Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States



Does the library have computers that I can use?

  • Selected Resources: Computers that provide access to the web version of the catalog and the Electronic Resources that the Library subscribes to.
  • Windows Login: available with word processing and internet software. These machines also require authentication by the use of your valid MSUNet ID and password.

Please ask the Circulation Desk or Reference Desk for the location of these machines.

What hardware and software are available in computer labs and on the computers in the library?

What software is available in the Main Library's Collaborative Technology Labs?

The Collaborative Technology Labs are high-tech, multimedia, group workspaces with computers that offer some unique software not found on other computers.

Where can I find a Mac Computer in the Main Library?

There are Macs in the North Lobby, near the Reference collection on 1 East, in the Cyber Cafe on 1 West, and in the Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center on 4 West.

Are there scanners available in the Main Library?

Yes. Please see the Scanning Options in the MSU Libraries (pdf) handout for complete information.

Internet and Wireless:

For additional questions about wireless and Internet access for laptops, please see the Internet & Wireless page.

MSU Libraries Resources:

How do I print from MSU Libraries resources?

When printing from MSU Libraries resources, always check to see if there is a window open inside your browser that also has a print icon. If there is a print icon there, use that icon rather than the browser's print function. Using the browser's print function will not get the text but the outside frame instead. Visit the Printing & Plotting page for more information about printing in the MSU Libraries.

Why can't I get to library resources using my laptop in the Library?

The Off-Campus Access page provides information about EZProxy for wireless network users.

MSU Resources:

How do I access my MSU email?

Visit https://spartanmail.msu.edu/ or https://spartan365.msu.edu/ and sign in with your MSU NetID and password. If you have never used MSU email, visit this getting started guide.

How do I get to DESIRE 2 LEARN?

Visit https://d2l.msu.edu/d2l/loginh/ and sign in with your MSU NetID and password.

How do I access my student records?

Visit https://student.msu.edu Sign in with your MSU NetID and password to view your academic, personal, and financial information.

Where can I activate my MSU NetID in the library?

On any Selected Resource computer, go to https://netid.msu.edu and click on the Activate your NetID link. You will need to know your ID and PIN/PAN number. If you need to request a PIN, go to the Request A PIN page.

Where can I change my MSU NetID password in the library if I have forgotten it?

On any Selected Resources computer, go to https://netid.msu.edu and click on the Change Your Password link.

Where can I learn more about computing facilities, support, and training at MSU?
Visit https://tech.msu.edu/ for technology resources and support and https://spartanslearn.msu.edu/course-listing for technology training.

IT Services Support Desk

The IT Services Support Desk provides support for learning systems, including D2L, Zoom, and Mediaspace. Support is available by telephone, online form, and online chat. The IT Services Support Desk also maintains a knowledge base of online articles to assist students, faculty, and staff with technology-related services. Please call (517) 432-6200 to get started.

For one-on-one computer assistance, please visit the Computer Store in 120 Computer Center.
