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Main Library Locations
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Art in the Libraries
Mural commissioned by the Federal Arts Project of the WPA for the East Lansing (Michigan) Post…
Mixed media 1 West (Faculty Book Collection alcove)
Linocut-intaglio print
Located inside the Turfgrass Information Center (Main Library, 3West).
Oil on canvas 1 East Winner, 2011-2012 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition…
Oil on canvas Winner, 2011-2012 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition
Located in west stairwell on 2nd floor west, Main Library
Oil on Canvas Winner, 2013-2014 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition
Oil on board Winner, 2012-2013 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition
Acrylic and oil on canvas Winner, 2011-2012 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition…
Lithograph Located in conference room on 4 West
Metal Located inside the Administrative Suite, 1 Center
(Formerly referred to as "…
Mixed media 2 West (north stairwell)
Lithograph Located inside conference room on 4 West
Oil on canvas Winner, 2010-2011 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition
Oil on Birch Winner, 2012-2013 Irene B. Arens Student Art Competition