Project Incubator
To support longer-term projects involving transformative research activities in digital scholarship, the Digital Scholarship Lab began offering the Project Incubator in Fall 2020. The Project Incubator supports transformative research projects by offering:
- Guidance using a project lifecycle management framework that includes planning, defining roles on, delivering, and closing your project
- Specific advice on applying workshop materials and concepts to your project
- Access to the DSL Extension, including co-working rooms, high performance computers, and specialized equipment
- Coordinated access to Library colleagues with relevant expertise - we will facilitate lab and library colleagues’ inclusion on project teams, subject to their availability and interest
Apply for the Project Incubator
The call for proposals for the Project Incubator is closed for the year. We are excited to welcome our new cohort and their research projects.
Incubator 2024-2025
- Using Emerging AI Technologies: Constructing and Reconstructing the Historical Collective Memory of Armed Conflict in Colombia
- PI: Galia J. Benítez, James Madison College
- Giiwenh ["so the story goes"]
- PI: Madison Kennedy-Kequom
- Transcending Boundaries with Virtual Reality: Examining Immigrant Children's Transnational and Immersive Literacies
- PIs: Jungmin Kwon, Department of Teacher Education, with Seungwoo Hwang and Pyeongeun Kim
- Putting WKZO on the Map: Exploring WKZO's ‘Western Michigan at Work’ Through Geography
- PIs: Michael Laney, Libraries; Kasey Wilson, Libraries
View Past Projects
Potawatomi Star Knowledge:
- PI: Blaire Morseau, Religious Studies
- Description:A map of constellations recognized by the Potawatomi people, using Stellarium
Adventures, Friends, and Witness: The Alaskan Experience of Nurses Jacque Greeman, Anne Engbers, and Marge VanKooten
- PI: Crystal VanKooten, Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures
- Description: A StoryMap of drawing from oral histories of three women's experiences in Alaska circa 1964.
The Stratford Heritage Guide
- PI: Katie Knowles, English
- Description: A text-based analysis and map of travel guides of Shakespeare's birthplace.
- View "Stratford Heritage Guide"
Seleukid Coins in the Collection of the Ödemiş Museum:
- PI: Noah Kaye, History
- Description: Documentation of ancient coins for a collection-based corpus.
The Mass Killings in Indonesia 1965-1966
- PI: Siddharth Chandra
- Description: Creating a mapped display of demographic data from the Indonesian genocide.
Close Beside the Winding Cedar: The Red Cedar River at Michigan State University
- PI: Erik Tans, Libraries
- View "Close Beside the Winding Cedar"
Circa Instans by Matthaeus Platearius
- PI: Anna Kirkwood Graham, Romance & Classical Studies, College of Arts & Letters
- View "Circa Instans"
Building a Multilingual Repository in Applied Linguistics
- PI: Megan Driver
- View "Building a Multilingual Repository in Applied Linguistics"
Mapping the Collective Memories in the Writings of Ethnic Korean Minority Writers in China
- PIs: Catherine Ryu and Sydney Warner
Science, Art and Faith: Architectural Heritage and Islam
- PIs: Martha Olcott, James Madison College; Mohammad Khalil, Religious Studies, College of Arts & Letters; Salah Hassan, English, College of Arts & Letters; & Michael Downs, James Madison College
The Sun Never Knew: Community Mapping Youth Incarceration
- PI: Dan Paz, MSU Artist-in-Residence
- View "The Sun Never Knew"
Collapse & Rebirth:
- PI - Martha Olcott, James Madison College
- View "Collapse & Rebirth"
- PI - Divya Victor, English, College of Arts & Letters
- View "Curbed"