Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

About the DMC

The Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center serves both the MSU community and the worldwide academic community.  Staff offer digital strategies and provide support and access to state-of-the-art collaborative technology labs, presentation space, while also maintaining media and gaming hardware and software. Staff, spaces, and collections—including the Vincent Voice Library—may be accessed from the DMC/VVL Service Desk located on 4 West of the Main Library.


About the Collections

We maintain and circulate a collection of over 10,000 multimedia titles. Formats include videocassette, DVD, Laser disc, computer software, audio CD, audio cassette, as well as Rovi PC and Console games. The DMC disseminates many born digital and digitized collections of books, journals, data, and images.



Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center
Main Library Building W426
Michigan State University
366 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 884-6470



Michael Laney | Head of DMC and VVL |
Michael provides leadership for the day to day operations of the Kline DMC. He is responsible for audio/visual support of MSU Library special programs and serving as a recording engineer. He also works extensively with Vincent Voice Library new acquisitions, including digitizing vintage analog recordings and creating detailed metadata information for item level cataloging.

Jonah Magar | DMC Services & Gaming Collection Coordinator |
Jonah endeavors to keep the service desk staffed and running smoothly, while working between personnel and resources to ensure discovery, access and use of video game collections, technologies, and spaces.

Cecilia Malilwe | Copyright Permissions Coordinator |
Cecilia consults with MSU Libraries' staff concerning copyright permissions issues; searches for rights holders and brokers copyright permission agreements.

Shawn Nicholson | Associate Dean for Digital Initiatives |

Rick Peiffer | Unit Engineer |
Rick's duties include design and support of all DMC/VVL media systems and audio and video restoration and production.

James Voges | Digitization Specialist |
James supervises students, oversees the digitization of at-risk audio artifacts, and provides audio-visual support for MSU Libraries special programs.