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MSU Libraries : G. Robert Vincent Voice Library
Garcia, Louis C.: Louis Garcia discusses his career as frontline worker and manager at REO Motor Car Company and Diamond REO Trucks, Inc. 1992-01-28
Gates, Carla: Carla Gates discusses her career as a skilled trades electrician and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-10-13
Gentry, Eddies: UAW members and workers at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI, talk about their times in Fisher 2005-08-27
Gooslin, Gayle: Gayle Gooslin discusses her career as the UAW Local 602 secretary and bookkeeper 2006-03-09
Graham-Gillespie, Dona Jean: Dona Jean Graham-Gillespie discusses her career as a production worker and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-12-06
Green, Glen H.: Glen Green discusses his career at REO Motor Car Company and Diamond REO Trucks, Inc. 1992-01-23
Greene, Hattie: Hattie Greene, an African American, discusses her 40-year career as a production worker and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-11-16
Grimwood, Norma: Norm Grimwood discusses her parents' experiences working at REO Motor Car Company and her career in automobile industry 1992-03-26
Grinstern, Marvin: Marvin Grinstern discusses his career at REO Motor Car Company and Diamond REO Trucks, Inc. 1992-12-03
Groce, Mark: Mark Groce discusses his career as a production and material handling worker and UAW member at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-11-15
Gross, Doug: Doug Gross discusses his career as a production worker and UAW EAP advisor at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-10-17
Grubaugh, Sally: Sally Grubaugh discusses her career as a production worker and UAW Ergonomics Representative at the Fisher Body plant in Lansing, MI 2005-12-06