Seeking Community Feedback on DSL Mission, Vision, and Values

The Digital Scholarship Lab (DSL) has released a draft Mission, Vision, and Values, and we are seeking feedback and comments from members of the MSU community, especially those who engage with DSL services, programs, spaces, and technologies:
During the 2024-2025 academic year, the DSL is engaging in a strategic planning process to articulate priorities that will guide our work over the next 3-5 years. The MSU Libraries Strategic Plan provides a broad framework for this effort. Throughout this process, we value and want to incorporate diverse perspectives from those who rely on our programs, services, spaces, and technologies. To this end, we are sharing this draft in a public notebook on the Manifold publishing platform to foster transparency and invite input.
The first phase of our process began in the fall with the drafting of the DSL’s mission, vision, and values statements. On October 21, 2024, Jill Morningstar, Organizational Development Coordinator for the MSU Libraries, led the DSL staff in a retreat that resulted in this initial draft. It has been reviewed by the DSL Team, DSL Advisory Board, and DSL Affiliates.This work is foundational for the overall strategic planning process.
Later this Spring Semester, we’re planning to hold focus groups with faculty and students who work in the areas highlighted in our draft mission statement: immersive visualization, digital scholarship, and research data management. The best way to stay informed about our progress is to sign up for our listserv, where we’ll be posting regular announcements and updates in our newsletter.