Second baseman Brown of the Cards [Cardinals] beats the ball to third base in the third inning of the first game
Second baseman Jimmy Brown of the St. Louis Cardinals beats the ball to third base. Third baseman Stan Hack of the Cubs takes the throw. It is the third inning of the first baseball game of a double-header between the Cubs and the Cardinals at Wrigley Field on July 5, 1937.
5.9 x 10 cm
Tribune Company
- English
- Baseball players--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Wrigley Field (Chicago, Ill.)
- Baseball players--Missouri--St. Louis--1930-1940
- Hack, Stan, 1909-1979
- Brown, Jimmy, 1910-1977
- still image
- text
- These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.
- The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection
- Chicago Daily Tribune (July 6, 1937), Section Two/Finance/Commerce, p. 30
- application/pdf
- image/jpeg
- Chicago Tribune (Firm)
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