Ideal Ice Cream Cone
Advertisement for Ideal Ice Cream Cones in comic strip form. "Bill" and "Jimmy" choose Jerry's ice cream stand over another because Jerry's serves Ideal Ice Cream Cones. The two boys wear shirts, bow ties, knickers, and shoes. "Jerry" wears the classic "soda jerk" outfit: white coat & sidecap. Signed by Fetridge.
9 x 34.7 cm
Tribune Company
- English
- Ice cream cones--1930-1940
- Illinois Baking Corp.--Products--1930-1940
- Boys--Clothing & dress--1930-1940
- Ice cream parlors--1930-1940
- Restaurant workers--1930-1940
- still image
- text
- These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.
- The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection
- Chicago Sunday Tribune (August 13, 1933), n.p.
- application/pdf
- image/jpeg

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