Below are frequently asked questions about printing at MSU and at the MSU Libraries.

To print to any campus Print Services printer (in the Main Library or a computer Lab), you must first set up an MSU Print account. When purchasing credit, keep in mind that each side of a black and white laser printed page costs 12 cents. You may also use your MSU Print account for the library color laser printer, but each side costs 20 cents. Tabloid (11x17) color printing costs 40 cents.

For instructions regarding set up for printing from wireless, visit MSU Print: Using Web Print.

Log in to MSU Print and add credit to your account using Spartan Cash, a credit card or charging it to your next MSU eBill. After logging in, click on "Add Credit Using Spartan Cash" or "Add Credit Using Credit Card." If you have any questions about purchasing MSU Print credit online, please ask at the Main Library Circulation Desk.

In the Main Library, get help at the Main Library Circulation Desk.

NOTE: Community users are not eligible for MSU Print accounts but may print to the Library Hollander MakeCentral: Service Desk from Main Library "Selected Resources" computers.

In most cases, you can go to the "File" menu, select "Print," then in the pull down menu that allows you to select a printing option, choose a printer that is named "Single-Sided".

If you are printing from Adobe or another PDF reader click on the print button in the reader and then select a printer that is named "Single-Sided."

Library computers can also print at the MakeCentral (2-West) for 12 cents per side, payable by check, Visa/MasterCard/Discover, or departmental account number.

NOTE: A MakeCentral job is not printed until you go to the Hollander MakeCentral: Service Desk to pick it up - which must be done within 1 hour or the print job will be deleted - and there may be others ahead of you. You are responsible for payment of all pages that you ask staff to print, so please keep track of your print jobs, particularly the number of requests you send.

You need to use your MSU ID card to release prints from library or computer lab printers. MSU print will ask whether you are doing B&W or Color, as well as single or double sided, it does not default.

When you are ready to release your print, you may tap your MSU student ID card on the contactless
Spartan card reader on this printer to release your print job.

If you do not have your Spartan Card ID, you may still release your print by releasing it in WEBPRINT

Each computer prints to one printer in the same area. Before booting a computer, find the printer (in the following areas) so you know where it is:

  • Library 1st Floor Northeast
  • Library 2nd Floor West
  • Library 3rd Floor West
  • Library Lobby

For a full list of printer names , log into your MSU Print account and select "Rates."

Check your account before you print and add more credit if needed. If you start a job without enough credit in your account, it will finish, leaving a negative account balance. Before you can print again, you will need to add enough credit to cover the negative balance AND the entire next print job.

DON'T click "print" again (or you will be charged for additional copies). Please report it at the Circulation Desk

There is a color MSU Print laser printer in the Main Library Lobby (named msuprint\LIBLOBBY Color), but please note that each page costs 20 cents per letter-size page. Ledger size pages (11 x17") are 40 cents per page. You must select the Lobby MSU Print color printer before printing!

There is also an option to print to a color laser printer in the MakeCentral. It is 20 cents per page also. Payment accepted in check, or Visa/Mastercard/Discover.

For large color prints there are also Plotters located in the Hollander MakeCentral. Please check with MakeCentral Staff on 2 West before sending a plot. They will give you current tip sheets regarding optimal ways to print posters.

Please report these problems right away to Circulation, so appropriate personnel can be contacted to fix the problem(s). If you spend MSU Print credit on wrinkled, smudged, partial or otherwise-bad prints, give us the prints and fill out an online reimbursement request.

Please use "Print Preview" (on the File menu) to avoid printing (and paying for) for more pages than you want. The Computer Lab will reimburse credit for prints damaged by the printer, but not for unwanted prints.

For more information: 

  • Ask staff at the Main Library Circulation Desk.
  • Call Computer Lab Consultants at (517) 432-6200 or visit them in 120 Computer Center.