Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Frequently Asked Questions

Use the main search bar on the homepage. Enter keywords, or use the drop down next to the search box to narrow down the items you are searching.

After you search, use the filters on the left side of the screen to Limit by Material Type, Location, Format, etc.

Note the Location, Call Number and Status. Use this guide to find where the certain call numbers are located in the building: MSU Libraries Call Number Locations. There are also interactive digital signs throughout the library to assist with locating material.

Please watch these videos for additional help:


Yes! To see what items the library has on Reserves:

  • Go to the MSU Libraries homepage , click on 'Course Reserves' located under the main search bar 
  • Look up the course using the course code, course name, or instructors name.
  • You will then see a list of courses, click on the correct course for the current term.

    • E-books: You will see ‘Online Access’ with a link below, clicking on the will take you to the E-Book
    • Print Items: You will see where it is housed under the ‘Holdings’ and go to the service desk listed to check out the item. Note, Reserve items have a limited check out period and many can’t leave the Library. 
    • MSU Digital Reserves
      • If the item is currently available, you can click on ‘Get this’ and then on ‘Request Digital Lending’ and enter your information in the form. Then click 'Request Via Digital Lending’ link and fill out the form.
      • These requests will be filled with in 15 minutes during the Main Library’s open business hours. These items also have a limited loan period and cannot be downloaded.
      • If you want to see if another library has a physical copy of this item that can be sent to our Library for you to check out, click on the Inter-library Loan option.


    Please watch the video below for additional help:

    MSU Libraries Course Reserves

Circulation has the following equipment available for short-term check out:

  • phone chargers (iPhone, Android, USB-C)
  • white board markers & erasers
  • bike locks
  • one-day locks (not available for community borrowers)
  • calculators 
  • 4 wheel scooter mobility aid
  • SD card readers
  • Rocketbook & pens

MSU ID cards (available for students, faculty and staff at the MSU ID Office, 170 International Center) are issued with a library barcode. A few days after an MSU ID card is printed, a library record is automatically created.

Michigan residents at least eighteen years old may apply for community privileges by showing a valid Michigan driver’s license or State of Michigan picture ID card containing the mailing address for the individual’s residence. Cards will not be issued if the license/ID address is a Post Office Box. If the individual has no outstanding charges from a previous MSU library account, a library card will be processed within a few business days and mailed to the address on the license/ID. Two books may be checked out on the day the card is created. Additional books cannot be checked out until the library card is received in the mail. Community borrowers may have no more than 25 items checked out at one time and are not eligible to use one-day lockers. Community borrower cards expire after two years, at which time a community borrower must reapply for a library card.

If you are a Michigan Resident and under the age of 18 and want to apply for a Community Borrower’s card, please visit the MSU Main Library Circulation Desk or email lib.circadm@msu.edu to obtain the application form. Community Borrower Video.

Please bring Main Library material to the Circulation Desk (located on the first floor). Bring branch material to the service desk in the branch. Each borrower must present their own MSU ID -- or library card and photo identification -- to check out material or use Reserve material, the Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center, or any library item that must be requested from library staff.

You may also click "Get this" in the library catalog to have an item paged for you. Follow the prompts to choose your pick up location. If you select "MSU Locker Pick Up - Main Library", the item will be checked out to you and placed in a Luxer One locker for you to pick up at your convenience.

For Pick-up Locker requests:

  • Once you find an item with the status ‘Available’ in the catalog you may click the 'Get this' button
  • The next screen, click 'Place Request'.  You will be prompted to log in if you have not done so yet.
    • On this screen you can use the drop down menu to select 'MSU Locker Pick Up - Main Library

To have an item delivered (MSU Affiliated patrons only):

  • Once you find an item with the status ‘Available’ in the catalog, click the 'Get this' button:
    • If you are faculty/ staff and want the item delivered to your office, click 'Request Delivery to My Office' for and fill out the form.
    • If you are a MSU student/faculty/ staff and you want an item delivered to your home, click 'Request Item as Distance User'

Renewing MSU Material

  • If you renew an item, you confirm that you still have that item. Therefore, before renewing, you are responsible for:
    • Carefully matching material that you plan to renew against library material in your possession.
    • Immediately reporting any discrepancy to the branch library from which material was checked out or (for Main Library items) Circulation at 517-355-2333.
  • You will need to login by clicking on the ‘My Account’ icon in the top right corner of the page, or under 'Find & Borrow', then 'View/Renew My books'
    • MSU Affiliated patrons: Click on 'Institutional Login' under the heading, Login for MSU Users.
    • Community Borrowers: Under 'Login for Community Users' enter hte Barcode on your Community Borrowers card and your password
      • If you have not set up a password yet, or need to reset it, click here , Note: When setting up your passoword: Username = Barcode from your MSU Community Borrower’s Card 
  • Once logged in, Click on 'Your account' in the top right corner
    • Click on 'Checked Out Items' on the right side
    • You may then renew items individually, or renew all items
    • For current faculty, staff and students, please watch this MSU Library Accounts video for additional information.
  • For alumni and Community Borrowers, we are working to have an updated video soon.

Renewing Interlibrary Loan Material

  • Some items are eligible for renewal. For these items a renewal option will appear on the request in your ILLiad account (under 'Checked Out Items') 10 days before the due date.
  • Overdue items are not eligible for renewal.
  • Only one renewal per item is permitted.
  • Renewals are not automatically granted. Interlibrary Services staff will review and send your request to the lending library. You will be notified if the renewal is successful or denied.

Click on the following link to set up your password:

  • Create or reset your password
  • Then you will see:
    • ‘Enter your login information. You will be sent an email with a link to set or reset your password’.
    • Enter the barcode on your MSU Community Borrowers Card.
  • An email will be sent to you to set or reset your password
    • Subject will be ‘Library Password Reset Link’.
  • Click on link in email.
    • If you do not receive the email in your inbox, check your SPAM folder, mark as not spam, and move to inbox to click the link.
  • Create a new password (note the parameters)
  • Go back to The MSU Libraries homepage, click on ‘My Account’ and then under 'Login for community users'
    • Log in with barcode on your Community Borrower’s Card and password you just created.
  • To view your loans, requests, etc. select from the options on the right hand side of the page.
  • Community Borrower Video

To reset an MSU NetID password, visit: MSU NetID Password Reset.


You have several options:

  1. If you have updated your name with MSU, this change will update automatically in our system, though it may take a couple days to reflect this change.
  2. If you are a Retiree or Community Borrower and have updated your driver's license or Michigan ID card, please bring your old and new license to Circulation at the Main Library and we will change your name.
  3. If you have not updated your name with MSU or changed your license yet, please come to Circulation in the Main Library with your current MSU ID card or driver's license. We can add a second, preferred name to our system but must maintain your legal name in the record as well.

Please feel free to call Circulation with any questions at 517-884-1946.

MSU students, faculty and staff may request a new MSU ID card (which serves as their library card) at the MSU ID Office,427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 170, East Lansing, MI 48824.

Community borrowers may request a new card by coming to the Circulation desk in the Main Library and presenting a valid Michigan driver’s license or State of Michigan picture ID card containing the mailing address for the individual’s residence.

No fines are charged for most material, but overdue fines are charged for the following items when returned after the due date:

  • Reserves: $1.00/hour. NOTE: Our system considers an item that is one minute overdue to be a full hour overdue. Therefore, the full hourly amount is assessed for any portion of an hour overdue, even one minute.
  • Various equipment (whiteboard markers/erasers, phone chargers, calculators, locks, some Makerspace equipment, etc.): $1.00/hour
  • Recalled material and various equipment borrowed from Makerspace or Digital Scholarship Lab: $1.00/day

When an item is significantly overdue, the borrower is billed for its replacement and borrowing privileges are suspended without notice until the material is returned or replaced by the borrower or the borrower pays the replacement bill. Holds are placed on MSU student enrollment, registration, diplomas, and transcripts.

Minimum replacement charges are $150.00. Current market value is charged whenever it is higher than the minimum replacement fee.

  • Billed material cannot be renewed online. It must be brought to Circulation or a branch library for renewal.
  • When a billed item is returned, the replacement charge is canceled but overdue fines may be charged.
  • Unresolved bills may be turned over to a collection agency any time after 30 days from date of issue.

Fines and bills are the responsibility of the borrower regardless of being away from campus for breaks between semesters, vacations, exams, illness, car trouble, sabbatical leaves, unread MSU e-mail, late or never-received reminder notices, etc. Fine amounts are not calculated until after material is returned.

We do not discuss fines or bills over the phone. The confidentiality of library records in the state of Michigan is protected by "The Library Privacy Act," Michigan Compiled Law (MCL 397.601-606, Act 455 of 1982). Please email any fine or bill question to LIB.circadm@msu.edu. You may also ask to speak to a supervisor at the Main Library Circulation Desk during any of our open hours.

Payment Options:

  1. Call (517) 355-2333 pay with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover
  2. Pay in person at the Main Library Circulation Desk with cash, Spartan Cash, check or Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover
  3. Mail a check payable to MSU and include your PID or barcode number from your MSU Library Card to the address below.

Accounts, Circulation, Main Library
MSU Libraries (23)
366 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824

If a borrower owes money, privileges are suspended without notice.

When an item is significantly overdue, the borrower is billed for replacement and MSU Library borrowing privileges are suspended. Holds are also placed on MSU student enrollment, registration, diplomas, and transcripts, which remain until material is returned, replaced, or paid for. Unresolved bills may be turned over to a collection agency any time after thirty days.

  • IF YOU FIND THE MATERIAL, RETURN IT TO CANCEL THE BILL. Within a few days after billed items are returned, the enrollment/transcript holds for MSU students will be removed.
  • To renew billed material, please bring it to the Circulation Desk in the Main library or a branch; it cannot be renewed online. NOTE: Billed ILLiad items cannot be renewed.
  • If the material is lost and you wish to replace it, please e-mail lib.circadm@msu.edu (or call 517-884-1946). We will locate the least expensive, acceptable copy at an online bookstore and e-mail you the link so that you may order it quickly. Replacements are often significantly less expensive than the billed amount. Do not buy a replacement without asking us, as it may be refused if it does not meet our guidelines. If you do not wish to replace the material, you may pay the bill.

If a paid-for item is returned in person within ninety days of payment, and the library has not yet bought a new copy, the billed amount minus a $15.00 handling fee will be refunded by check. No refunds will be issued more than ninety days after payment. Refunds cannot be issued if library material is found after a replacement copy has been supplied (or after we have ordered a replacement copy). If you find the lost material after providing a replacement (or after it has been re-ordered), you may keep the library copy. Please bring it to the Main Library Circulation Desk to have it stamped "withdrawn" so it no longer appears to be MSU Library material.

If you lose a library item, contact Circulation (e-mail lib.circadm@msu.edu or call 517-884-1946). We will locate the least expensive, acceptable copy at an online bookstore and e-mail you the link so that you may order it quickly. Do not buy a replacement without asking us, as it may be refused if it does not meet our guidelines. If you do not wish to replace the material, you may pay for the book. Minimum replacement charges are $150.00. Current market value is charged whenever it is higher than the minimum replacement fee.

Most material can be placed directly into book returns (Reserve material, fragile material, DVDs and CDs should not be placed in book returns).

Book return locations:

  • 24/7 book returns are located at the entrances of the Main Library
  • Drive-up book returns are located on Red Cedar Road (north of the football stadium). These drops may be closed due to poor weather, the library being closed, or certain campus events.
  • Business Library
  • Law Library

Books may be mailed to the library using this address:

Book Returns, Circulation (23)
MSU Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824

For the safety and security of our users, excessive sleeping and camping in the MSU Libraries are prohibited. This includes:

  • Sleeping for an extended period of time (longer than 30 minutes) on a chair, couch, bench, floor or other surface. If library staff find patrons sleeping in this way, we will verbally wake the patron and ask them not to sleep in the building. This protects the patron from theft of their personal property while they are sleeping in a public space, and it also allows library staff to ensure that the sleeping patron is physically well and not in need of medical assistance. Library staff will NOT disturb students that are taking short naps or studying while lying down, unless those behaviors disrupt other users or interferes with the operations of the library or its staff.
  • Excessive use of seating or space that interferes with priority usage for students, faculty, or staff. This includes stacking furniture or books to create private study areas.
  • Using the bathrooms for bathing, showering or for more than casual grooming.
  • Use of bedrolls, blankets and other such covering; carrying on cooking activities; and other behavior that amounts to using the seating or space as a temporary shelter or living quarters.