A Catalog of Early Works in Ray Stannard Baker Bee Collection

Cover of The Ray Stannard Baker Collection of Bee Books

Special Collections Research Series No.3

When I assumed my current position in 1988 here in the MSU Libraries, I came across an almost completed printed catalog of the Ray Stannard Baker Bee Collection. At that time I dreamed of one day making it complete and available for others to see and use. Now, too many years later, my work is done and one of my favorite collections in the Special Collections is properly recognized. Since I cannot take credit for compiling this catalog, nor do I know who did compile it, I am pleased to call it a group effort from the Special Collections staff.

It seems fitting that this catalog finally sees the light of day on a beautiful Michigan spring day when one can step outside and watch the bees at work in the Beal Botanical Gardens next to the Library. It is a glorious sight reminding one of nature's constancy and beauty.

Peter Berg, Librarian Emeritus
Former Head of Special Collections
MSU Libraries