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MSU Libraries : G. Robert Vincent Voice Library
Abraham, Joseph: Joseph Abraham discusses his career as a production worker and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2006-06-09
Alberts, Eva: Russell and Eva Alberts discuss their career at REO Motor Car Company 1992-04-16
Alberts, Russell: Russell and Eva Alberts discuss their career at REO Motor Car Company 1992-04-16
Alexander, Kirk: Kirk (Shorty) Alexander discusses his career at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-09-16
Almy, William: William Almy discusses his career as a skilled trades toolmaker and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-10-11
Alspaugh, Mildred Bays: Mildred Alspaugh discusses her life as a family member of employees of REO Motor Car Company 1992-02-25
Anguiano, Preciliano: Atanacio (Nacho) Trigo Jr., and Preciliano (Chano) Anguiano, both Hispanic Americans, discuss their careers at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2006-01-31
Anthony, Johnny L.: Johnny L. Anthony, an African American, discusses his career as a skilled trades millwright and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-09-14
Archer, Diane: Diane Archer discusses her career as a skilled trades woman and maintenance supervisor at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-11-10
Arvanites, Aristides: Aristides (Art) Arvanites owns Harry's Bar on Verlinden Street across from the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2006-03-29
Aves, Layton: Layton Aves discusses his career as a production worker and UAW organizer at REO Motor Car Company and Diamond REO Trucks, Inc. 1995-08-08
Aves, Otto: Otto Aves discusses his career at REO Motor Car Company and Diamond REO Trucks, Inc. 1993-01-04