All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- L'Aiglon (Restaurant : Chicago, Ill.)
- L'Allemand, Edgar
- L'orage (Tapestry)
- L. C. Wachsmuth & Co.--Products--1890-1900
- L. Fish Furniture Co. [+2]
- L. Markel Co.
- L. Norma Hay & Company--Products--1910-1920
- L. Siegel Co.--Products--1930-1940
- L.C. Chase & Company--Products--1930-1940
- L.C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc.--Products--1930-1940
- L.E. Waterman Company--Products--1930-1940
- L/60 anti-aircraft gun
- La Creole Laboratories--Products--1920-1930
- La Cross (Firm)--Products--1930-1940
- La Follette, Philip Fox, 1897-1965
- La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1855-1925
- La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953
- La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947 [+2]
- La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947
- La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947--Public appearances--New York (State)--New York
- La Marr, Barbara, 1896-1926
- La Plante, Laura, 1904-1996
- La Rocque, Rod, 1898-1969--Performances
- La Rue, Edward
- La Salle Extension University--People--1930--1940
- La Salle Street Station (Chicago, Ill.)
- La Salle, Robert Cavelier, sieur de, 1643-1687
- Labensky, B. P.
- Labor Day Hurricane, 1935
- Labor laws & legislation--1920-1930
- Labor leaders [+5]
- Labor leaders--1930-1940
- Labor leaders--California--San Francisco--1930-1940
- Labor leaders--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Labor leaders--United States--1920-1930
- Labor leaders--United States--1930-1940
- Labor supply--1920-1930
- Labor unions [+3]
- Labor unions--1930-1940
- Labor unions--Germany--Nuremburg--1930-1940
- Labor unions--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Laboratories [+4]
- Laboratories--1930-1940
- Laboratories--Bermuda Islands--Nonsuch Island--1920-1930
- Laboratories--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Laboratories--Ohio--Cincinnati--1930-1940
- Laborers [+4]
- Laborers--1930-1940
- Laborers--Germany--Lauscha--1930-1940
- Laborers--Illinois--Chicago--1940-1950
- Laborers--Soviet Union--1930-1940
- Labuwe, Mary--Childhood & youth
- Labuwe, Peter--Childhood & youth
- Lace [+2]
- Lacoste, René, 1905-
- Ladd, Edwin Fremont, 1859-1925
- Ladders--1930-1940
- Ladifair Beauty Shops--Products--1920-1930
- Lady Be Good (Musical comedy)
- Lady Escapes (Motion picture)
- Lady of the Slipper (Musical comedy)
- Lady Southern Cross (Airplane)
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834 [+3]
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834--Associated objects
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834--Tomb--France--Paris
- Laflin, Beatrice--Public appearances--Illinois--Lake Forest--1930-1940
- Lahiff, Edward Maguire
- Lain & Son Undertakers--Products--1930-1940
- Lake City Laundry Co.--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813--Monuments--Ohio--Put-in-Bay
- Lake Forest Academy
- Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway--Performances--1890-1900
- Lake Shore Athletic Club (Chicago, Ill.)--People--1930-1940
- Lake, Frank Augustus
- Lake, Simon, 1866-1945
- Lakes & ponds [+13]
- Lakes & ponds--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--Alberta--Lake Louise--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--Great Lakes (North America)
- Lakes & ponds--Illinois--Chicago--1860-1870
- Lakes & ponds--Illinois--Chicago--1890-1900
- Lakes & ponds--Illinois--Chicago--1910-1920
- Lakes & ponds--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--Laurentian Mountains (Québec)
- Lakes & ponds--Middle West--1670-1680
- Lakes & ponds--Montana--Glacier National Park--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--North America--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)--1930-1940
- Lakes & ponds--Wisconsin--Stearns Lake (Vilas County)--1920-1930
- Lakeshore Athletic Club (Chicago, Ill.)
- Lamarr, Hedy, 1913-2000 [+2]
- Lamayuru Monastery (Ladākh, India)--People--1930-1940
- Lamb (Meat)--1930-1940
- Lambert Chambers, Dorothea
- Lambert Pharmacal Company [+2]
- Lambert, Eric--Portrayals
- Lambert, Gerard B. (Gerard Barnes), b. 1886--Associated objects
- Lambertie, Josephine--Sports
- Lamour, Dorothy, 1914-1996
- Lampposts--Illinois--Chicago--1910-1920
- Lamps [+4]
- Lamzdorf, V. N. (Vladimir Nikolaevich), graf, 1844-1907
- Lancers--Roman--Rome--40 B.C.-50 B.C.
- Lancôme (Firm)--Products--1980-1990
- Land tenure--Illinois--Chicago--1880-1920
- Land use [+2]
- Land, Maxine
- Landers, Julia Ethel
- Landi, Elissa, 1904-1948
- Landis, Charles B. (Charles Beary), 1858-1922
- Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 1866-1944
- Landladies--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Landlord & tenant relations [+3]
- Landlord & tenant relations--1920-1930
- Landlord & tenant relations--1930-1940
- Landlord & tenant relations--1940-1950
- Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987 [+3]
- Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987
- Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987--Political activity
- Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987--Staff
- Landscape photographs [+2]
- Landscapes--1930-1940
- Landscapes (Representations) [+2]
- Landslides [+2]
- Landslides--New York (State)--Niagara Falls--1930-1940
- Landslides--Ontario--Niagara Falls--1930-1940
- Landwasser Viaduct (Graubünden, Switzerland)--1930-1940
- Lane Bryant (Firm) [+3]
- Lane Bryant (Firm)--Products--1920-1930
- Lane Bryant (Firm)--Products--1930-1940
- Lane Bryant (Firm)--Products--1940-1950
- Lane, Lola
- Lane, Priscilla, 1917-1995
- Lang, Andrew
- Lang, Chick
- Lang, June, 1917-2005 [+2]
- Langford, Frances
- Language education--Illinois--Chicago--1910-1920
- Lansing, Charlotte--Performances
- Lansing, Emma Sterling
- Lansing, Katherine Ten Eyck
- Lanvin, Jeanne, 1867-1946--Associated objects
- Lanza Branciforte, Oliva Vivina
- Larabee Flour Mills Co.--Products--1920-1930
- Larson, Doris--Performances
- Larson, Edward L.
- Larvex (Trademark)
- Lasater, Christie
- Lascelles, Gerald, 1924-1998
- Laskay, Jay
- Latvians--Clothing & dress--1930-1940
- Laugh, Clown, Laugh (Motion picture)
- Laughter--1930-1940
- Laughton, Charles, 1899-1962--Performances
- Laughton, Eddie
- Launchings [+5]
- Launchings--Delaware--Wilmington--1930-1940
- Launchings--England--Isle of Wight--1930-1940
- Launchings--Great Britain--1930-1940
- Launchings--Illinois--Peoria--1930-1940
- Launchings--Massachusetts--Boston--1850-1860
- Laundresses--1930-1940
- Laundry [+5]
- Laundry--1890-1900
- Laundry--1910-1920
- Laundry--1930-1940
- Laundry--California--Los Angeles--1930-1940
- Laundry--Illinois--Chicago--1890-1900
- Laurent, Jacqueline, 1920-
- Laveau, Marie, 1794-1881
- Lavery, John, 1856-1941
- Law & legal affairs [+6]
- Law & legal affairs--1930-1940
- Law & legal affairs--England--London--1930-1940
- Law & legal affairs--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Law & legal affairs--Illinois--Cook County--1930-1940
- Law & legal affairs--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Law & legal affairs--United States--1920-1930
- Law enforcement [+10]
- Law enforcement--Bosnia and Herzegovina--Sarajevo--1910-1920
- Law enforcement--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Law enforcement--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Law enforcement--Italy--Milan--1910-1920
- Law enforcement--Japan--1930-1940
- Law enforcement--Middle West--1930-1940
- Law enforcement--Missouri--Kansas City--1930-1940
- Law enforcement--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Law enforcement--United States--1920-1930
- Law enforcement--United States--1930-1940
- Law enforcement officers [+5]
- Law enforcement officers--1930-1940
- Law enforcement officers--Illinois--Barrington--1930-1940
- Law enforcement officers--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Law enforcement officers--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Law enforcement officers--United States--1930-1940
- Law offices--1930-1940
- Law, Frederick Houk, 1871-1957
- Lawhon, Maynard W.--Death & burial--Illinois--Chicago
- Lawler, John K.
- Lawn mowing [+2]
- Lawns--1920-1930
- Lawrence, Emily
- Lawrence, Gertrude
- Lawrence, William J. [+2]
- Laws, G. W.--Military service
- Lawson, Ruth Watson--Social life--Illinois--Chicago
- Lawyers [+15]
- Lawyers--1930-1940
- Lawyers--England--London--1930-1940
- Lawyers--France--Paris--1930-1940
- Lawyers--Illinois--1850-1870
- Lawyers--Illinois--1890-1900
- Lawyers--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Lawyers--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Lawyers--Indiana--Crown Point--1930-1940
- Lawyers--Italy--Vencie--1600-1610
- Lawyers--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Lawyers--Ohio--Cleveland--1920-1940
- Lawyers--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--1890-1900
- Lawyers--Toronto--Canada--1890-1900
- Lawyers--United States--1920-1930
- Lawyers--Washington (D.C.)--1930-1940
- Laxatives--1930-1940
- Laziness--1930-1940
- Le Bourget (Airport : Le Bourget, France) [+2]
- Le Bourget (Airport : Le Bourget, France)
- Le Bourget (Airport : Le Bourget, France)--Buildings--1920-1930
- Le Brix, Joseph Marie, 1899-1931--Public appearances--Washington (D.C.)--1920-1930
- Lea & Perrins Limited--Products--1930-1940
- Leach, Marjorie
- Leaflets--1930-1940
- League of Nations--1920-1930
- League of Youth (Ireland)
- Leahy, William D.
- Leaning Tower (Pisa, Italy)--1920-1930
- Lease & rental services--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Leather garments--Germany--1930-1940
- Leaves [+2]
- Lebolt & Company [+3]
- Lebolt & Company--Products--1910-1920
- Lebolt & Company--Products--1920-1930
- Lebolt & Company--Products--1930-1940
- Lebrun, Albert, 1871-1950--Public appearances--England--London
- Lederer, Francis, 1899-2000
- Lee Tire & Rubber Company--Products--1910-1920
- Lee, Bill, 1909-1977
- Lee, Davey--Childhood & youth
- Lee, Dixie, 1911-1952 [+2]
- Lee, Dorothy, 1911-1999
- Lee, E. Hamilton, 1892-1994
- Lee, Gwen, 1904-1961
- Lee, Gypsy Rose, 1914-1970
- Lee, Henry, 1756-1818
- Lee, John Marshall
- Lee, Margaret--Sports
- Lee, Terry (Fictitious character)
- Lee-Enfield rifle--1930-1940
- Leering--1930-1940
- Legal proceedings--1930-1940
- Legendre, Maurice--Travel--Philippines--Manila--1920-1930
- Legendre, Sidney J., 1903-1948--Travel--Philippines--Manila
- Légion d'honneur (France)
- Legislation [+2]
- Legislative bodies--Germany--Berlin--1930-1940
- Legislative hearings [+4]
- Legislative hearings--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Legislative hearings--United States--1930-1940
- Legislative hearings--Washington (D.C.)
- Legislative hearings--Washington (D.C.)--1930-1940
- Legislators [+52]
- Legislators--Alabama--1930-1940
- Legislators--Arkansas--1930-1940
- Legislators--California--1920-1930
- Legislators--California--1930-1940
- Legislators--France--1930-1940
- Legislators--Germany--Berlin--1930-1940
- Legislators--Great Britain--1920-1930
- Legislators--Great Britain--1930-1940
- Legislators--Idaho--1930-1940
- Legislators--Illinois--1860-1870
- Legislators--Illinois--1870-1880
- Legislators--Illinois--1910-1920
- Legislators--Illinois--1920-1930
- Legislators--Illinois--1930-1940
- Legislators--Indiana--1890-1910
- Legislators--Indiana--1930-1940
- Legislators--Iowa--1920-1930
- Legislators--Iowa--1930-1940
- Legislators--Kentucky--1800-1810
- Legislators--Kentucky--1930-1940
- Legislators--Louisiana--1930-1940
- Legislators--Maine--1920-1930
- Legislators--Massachusetts--1820-1850
- Legislators--Massachusetts--1920-1930
- Legislators--Michigan--1930-1940
- Legislators--Minnesota--1910-1920
- Legislators--Missouri--1920-1930
- Legislators--Nebraska--1930-1940
- Legislators--New Hampshire--1810-1820
- Legislators--New Jersey--1930-1940
- Legislators--New York (State)--1890-1920
- Legislators--New York (State)--1910-1930
- Legislators--New York (State)--1920-1930
- Legislators--New York (State)--1930-1940
- Legislators--Ohio--1920-1930
- Legislators--Oregon--1930-1940
- Legislators--Pennsylvania--1920-1930
- Legislators--Pennsylvania--1930-1940
- Legislators--South Carolina--1840-1850
- Legislators--Texas--1910-1920
- Legislators--United States--1820-1830
- Legislators--United States--1840-1850
- Legislators--United States--1850-1860
- Legislators--United States--1920-1930
- Legislators--United States--1930-1940
- Legislators--United States--1940-1950
- Legislators--Virginia--1770-1780
- Legislators--Virginia--1790-1800
- Legislators--Virginia--1940-1950
- Legislators--Washington (State)--1920-1930
- Legislators--Washington (State)--1930-1940
- Legislators--Wyoming--1920-1930
- Legislators' spouses [+2]
- Legislators' spouses--British--Great Britain--1920-1930
- Legislators' spouses--United States--1930-1940
- Legs--1930-1940
- Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963--Public appearances--New York (State)--New York
- Lehmann, Otto W.--Homes & haunts--Illinois--Libertyville--1930-1940
- Lehmann, Otto W., Mrs.
- Lehn & Fink (Firm) [+3]
- Lehn & Fink (Firm)--Products--1920-1930
- Lehn & Fink (Firm)--Products--1930-1940
- Lehn & Fink (Firm)--Products--1940-1950
- Leider, Frida, 1888-1975--Performances
- Leis--1930-1940
- Leiser Company--Products--1910-1920
- Leisure [+7]
- Leisure--1910-1920
- Leisure--1930-1940
- Leisure--California--Santa Monica--1930-1940
- Leisure--Florida--Palm Beach--1910-1920
- Leisure--Germany--Bavaria--1930-1940
- Leisure--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Leisure--Illinois--Chicago--Du Page River
- Leitner, Letty
- Lelong, Lucien, 1889-1958--Associated objects
- Lemmas, June
- Lemon, Harvey Brace, 1885-1965
- Lemons--1930-1940
- Lenglen, Suzanne, 1899-1938
- Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich, 1870-1924 [+2]
- Lenora
- Lenroot, Irvine Luther, 1869-1949
- Lenthéric, Inc.--Products--1930-1940
- Leo 45 (Bomber)
- Leo High School (Chicago, Ill.)--People--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Leon Navar (Trademark)
- Leonard, Ada, 1915-1997
- Leonard, Joseph J.--Death & burial--New York (State)--New York
- Leonard, Ruth
- Leonard, Ted (Fictitious character)
- Leopards [+7]
- Leopards--1910-1920
- Leopards--1920-1930
- Leopards--1930-1940
- Leopards--Africa--1930-1940
- Leopards--England--London--1890-1900
- Leopards--England--London--1930-1940
- Leopards--Washington--1930-1940
- Léopold III, King of the Belgians, 1901-1983--Public appearances--England--London
- Leprosy--Hawaii--Molokai--1930-1940
- Leroy, Murphy
- Leschin, Inc.--Products--1910-1920
- Lesser Company--Products--1920-1930
- Lessing, Madge
- Letourneur, René, 1898-1990 [+2]
- Lett, Charles N.--Sports
- Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von, 1870-1964
- Levees--Illinois--Chicago--1890-1900
- Lever Brothers Company [+2]
- Levin, Hymie, d. 1951
- Levine, Charles Albert , 1897-1991
- Levinson's Jewelers Inc.--Products--1940-1950
- Levitation--1930-1940
- Lewis gun--1930-1940
- Lewis, Ed, 1891-1966--Sports
- Lewis, Harry J.--Trials, litigation, etc
- Lewis, James Hamilton, 1863-1939 [+3]
- Lewis, James Hamilton, 1863-1939
- Lewis, James Hamilton, 1863-1939--Political activity
- Lewis, James Hamilton, 1863-1939--Public appearances--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
- Lewis, James Hamilton, Mrs.--Public appearances--Illinois--Chicago
- Lewis, Joe E.
- Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn), 1880-1969
- Lewis, Rosemary Street
- Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951
- Lewis, Ted, 1892-1971
- Lewis, Welcome
- Lexie, Andrew
- Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775--Civil defense--Massachusetts--Lexington
- Ley, Robert, d. 1945 [+2]
- Libbey, Laura Jean, 1862-1924
- Libby, McNeill & Libby--Products--1930-1940
- Liberty
- Librarians [+2]
- Libraries [+2]
- Libraries (Rooms & spaces)--Illinois--Chicago--1890-1900
- Library Bureau--Products--1910-1920
- License plates [+3]
- License plates--1910-1920
- License plates--Canada--1930-1940
- License plates--United States--1930-1940
- Life cycle--1920-1930
- Life preservers--1910-1920
- Life Savers (Trademark)
- Life Savers and Candy Company--Products--1930-1940
- Lifeboats [+5]
- Lifeboats--1930-1940
- Lifeboats--American--New Jersey--1930-1940
- Lifeboats--American--New Jersey--Ashbury Park--1930-1940
- Lifeboats--British--Atlantic Ocean--1910-1920
- Lifeboats--Canadian--Erie, Lake--1930-1940
- Lifeguards [+3]
- Lifeguards--California--Santa Monica--1930-1940
- Lifeguards--Florida--Miami Beach--1930-1940
- Lifeguards--Massachusetts--Northampton--1920-1930
- Lifesaving [+11]
- Lifesaving--1910-1920
- Lifesaving--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--Equipment & supplies--Atlanic Ocean--1910-1920
- Lifesaving--Equipment & supplies--California--Santa Monica--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--Illinois--Chicago--1910-1920
- Lifesaving--New Jersey--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--New Jersey--Ashbury Park--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--New Jersey--Lakehurst--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--New Jersey--Manasquan--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--New Jersey--Spring Lake--1930-1940
- Lifesaving--New York (State)--New York--1930-1940
- Lifesaving at fires [+2]
- Lifting & carrying [+2]
- Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company [+3]
- Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company--Products--1910-1920
- Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company--Products--1920-1930
- Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company--Products--1930-1940
- Liggett, Lorraine
- Liggett, Walter W. (Walter William), 1886-1935--Assassination
- Light--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Light fixtures [+2]
- Light, Doris
- Lighthouses [+3]
- Lighthouses--1930-1940
- Lighthouses--England--St. Mary's Island--1930-1940
- Lighthouses--Illinois--Fort Dearborn--1850-1860
- Lighting [+5]
- Lighting--1920-1930
- Lighting--1930-1940
- Lighting--England--Thames River--1930-1940
- Lighting--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Lighting--Ohio--Cleveland--1920-1930
- Lightning [+2]
- Ligne, Albert, prince de, 1874- --Family
- Ligne, Antoinette, princesse de
- Lilac time (Motion picture)
- Lilacs [+2]
- Lilienthal, David Eli, 1899-1981
- Lillie, Beatrice, 1894-1989
- Lily of France--Products--1930-1940
- Lily ponds--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Limousines [+2]
- Lincoln Monument (Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Lincoln Park (Chicago, Ill.)
- Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago, Ill)--Maps
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 [+9]
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Assassination--Washington (D.C.)
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Associated objects
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Death & burial
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Exhibitions--Illinois--New Salem (Menard County)
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Friends & associates
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Homes & haunts--Illinois--New Salem (Menard County)
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Statues
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Tomb
- Lind, Al, 1914- --Performances
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001 [+5]
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001--Travel
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001--Travel--California--Los Angeles
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001--Travel--Missouri--Saint Louis
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 1906-2001--Travel--United States
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974 [+11]
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Associated objects
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Public appearances--Cuba--Havana--1920-1930
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Public appearances--France--Paris
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Public appearances--New York (State)--New York--1920-1930
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Travel
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Travel--California--Los Angeles
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Travel--Missouri--Saint Louis
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Travel--United States
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Trials, litigation, etc.--New Jersey--Flemington
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974--Trials, litigation, etc.--New York (State)--New York
- Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, 1930-1932--Kidnapping, 1932
- Lindell, Jack
- Linderman, Arthur T.
- Lindsay Light Company--Products--1910-1920
- Lindsay, Margaret, 1910-1981
- Linge, Elisabeth, princesse de
- Lingerie [+6]
- Lingerie--1890-1900
- Lingerie--1900-1910
- Lingerie--1910-1920
- Lingerie--1920-1930
- Lingerie--1930-1940
- Lingerie--1940-1950
- Link, Frank J.
- Linke, Charles--Animals & pets
- Linn, Earl Henry
- Linn, Lucy
- Linoleum--1920-1930
- Linter, Sheila
- Linton Marcellus (Horse)
- Linton, Lindley
- Lion hunting--Africa--1930-1940
- Lions [+8]
- Lions --Illinois--Brookfield--1930-1940
- Lions--1890-1900
- Lions--1910-1920
- Lions--1920-1930
- Lions--1930-1940
- Lions--England--1930-1940
- Lions--Italy--Rome--1920-1930
- Lions--Pennsylvania--Piladelphia--1930-1940
- Lipschitz, Ezekiel
- Lipsticks [+2]
- Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886
- Literature--English--1890-1900
- Litters--1930-1940
- Little colonel (motion picture)
- Little folks (Comic strip)
- Little Gold Coast (Musical group)
- Little Lulu (Fictitious character)
- Little Moose (Fictitious character)
- Little Orphan Annie (Comic strip)
- Little Orphan Annie (Fictitious character) [+2]
- Little Red Riding Hood (Tale)
- Little Steel Strike, U.S., 1937
- Little, Dick
- Little, Richard Henry, 1869-1946
- Litvak, Anatole, 1902-1974
- Livermore, Jesse L. (Jesse Lauriston), 1877-1940
- Livestock shows [+2]
- Living rooms [+5]
- Living rooms--1930-1940
- Living rooms--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Living rooms--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Living rooms--Illinois--Elmhurst--1930-1940
- Living rooms--Illinois--Lake Forest--1880-1890
- Livingston, John
- Liza of Lambeth
- Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945
- Lloyd's (Firm)--Facilities--England--London--1930-1940
- Lloyd, Harold, 1893-1971--Performances
- Lloyd, Henry Demarest, Jr.
- Lloyd, Richard Edmund
- Lobbying [+3]
- Lobbying--United States--1910-1920
- Lobbying--United States--1930-1940
- Lobbying--United States--1940-1950
- Lobbyists [+2]
- Lobsters [+2]
- Local Loan Company--Products--1940-1950
- Locarno Pact, 1925
- Lochinvar (Schooner)
- Locker rooms--1930-1940
- Lockerman, Doris
- Lockets--1930-1940
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation--Products--1930-1940
- Lockheed Altair
- Lockheed Model 10 Electra
- Lockhorns (Comic strip)
- Locks (Hardware)--1910-1920
- Locks (Hydraulic engineering) [+2]
- Lockwood, Phoebe (Fictitious character)--Portrayals
- Lodges--Wisconsin--Brule--1920-1930
- Lodging houses--Illinois--Chicago--1830-1840
- Loeb, Jacob M. (Jacob Moritz), 1875-1944 [+2]
- Loeber's--Products--1930-1940
- Loewenberg, Leo
- Lofquist, Emanuel August
- Log buildings [+2]
- Log Cabin Products Company--Products--1920-1930
- Log cabins [+2]
- Log cabins--Illinois--New Salem (Menard County)--1830-1840
- Log cabins--Québec (Province)--Shelter Bay--1920-1930
- Logan, Janice
- Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886
- Logan, P. P.
- Logan, Paul
- Loggers [+2]
- Logos--1890-1900
- Logs [+2]
- Lohengrin (Opera)
- Lohr, Frances
- Lohr, Lenox R. (Lenox Riley), b. 1891--Public appearances--Illinois--Chicago
- Lois, 1894-1988
- Lola (Fictitious character)
- Lombard, Carole, 1908-1942 [+2]
- Lombardo, Guy, 1902-1977
- London Bridge (London, England)
- London Naval Conference (1930 : London, England)
- London School of New London (Tex.)
- London Zoo (London, England) [+2]
- Londos, Jim--Sports
- Lone Ranger (Fictitious character)
- Lone Ranger (Radio program)
- Long, Edna--Animals & pets
- Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935 [+4]
- Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935
- Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935--Death & burial--Louisiana--Baton Rouge
- Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935--Family
- Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935--Homes & haunts--Louisiana--New Orleans
- Longbrake, Merrit R.
- Longcase clocks--1910-1920
- Longevity
- Longmore, Robert
- Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 1884-1980 [+2]
- Longworth, Nicholas, 1869-1931
- Longworth, Paulina [+2]
- Longworth, Paulina--Childhood & youth--1930-1940
- Longworth, Paulina--Public appearances--Washington (D.C.)--1930-1940
- Look magazine
- Loomis, Stump, & Banks (Firm)--People--1930-1940
- Looms--1930-1940
- Looney, Marcus--Trials, litigation, etc.--Illinois--Chicago
- Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company (Spokane, Wash.)--Products--1930-1940
- Lopokova, Lydia, 1892-1981--Performances
- Lord & Taylor--Products--1980-1990
- Lord Essex (Cat)
- Lorenz Knitting Mills--Products--1930-1940
- Lorgnettes--1930-1940
- Lorimer, William, 1861-1934
- Lorraine Corporation--Products--1920-1930
- Lorraine, Harriet
- Lorraine, Irene
- Los Angeles Breakfast Club--Meetings--California--Los Angeles--1920-1930
- Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, Calif.)
- Loss of consciousness--1930-1940
- Lost persons--United States--1930-1940
- Lost property [+2]
- Lotteries--Illinois--Franklin Park--1890-1900
- Loucheur, Louis, 1872-1931--Travel--France
- Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia, 1907- --Travel--Illinois--Chicago
- Louis the French Trapper (Fictitious character)
- Louis, Joe, 1914-1981 [+2]
- Louise, Anita, 1915-1970 [+3]
- Louise, Lake (Alta. : Lake)--1930-1940
- Louise, Mme.
- Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College--People--1930-1940
- Louisville (Cruiser)
- Lounge chairs [+3]
- Love--1940-1950
- Love is news (Motion picture)
- Love letters [+2]
- Love the conqueror (Painting)
- Love, Bessie [+2]
- Love, Mark
- Love, Muriel
- Lovejoy, Elijah P. (Elijah Parish), 1802-1837--Monuments--Maine--Waterville--1930-1940
- Lovett, Robert Morss, Jr.
- Lovewell, Lillums (Fictitious character)
- Lovewell, Tuffy (Fictitious character)
- Lovey Dovey (Comic strip)
- Low tide coast of California (Painting)
- Low, Seth, 1850-1916
- Lowden, Florence Pullman, 1868-1937
- Lowden, Frank O. (Frank Orren), 1861-1943 [+2]
- Lowden, Frank O. (Frank Orren), 1861-1943
- Lowden, Frank O. (Frank Orren), 1861-1943--Political activity
- Lowe, Winifred
- Lower Waterton Lake (Mont. and Alta.)--1930-1940
- Lowry, W.B.
- Loy, Myrna, 1905-1993
- Loyola University Chicago. Medical School--People--1930-1940
- Lozier Motor Company--Products--1910-1920
- Lubricating oils--1930-1940
- Luce, Claire
- Lucien Lelong (Firm)--Products--1930-1940
- Lucy (Fictitious character)
- Luden's, Inc.--Products--1930-1940
- Ludendorff, Erich, 1865-1937
- Ludikar, Pavel, 1882-1970
- Ludlow, Francis D.
- Ludlow, George F.
- Ludwaig, Alice
- Luetgert, Adolph Louis, 1845-1899
- Luggage [+4]
- Lukas, Paul, 1894-1971
- Lulworth (Yacht)
- Lumber [+2]
- Lumber camps [+3]
- Lumber camps--Québec (Province)--1930-1940
- Lumber camps--Québec (Province)--Schmon River Valley--1920-1930
- Lumber camps--Québec (Province)--Shelter Bay--1920-1930
- Lumber industry [+2]
- Lumber industry--Québec (Province)--1930-1940
- Lumber industry--Québec (Province)--Shelter Bay--1920-1930
- Lumberyards [+2]
- Luncheons [+3]
- Luncheons--Germany--Goslar--1930-1940
- Luncheons--Illinois--Chicago--1920-1930
- Luncheons--Illinois--Chicago--1930-1940
- Lund, Fred B. (Fred Bates), 1865-
- Lundberg, Vic
- Lundin, Fred, 1871-1954
- Lustrite Corporation--Products--1910-1920
- Lutter, Grover C.
- Lutzenberg, Anita [+2]
- Lutzenberg, Anita--Social life
- Lutzenberg, Anita--Trials, litigation, etc.--New York (State)--New York
- Lux, Peggy (Fictitious character)
- Lyall, Barbara
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company--Products--1890-1900
- Lying in state [+2]
- Lyknu Polish Manufacturing Company--Products--1910-1920
- Lyle, Walter
- Lyman, Abe, 1897-1957
- Lyman, Catherine Robbins, 1825-1896 [+2]
- Lynn, Jeffrey, 1909-1995
- Lynn, Mari
- Lyon & Healy [+4]
- Lyon & Healy--Products--1910-1920
- Lyon & Healy--Products--1920-1930
- Lyon & Healy--Products--1930-1940
- Lyon & Healy--Products--1940-1950
- Lyon, Jack--Sports
- Lyon, John J.
- Lyon, Suzanne
- Lyons, Joseph Aloysius, 1879-1939
- Lyons, Thomas C.
- Lyricists [+2]
- Lytell, Bert, 1885-1954
- Lytell, Marjorie
- Lytton, Henry C., 1846-1949

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