project.
Primary Maintainer: Kevin Finkenbinder

VVL Migration Script (In Production)
Moves audio files, creates derivatives, and updates database.
Primary Maintainer: Nathan Collins

Comics DB (In Development)
Process and store bespoke comics records in database.
Primary Maintainer: Kevin Finkenbinder

Provenance DB (In Development)
Interface to create and manage relationships between resources and annotations.
Primary Maintainer: Kevin Finkenbinder


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