Learn about the Lab

The DSL is dedicated to transforming teaching and research by providing access to digital tools and technologies and connecting faculty and students to the expertise of DSL staff and its affiliates. We often consult on the uses of immersive technologies, digital scholarship practices, and data in teaching and research.

The 10,000-square-foot DSL in the Main Library features a 360-degree immersive visualization room that accommodates up to 15 students, a Virtual Reality Room for experimentation with VR headsets, a high-powered computer lab, and a digitization room. Through its flex space, computer classroom, projects rooms, and faculty incubator space, the DSL offers formal gathering areas to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Our Values

The Digital Scholarship Lab:

  • Welcomes everyone from any discipline or level of experience;
  • Nurtures interdisciplinarity by serving as a crossroads for collaboration as people from across disciplines meet and learn from one another;
  • Provides professional help and camaraderie for using technology in research and learning (for example: help with software, data management, brainstorming project development);
  • Generates projects through the intersection of people, space, and technology.

Our Community

Students in every major may use the advanced and graphics-intensive computing software and interactive visualization for research projects and scholarly exploration. Offering extended hours, including nights and weekends, to accommodate the realities of student life, this space is unique among specialized computing spaces on campus.

We support innovative research and instruction through our technology to faculty. Librarians and faculty partners across disciplines engage in a wide range of research and pedagogical endeavors through consultation, advising, workshops, and instruction sessions.

The Lab is adjacent to Hollander MakeCentral on the second floor of the Main Library’s west wing, extending the MSU Libraries’ support for emerging technologies for teaching and learning across disciplines.