
A pleasaunt instruction of the pafit orderinge of bees: cover

1568 Hyll, Thomas, 1590. A pleasaunt instruction of the pafit orderinge of bees...gathered out of the beste writers. [London, T. Marshe] Bound up, as usual, with Hill's Proffitable arte of gardening..., but with the order considerably scrambled: t.p. for A pleasaunt instruction, A2-A6 (dedication for the Proffitable arte), A6b pasted over, five leaves, signed *on the first (the dedication and preface for a pleasaunt instruction), B8 (envoy and table for the Proffitable arte), Aa8-Gg3 (text of a pleasaunt instruction), Gg3b pasted over to obscure opening of Certaine husbandly conjectures (not included in this copy, C8-dd8 (text, lacking title, et. al, of the Proffitable arte).


1586 Heresbach, Conrad, 1496-1576. Foure bookes of husbandrie...newly Englished, and increased by Barnable Googe.... London, John Wight. 206 leaves: [12] 1-93 [1]. "entreating of Bees" pp. 178-[1941.

Another ed. London, Thomas Wight, 1601. 194 leaves: [l0] 1-83 [1]. Bees, pp. 165-[184].


1623 Butler, Charles, d. 1647. The feminine monarchie: or the historie of bees.... 2 ed. London, J. Haviland for R. Jackson. 98 leaves, unnumbered; ff [8,9] incorrectly placed after blank end-leaf.

3 ed. Oxford, W. Turner for the Author, 1634. 196pp. [16] 1-112, 115-182 (pp. 113-114 omitted in printing). In Butler's phonetic spelling system.


The ordering of bees: cover

1634 Levett, John The ordering of bees: or, the true history of managing them from time to time.... London, T Harper for J. Harison. Frontis. and 94 p.: [22] 1-71 [1].


1657 Purchas, Samuel, d. ca. 1658. A theatre of political flying-insects. Wherein eqecially the nature, the worth, the work, the wonder, and the manner of right-ordering of the bee, is discovered and described.... And in a second part are annexed meditations, and observations theological and moral, in three centuries, upon that subject. London, by R. I. For T. Parkhurst. The second part has a separate title page. London, by M.S. for T. Parkhurst, 1657. 376 pp.: [28] l-207 [9] 257-387 [1].


1681 [Worlidge, John], fl. 1669-1698. Systema agriculturae; the mystery of husbandry discovered... by J. W, Gent. 3 ed. London, T. Dring. "Of bees," pp. 179-198.


1686 Nylandt, Petrus. De medicyn-winkel, of Ervaren huys-houder...als mede Den naerstigen byen-houder. Amsterdam, Gysbert de Groot. 88 pp., paged continuously. Den naerstigen byen-houder (pp. 39-56) has a separate title page.

Hunt, 314,317.

1691 Worlidge, John. Vinetum Britannicum; or a treatise of which is added, a discourse teaching the best way of improving bees. "Third impression, much enlarged." London, T. Dring. Paged separately; the discourse on bees has separate title page: Apiarium, or a discourse on the government and ordering of bees. 3 ed. London, Dring, 1691. Frontis. and 58 pp.: [8] l-42 [8]. Apiarium first appeared (separately) in 1676.


The true Amazons: cover

1716 Warder, Joseph, fl. 1688-1718. The true Amazons: or, the monarchy of bees. 3 ed. London, for J. Pemberton and W. Taylor. Frontis. and 134 pp.: [2] v-xiii [3] l-120.

4 ed. 1720. 134 pp.: [2] v-xiii [3] l-120.

6 ed. for J. Pemberton and J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1726. Frontis. and 134 pp.: [2] v-xxiv, 1-112.

8 ed. for T Longman and T. Astley, 1749. Frontis. and 166 pp.: [11] 14-164, [4] (and publishers' lists.)

9 ed. for R. Baldwin and T. Longman, 1765. Frontis. and 166 pp.: [11] 14-164, [4] pp. publishers' adverts.).


1718 Rucellai, Giovanni, 1475-1525. La coltivazione di Luigi Alamanni, e Le api di Giovani Rucellai---colle annotazioni di Ruberto (sic) Titi sopra Le api.... Padua, Giuseppe Co, ino. Le api and the annotations, pp. 227-301.

Another ed. Verona, Pierantonio Berno, 1745. Le api, with the annotations, pp. 291-373.

Another ed. Les abeilles, poeme, traduit de l'ltalien... par M. Pingeron ... Amsterdam, Gogue, 1770. 384 pp.: [5] vi-xxiii [2] 2-360.

In Walker.

1721 Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679. England's interest: or, the gentleman and farmer's friend. Shewing...of the husbandry of bees, and the great benefit thereby.... London, for A. Bettesworth. Chapter VII, "Of the husbandry and employment of Bees...", pp. 62-98.


1734 Traite curieux des mouches a miel...avec un traite des Vers a Soye. Paris, C. Prudhomme. 434 pp.: [13] 2-418 [4] (4 pp. publisher's adverts.).

In Walker, an edtion of 1740.

1742 Simon, Jean Baptiste. Le gouvernement admirable ou la republique des abeilles.... Nouv. ed. Paris, Thiboust. 454 pp.: [3] iv-lxiv [1] 2-390; 5 folding plates.

In Walker.

1744 [Bazin, Gilles Augustin], d. 1754. The natural history of bees...translated from the French. London, J. and P. Knapton, and P.Vailant. 2 copies. 484 pp.: [16] l-452 [16]; 12 folding plates.


Thorley, John MEIHIA [Melisselogia]. Or, the female monarchy. London, for the Author. Frontis. and 254 pp.: [3] iv-viii [1] 2-148 [4]; 2 plates.

IBRA 97,100.

1747 Maxwell, Robert, 1695-1765. The practical bee-master: or, a treatise, wherin the management of bees...without killing and more particularly described....Edinburgh, Drummond. 146 pp.: [2] iii-viii, 1-138.

IBRA 102

1756 Formanoir de Palteau, Guillaume Louis. Nouvelle construction de ruches de bois, avec la facon d'y gouverner les abeilles.... Metz, Collignon. 456 p.: [4] iii-xxviii [3] 2-422 [2]; five folding plates.

In Walker.

White, Rev. Stephen. Collateral bee-boxes. Or, a new, easy, and advantageous method of managing bees. London, L. Davis and C. Reymers. Frontis. and 64 pp.: [3] iv-xii [1] 14-63 [1].

IBRA 109

1757 Bradley, Richard, 1688-l732. A general treatise of two parts. Part I...the stocking of farms with cattle, poultry, fish, bees.... London, W. Johnston, et. al. 2 vols. In one, originally published in monthly parts, April 172l-March 1722. Matter on bees is scattered throughout vol. 1.


1763 Sauvages, Pierre Augustin Boissier de, 1710-1795. Memoires sur l'education des vers a soie.. .avec un traite sur la culture des muriers, & un sur l'origine du miel. Nismes, Gaude. 5 parts in one; Observatons sur l'origin du miel (38 pp.) Has separate title page. The "miel" is aphis honeydew.

In Walker; a separate publication of 1763.

An essay on the management of bees: cover

1766 Mills, John, d. 1784? An essay on the management of bees. Wherin is shewn...that the practice of saving their lives...was known to the antients, and is, in itself simple and easily executed. London, Johnson and Davenport. Frontis. (pl. 1) and 174 pp.: [5] iv-x [3] 2-157 [3] 1 folding plate (2 pp. publisher's adverts.).

IBRA 116

1763 Wildman, Thomas. A treatise on the management of bees. London, Cadell, for the Author. 196 pp.: [5] vi-xix [1] l-169 [7]; 3 folding plates. Another copy, with the preliminaries disordered, 194 pp.: [5] xiv-xix [2] vi-xi [1] (xxxiii-xxxv [1], a signature from an unrelated work) l-169 [1]; 3 folding plates.

2 ed. London, Strahan and Cadell, 1770. 356 pp.: [5] vi-xvii [4] 2-311 [10] 2-16; 3 folding plates.

Another ed. A treatise on the culture of peach trees. To which is added, treatise on the management of bees; and the improved treatment of them. London, for the Author; Dublin, reprinted by J. Exshaw. The treatise on peach trees, translated by Wildman, is attributed to de Combles; the work on bees has a separate title page. 94 pp.: [3] 4-5 [6] 2-78 [6]; 1 folding plate in text. An abridged version of the 1768 edition.

IBRA 119

1771 Ducarne de Blangy, Jacques Joseph. Traite de l'education economique des abeilles, ou se trouve aussi leur histoire naturelle. Paris, Gueffrier. In two parts and a supplement; part two and the supplement (1780) have separate title pages. 652 pp.: [7] ii-xxi [4] 2-358; [5] 2-209 [3]; [3] 4-48.

In Walker; an edition of 1807.

Duchet, Francois Xavior. Culture des abeilles. Freibaurq, Eggerdorffer, 1771. 352 pp.: [8], 1-344.

In Walker, another edition.

Hase, Carl Ludwig. Grundliche und ausfuhrliche anweisung zur Binenzucht.... Berlin, Verlag der Buchhandlung der Realschule, 1771-72. Two volumes, 176 pp.: [5] vi-xiv [3] 2-160; 212pp.;: [13] iv-xviii [1] 2- 81 [3].

In Hagen.

White, William, of Shutford. A complete guide to the mystery and management of bees. London, for the Author. Frontis. and 112 pp.: [3] iv-xvi [1] 2-94 [2].

IBRA 123

1780 Christ, Johan Ludwig, 1739-1813. Answeisung zur nutzlichsten und angenehmsten Bienenzucht fur ale Gegenden.... Frankfurt and Leipzig. Gleischerischen Buchhandlung. 344 pp.: [9] ii-xxxvi [1] 2-286 [14]; 5 folding plates.

In Walker.

Keys, John. The practical bee-master: in which will be shewn how to manage bees...without destroying them...interspersed with occasional strictures on Mr. Thomas Wildman's Treatise on bees.... London, for the author, et al. Frontis. (fold. pl.) and 404 pp.: [2] iii-xii [1] 2-390 [2].

IBRA 135

1781 Dyer, W. The apiay laid advantageous treatise on the construction and use of retrocoupling bee boxes.... Twekesbury, for the Author. 204 pp.: [3] iv-xi [2] 2-191 [1].

IBRA 137

1783 Bromwich, Bryan Janson. The experienced bee-keeper.... 2 ed. London, Dilly. Frontis. and 80 pp.: [4] v-xiv, l-66. Identical with 1st. ed. of the same year.

IBRA 138

1787 Schirach, Adam Gottlob. Histoire naturelle de la reine des abeilles...traduit de l'allemand..par J. J. Blassiere. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, Vlam. 334 pp.: [7] viii-lv [10] 2-269 [1], 3 fold. plates; 1 additional plate in the text.

In Walker.

1789 Bonner, James, of Edinburgh. The bee-master's companion and assistant... with an account of the power the working bees are invested with, of raising any egg in the hive to be a queen, when the community stands in need of one. Berwick, J. Taylor for the Author. 238 pp.: [5] vi-xi [2] 2-225 [1].

IBRA 142

1790 Rocca, Abbe della.Traite complet sur les abeilles. Paris, Bleuet 3 vols. 494 pp.: [3] I -xxxii [1] 2-462; 516 pp.: [3] iv-viii [1] 2-500 [8]; 544 pp.: [7] viii-xii [1] 2-532,5 folding plates.

In Walker.

1795 Bonner, James, of Edinburgh. A new plan for speedily increasing the number of bee-hives in Scotland. Edinburgh, Moir 284 pp.: [5] ii-xx [1] 2-258 [2].

IBRA 151

Gotthard, Johann Christian, d. 1813. Volstandiger untewicbt in der bienenzucht. Erfurt, Vollmer 174 pp.: [3] ii [1] 2-170.

In Hagen.

1796 Keys, John. The antient bee-master's farewell. London, G.G. and J. Robinson 290 pp.: [5] vi-xvi [1] 2-273 [1]; 2 plates in text.

Another ed. A treatise on the Breeding and Management of Bees. London, Lackington, Allen, et. al., 1814. frontis. (pl.I) and 288 pp.: [3] v (i.e. iv)-xvi [1] 2-272; pl. II in text.

IBRA 154

Bonar, James [A.K.A. Bonner] A treatise on the natural history and management of bees: with a new plan.... Edinburgh, printed for W. Creech, [1796?]. 284 pp.: [4] I-xx l-260. One leaf of preliminaries misbound, but complete with final advertisement/errata leaf.

IBRA 151

1800 Dubost, J. F. Methode avantageuse de gouverner les abeilles. Bourg, Bottier, 1800. Two copies, bound in a single volume with Lombard, Manual necessaire..., 1806 and Varemby, Ruche francaise..., 1811; both 152 pp.: [5] vi-xii [1] 2-139 [1], 1 folding plate.

In Walker.

1804 Beville, P. C. G. Traite de l'Education des abeilles et de leur Conservation. Paris, Demonville. 78 pp.: [3] 4-76 [2] 1 folding plate.

In Hagen.

1805 Lombard, Charles-Pierre, 1743-1824. Etat de nos connoissances sur les abeilles au commencement du X1Xe siecle. Paris, Huzard. 72 pp.: [5] 6-72.

In Walker, an 1804 printing.

1806 Beaunier, Stanislas. Traite-pratique sur l'education des abeilles. Vendome, chex l'auteur. 344 pp.: [4] i-iv [1] 6-340; 3 plates in text. A copy of the author's Precis sur les Greffes, 1821, is bound in.

In Walker, 2ed., of 1816.

Rural Recreations; or the Gardner's Instructor:..with a treatise on the management of bees. London, Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe. 2 vols.; the treatise on bees is scattered through vol. 1.

IBRA 166

Lombard, Charles-Pierre, 1743-1824. Manuel necessaire au villageois, pour soigner les abeilles, et en tirer du profit sans leur nuire. 3 ed. Paris, chez l'auteur, et. al. 164 pp.: [5] 2-159 [1]; 2 plates in text. Bound with Dubost, Methode avantageuse...,1800.

In Walker, ed. of 1803.

1808 Engel, Matthias. Instruction sur la culture des abeilles. Strasbourg, Levrault. 156 pp.: [3] 4-153 [3]; 1 folding plate.

In Hagen; other editions.

Huber, Francois, 1750-1831. New Observations on the natural history of bees, translated fron the orginal [by Sir J. G. Dalzell].

2 [English] ed. Edinburgh, J. Anderson; London, Longmans, et. al. 340 pp.: [7] viii-xxv [2] 2-314; 2 plates (originally one?) in text.

3 [English] ed., Edinburgh, Tait; London, Longman, et. al. 1821. 456 pp.: [7] vii-xv [2] 2-440; 5 folding plates in text.

Another ed. Observations on... A new edition. London, T. Tegg. 1841. 382 pp.: [9], iv-xxiv, [1], 2-352; 4 folding plates in text.

IBRA 171

1810 Feburier, Charles Romain. Traite complet theoretique et pratique sur les abeilles. Paris, Huzard. 468 pp.: [5] ii-vi [1] 2-460; 1 folding plate in text.

In Walker.

1811 Varembey, Joseph. Ruche francaise avec la maniere de s'en servir... Paris, Michaud; Bourg, Janinet. 176 pp.: [3] 4-175 [1] 1 folding plate. Bound with Dubost, Methode avantageuse..., 1800.

In Walker; an edition of 1843.

1813 Du Couedic de Villeneuve, Pierre Louis, 1743-1822. La rucbe pyramidale, metbode simple et naturelle. 2ed. Paris, Courcier. Frontis. and 256 pp.: [3] iv- xii [1] 2-241 [3].

In Walker.

1816 Gelieu, Jonas de, 1740-1827. Le Conservateur des abeilles, ou Moyens eprouves pour conserver les ruches et pour les renouveller. Mulhausen, Risler. 196 pp.: [5] vi-xx [1] 2-176; 2 folding plates.

Another ed. The bee preserve.... [translated by C. Stirling Graham]. Edinburgh, Anderson; London, Simpkin and Marshall, 1829. 146 pp.: [5] iv-vi [1] 2-134, [4], (4 pp. Publisher's adverts.)

IBRA 204

1817 Huish, Robert, 1777-1850. A treatise on the nature, economy, and practical management, of bees...2ed., with additions. London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. Frontis. (plate 1) and 440 pp.: [5] vi-xxxvii [4] 2-400; 5 plates.

Another ed. Bees, their natural history and general management. London, Bohn, 1844. Frontis. and 480 pp.: [3] iv-xxvii [2] 10-458, [2] pp. publisher's adverts

Another ed. Bees, their natural history and general management. London, Bohn, 1844. Frontis. and 480 pp.: [3] iv-xxvii [2] 10-458, [2] pp. publisher's adverts)

IBRA 176

1819 Huish, Robert, 1777-1850. Instructions for using the Huish hive; from which the combs are extracted without killing the bees. London, for the Author. 28 pp.: [3] 2-26.

IBRA 183

The cottager's manual for the management of bees: cover

1820 Huish, Robert, 1777-1850. The cottager's manual for the management of bees...both on the suffocating and depriving system. London, Wetton and Jarvis. Frontis. (a pasted-in advert. for the Huish hive) and 108 pp.: [5] iv- xviii [1] 2-84. [4], (4 pp. publisher's advert.)

2 ed. London, Wetton and Jarvis, [1821?]. 104 p.: [5] ii-xvi [1] 18-100.

IBRA 184

1822 Lacene, Antoine Marie Etienne, 1769-1859. Memoire sur les abeilles, et principalement sur la maniere de faire des essaims artificiels. Lyon, J.M. Barret. 88 pp.: [5] 6-86 [2]; 1 folding plate.

Another de. Carcassorre, Polere, 1823. 22 pp.: [3] 4-21 [1]. An abstract of part of the above.

In Walker.

Desormes, F. Traite elementaire et pratique sur le gouvernement des abeilles. 2 ed. Paris, Fouinier-Favreux, 1825. Frontis. and 230 pp.: [5] ii-xvi, 1-209; [1] 2 folding plates.

In Walker.

1827 Bevan, Edwrd, 1770-1860. The honey-bee; its natural history, physiology and management. London, Bladwin, Cradock and Joy. 432 pp.: [7] viii-xxvi [3] 2-404.

IBRA 201

Johnstone, Mrs. Christian Isobel], 1781-1857. Scenes of industry displayed in the bee-hive and the ant hill. London, John Harris, [1827?] Frontis. and 228 pp.: [5] vi-xii [1] 2-212, [4 pp. publisher's adverts.)

IBRA 203

1829 Thacher, James. 1754-1844. A practical treatise on the management of bees.... Boston, Marsh and Capen. 164 pp.: [3] 4-162 [4] (2 pp. publisher's list)

J & J 561

1831 Smith, Jerome VanCrowninshield, 1800-1879. An essay on the practicability of cultivating the honey bee in maritime towns and cities.... Boston, Perkins and Marvin; New York, Leavitt. Frontis. and 104 pp.: [5], viii, [1], 10-106.

J & J 544

1832 Nutt, Thoms. Humanity to honey bees; or, practical directions for the management of honey bees.... Wisbech, H. And J. Leach 2 copies. Frontis. and 268 pp.: [5] iv-xxiii [4] 2-240.

5 ed., Wisbech, J. Leach, 1839. Frontis. And 312 pp.: [3] iv-xxx [1] 2-281 [1].

6 ed., Wisbech, J. Leach, 1845. Frontis. And 340 pp.: [3] iv-xxiv [1] 2-306; 1 folding plate in text.

IBRA 215

Kurr, Johann Gottlob Von, 1798-1870. Untersuchurgen üben die bedentung der Nektarien.... Stuttgart i Henne' sche, 1832. 160 pp.: [3] iv-viii, 1-152. P.

1833 Payne, J. H. The apiarian's guide, containing practical directions for the management of bees upon the depriving system. London, Simpkin and Marshall. Frontis. and 84 pp.: [3] iv-xii [1] 2-71 [1.

The Bee Keeper's Guide. 4 ed. ["third edition"] London, Newly, 1846. Frontis. &: 120 pp.: [3] iv-xii, [1] 208 p. 1 plate. The 3 ed., called "fourth", appeared in 1842.

IBRA 217

1834 Bagster, Samuel, 1800-1835. The management of bees. London, Bagster and Pickering. 3 copies. Frontis. and 262 pp.: [3] vi-xx [1] 2-244.

2 ed. London, Saunders and Otley, 1838. Frontis. and 260 pp.: [3] iv-xvi [1] 2-240. [4] (4 pp. publisher's adverts.)

IBRA 222

1836 Weeks, John Mosley, 1788-1858. A manual: or an easy method of managing bees.... Middlebury, Vt., Knapp and Jewett. 74 pp.: [5] 6-73 [1].

3 ed. Middlebury, Vt., Drury, 1838. 94 pp.: [5] 6- 93 [1].

New Edition, rev.. and enl. Boston, Weeks, Jordon & Co., 1840. 132 pp.: [3] iv [1] 2-128.

J & J 589.

[1840?] [Cotton, William Charles] 1813-1879. A short and simple letter to cottagers, from a bee preserver: 3 ed. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d. Frontis. and 22 pp.: [1] 4-24.

IBRA 224

1841 Hall, William M. The apiarian, or, a practical treatise on the management of bees. New Haven, Hitchcock &: Stafford. 48 pp.: [3] 4-48.

J & J 201

1842 Cotton, William Charles, 1813-1879. My bee book. London, J.G.F. &: J. Rivington. 408 pp.: paged curiously.

IBRA 238.

Wighton, John. The history and management of bees, with notice of a newly-constructed hive. London, Longman and Co.; Norwich, Bacon, Kinnebrook and Bacon. Frontis. and 120 pp.: [5] ii-xii [1] 2-103 [1].

1843 Milton, John. The practical bee-keeper. London, Parker. Frontis. and 158 pp.: [5] viii [1] 2-147 [5] (pp. publisher's adverts.)

IBRA 248

1848 Frank, Abram. Manual on the management of bees...designed to describe and accompany the self-protecting bee hive. Busti, N.Y. [Journal print, Jamestown]. 72 p.: [3] iv [3] 8-72.

J & J 181

Golding, Robert. The shilling bee book.... 2ed. London, Longman and Co. 70 pp.: [7] 6-68.

IBRA 256

1849 Miner, T. B. The American bee keeper's manual.... New York, Saxton. Frontis. and 360 pp.: [3] iv[1] 6-349 [11] (publishers &: supliers cat. 11p.)

Another ed. London, Wiley, 1849. Frontis. and 350 pp.: [3] iv [1] 6-349 [1]. Text identical with the American ed.

4 ed. New York, Saxton. Copies dated 1851, 1855, and 1857; text as in 1849 eds;

J & J 344

IBRA 266

1851 [Cross, J.H.]. The hive and its wonders. Philadelphia, American Sunday-School Union [1851?]. Frontis. and 124 pp.: [5] 8-126.

J & J 111

Debeauvoys, Charles Paix. Guide de l'apiculteur. 3ed. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard. 272 pp.: [5] vi-xvi [1] 2-256.

In Walker, the second and fourth editions.

[Filleul, Philip Valpy Mourant]. The English a Cuntry Curate.... London, F. &: J. Rivington. 236 pp.: [5] vi-xvi [1] 2-212 [8] (8 pp. publisher's adverts. "April 1851").

Another ed. The cottage bee a Country Curate. New York, Saxton, 1851. 156 pp.: [5] vi- xii [1] 2-119 [25] (24 pp. publisher's adverts.).

Another ed. New York, Saxton, 1854. Unchanged from the 1851 Saxton edition except 12 pp. publisher's adverts.

J & J 169

IBRA 271

1852 Richardson, H. D. The hive and the honey-bee. New Edition. London, Orr, [1852?] Frontis. and 122 pp.: [7], p. 10-122, [2] ( 2 publisher's adverts.).

IBRA 259

Langstroth on the hive and the honey-bee, a bee keeper's manual: cover

1853 Langstroth, Lorenzo Lorraine, 1810-1895. Langstroth on the hive and the honey-bee, a bee keeper's manual. Northhampton, Mass., Hopkins, Bridgman &: Co. Frontis., 1 plate, and 388 pp.: [3] iv-xvi [1] 14-384.

3 ed. A practical treatise on the hive.... New York, A. O. Moore, 1859. Frontis. and 406 pp.: [3] iv-xii, 13-405 [1]; 23 plates [of 24] (plate X wanting).

3 ed. New York, Saxton, Barker & Co., 1861. Frontis. and 412 pp.: [2] iii-xii [1] 14-411 [1] 21 plates in text. Text as in 1859 ed., with changes in "Explanation of plates...". pp. 371 ff.

3 ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1868. Frontis. and 410 pp.: [2] iii-xii 12-409 [1]. Text and plates in 1861 ed.

J & J 284

Phelps, E. W. Phelps' bee-keeper's chart; being a brief practical treatise on the instinct, habits and management of the honey-bee.... New York, Saxton. 96 pp.: [3] iv-vii [3] 11-96.

J & J 415

ca. 1855 Payne, J. H. Bee-keeping for the many. 2 ed. London, Cottage Gardener Office, nd. 56 pp.: [3] 4-54 [2].

IBRA 281

1856 Lardner, Dionysius. The bee and white ants, their manners and habits. London, Walton and Maberly. Frontis. and 188 pp.: [8] 1-176 [4] (+p., plus an additional uncounted leaf preceding the frontis. of publisher's adverts.)

IBRA 287

Roux, Jean Francois. La fortune des campagnes; traite pratique de l'education des abeilles. Lyon, Imp. d'aime Vingtrinier. 192 pp.: [5] 6-192; 8 plates.

In Walker.

1857 Quinby, Moses, 1810-1875. Mysteries of bee-keeping explained.... New York, Saxton. 382 pp.: [2] 3-377 [5] (4 pp. publisher's adverts).

Another ed. New York, Moore ("late C.M. Saxton &: Co."), 1858. Text as above; 6 pp. publisher's adverts.

8 ed. New York, Saxton, Barker &: Co.; San Francisco, Bancroft, 1861. 384 pp.: [2] 3-384.

J & J 442

1860 Samuelson, James. The honey-bee; its natural history, habits, anatomy and microscopical beauties. London, J. Van Voorst. 180 pp.: [5] viii-xvi [1] 2-166; 7 plates in text, frontispiece lacking.

IBRA 296

Taylor, Henry. The bee-keeper's manual. 6 ed. with additions. London, Groombridge. Frontis. and 238 pp.: [5] viii-xiv [3] 2-224.

IBRA 227

1863 Flanders, Wooster A. Sweet home; or, nature's bee-book. Cleveland, Nonpareil Steam Printing House. 64 pp.: [4] 5-63 [1].

J & J 172

1864 [Cumming, John] 1807-1881. Bee-keeping. By "The Times" bee-master. London, Sampson Low, Son, and Marston. 260 pp.: [5] vi-xx [1] 2-224 [16] (16 pp.: publisher's adverts.) [Nov., 1869].

IBRA 304

1865 Neighbor, Alfred. The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture. London, Kent, Geo. Neighbour and Sons.14pp.: [5] vi-xi [2] 2-134.

IBRA 307

Tegetmeir, W. B. Bees, hives, and honey. London, Allan. 40 pp.: [3] 4-39 [1].

IBRA 297

Frarriere, A. De. Les Abeilles et l'Apiculture. 2 ed. Paris, Librairie de L. Hachette, 1865. 348 pp.: [2] I-iv 1-342.

In Walker.

1866 Shuckard, W. E. British bees; an introduction.... London, Lovell, Reeve &: Co., 1866. Frontis. (p.1) and 434 p: [7] viii [I] xii-xvi, [1] 2-371 [34], 2-16; 15 plates (ii-xvi). ( 16p. publisher's adverts).

1867 King, N. H. And H. A. The bee-keeper's text-book...3ed., rev. and enlr. Buffalo, Franklin Printing House. 142 pp.: [3] iv-xii [l] 14-140.

8 rev. ed. Buffalo, Thomas, Howard & Johnson, 1868. 144 pp.: [3] iv-xii [1] 14-140 [4].

27 ed. Barrytown, N.Y., Aspinwall, 1888. 232 pp.: [5], vi-xvii [2] 20-228 [4 (adverts)].

J & J 273

1868 Thomas, J. H. The Canadian bee-keepers' guide. 5 ed, rev. and corr. Toronto, Globe Steam Printing Co. 72 pp.: [4] v-viii [1] 10-72.

J & J 563

A treatise on bee-culture: cover

McDonald, Jacob A treatise on bee-culture. Zanesville, Ohio, Courier Book and Job Print, [1868]. 19 pp.: [13-19]. Signed by author.

1869 Adair, D. L. Outlines of bee culture and descriptive catalogue of Adair's section bee-hive &: honey-boxes.... Louisville, Hull & Bros., [1869?]. 20 pp.: [1] 2-20.

J & J 11

Berlepsch, August, Freiherr von, 1818-1877. Die biene und ihre zucht mit bemeglicben waben in gegenden ohne spatsommertracbt... 2 ed. Mannheim, Schneider. Frontis and 622 pp.: [51 vi-xxxviii [3] 2-582.

In Walker.

Kleine, Georg, 1806-1894. Die Beinenzucht nach der Dzierzon'schen methode. 2 ed. Berlin, Schotte, 190 pp.: [4] v-vi [3] 2-182.

In Walker.

1872 Adair, D. L. Progressive bee cultre.... Cincinnati, Clarke. 24 pp.: [] 2-24.

J & J 12

1875 Hunter, John. A manual of bee-keeping. 2 ed. London, Hardwicke. Frontis. and 254 pp.: 5] vi-ix [4] 2-239 [3] (additional adverts. on front end papers).

IBRA 333

Pettigrew, A. The handy book of bees. 3ed., rev. and imp. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood. 192 pp.: [5] vi-xiv [1] 2-162 [16] (16 p. publisher's adverts.).

IBRA 318

1876 Cook, Albert John, 1842-1916. Manual of the apiary. [Lansing, Mich., W. S. George &: Co.] 60 pp.: [7] 8-59 [1].

4 ed. Chicago, Newman, 1879. 328 pp.: [9] ii-viii [1] 12-302 [20] (11 p. pub. &: supplier's adverts).

5 ed. Chicago, Newman, 1880. Frontis. and 324 pp.: [7] ii-vi [3] 12-302 [18] (10 pp. pub. &: suppliers adverts).

8 ed. Lansing, Mich., 1883. 2 copies. 386 pp.: [] I-xiv [1] 2-336 [36] (23 p. pub. &: supplier's adverts).

9 ed. Lansing, Mich., 1883. 390 pp.: [5] vi-xvi 2-338 [38] (21 p. pub. and supplier's adverts).

14 ed. Lansing, Mich., 1891. 2 copies. 504 pp.: [3] vi-xv [2] 2-461 [28] (23 pp. pub. and supplier's adverts). 16 ed. Chicago, York, 1899. 478 pp.: [5] vi-xv [2] 2-461 [1].

J & J 103

1878 [Clute, Oscar] 1837-1902. The blessed bees, by John Allen [pseud.]. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons. 170 pp.: [3] 4-169 [1].

J & J 95

1879 Quinby, Moses, 1810-1875, and Root, Lyman, c., 1840-. Quinby's new bee-keeping...a complete guide to successful bee-culture, by L. C. Root.... New York, Orange Judd Co. Frontis. and 274 pp.: [3] vi-xvi [1] 18-270, [6] (6 p. publisher's adverts).

J & J 442

Ribeaucourt, C. A manual of rational bee-keeping...translated from the French by Arthur F.G. Leveson Gower. London, Disporse &: Bateman, [1879?].

124 pp.: [5] vi-xv [2] 2-108; 1 plate.

IBRA 346

1880 Cheshire, Frank. Practical bee-keeping. London, Upcott Gill (the Bazaar Office), n.d. 140 pp.: [5] 6-117 [13] (20pp. publisher's advert. [no. 2, 1881]). Adverts. on pp. [118-120], integral with the index, are 1880 or later.

IBRA 327

Sourbe, T. Traite theoretique et praticue d'apiculture mobiliste. Paris, A. Quantin. 230 pp.: [7] 2-221 [3].


1881 Ulivi, Giotto. Moeurs des abeilles... VI memoires de l'abbe Giotto Ulivi. Amiens, Societe d'Apiculture de la Somme. 116 pp.: [2] 3-109 [7]; 3 folding plates.

1882 Avebury, Sir John Lubbock, 1st. Baron, 1834-1913. Ants, bees, and wasps. New York, Appleton. (8 p. 480 pp.: [3] 2-4 [3] vi-xix [2] 2-448, [8] 5 plates (8 p.publisher's cat.)

J & J 41

Dzierzon, Johannes, 1811-1906. Dzierzon's rational bee-keeping... translated from the latest German edition by H. Dieck and S. Stutterd. London, Houlston &: Sons, 372 pp.: [5] vi-xvi [1] 2-350 [6] (6 p. pub. and suppliers adverts).

IBRA 365

Manual of the apiary: cover

Newman, Thomas G. Bees and Honey. 3 ed. Chicago, American Bee Journal. Frontis. and 160 pp.: [9] 12-258 [4] and suppliers adverts.).

J & J 374

1883 Alley, Henry The bee-keeper's handy book: or, twenty-two years' experience in queen-rearing.... Wenham, Mass., by the author. Frontis and 216 pp.: [3] iv-xv [2] 2-148 [16] p. pub. and supplier's adverts.).

J & J 19

Berlepsch, August, Freiherr von, 1818-1877. Bienenzucht nach ihrem jetzigen rationellen Standpunkte. 2 ed. Berlin, Parey. 168 pp.: [5] vi [l] 2-162 .


British Bee-Keepers' Association. Modern bee-keeping: a handbook for cottagers. 4 ed., rev. and enlr. London, British Bee-Keepers' Association. 104 pp.: [5] vi-viii [1] 10-90 [14] (14 p.publ.supp. adverts.).

IBRA 349

Filleul, Philip Valpy Mourant. Profitable bee-keeping...chiefly designed for the use of cottagers. Rev. ed. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1883?]. 96 pp.: [5] 6-92, [4] 4 p. publisher's list.

IBRA 331

Hamet, Henry Louis, 1815-1889. Cours pratique d'apiculture...professe au Jardin de Luxembourg...5 ed. Paris, aux Bureaux de l'Apiculteur. Frontis. and 392 pp.: [5] 2-3 [3] 6-8 [2] 10-386 (preliminaries numbered erratically).

In Walker, editions of 1859 and 1866.

Root, Amos Ives, 1839-1923. The ABC of bee culture. Medina, Ohio, A.I. Root. 334 pp.: [17] 2-288 [30] and numerous plates.

Another ed. Medina, Root, 1887. 2 copies. 356 pp.: [17] 2-308 [32].

Another ed. Medina, Root, 1888. 394 pp.: [15], 2-324, [56].

J & J 494

Rusbridge, Alfred. Bee-keeping plain and practical. London, Allen. 144 pp. [5] 6-143 [1].

IBRA 374

Ulivi, Giotto. Les vieux croyants; ou, les abeilles-tutrices confondues avec les abeilles-ouvrieres. Turin, Etablisement Artistique-Litteraire. 14 pp.: [5] 6-14.


1884 Phin, John. A dictionary of practical apiculture. New York, Industrial Publication Co. 128 pp.: [3] ii-iv, [1], iii-xiv [1] 8-80. [40] (40 p. pub. and supplier's adverts.).

J & J 427

Raynor, George. Queen introduction. The Ligurian queen bee...2 ed. [London], British Bee-Keepers' Association. 24 pp.: [3] 4-24.

IBRA 352

1885 Heddon, James, 1845-. Success in bee-culture. Dowagiac, Mich., Times Print. 128 pp.: [1] 2-128.

J & J 220

1886 Cheshire, Frank R. Bees &: bee-keeping, scientific and practical. London, Upcott Gill 2 vols. Frontis. (pl. I) and 344 pp.: [5] vi-vii [2] 2-336 [24], (24 p. pub/cat &: suppl. adverts) 7 plates. Frontis. and 750 pp.: [5] vi-vii [2] 2-742 [6] (6 p. pub/cat &: suppl. adverts) 7 plates. Frontis. and 750 pp.: [5] vi-vii [2] 2-742 [6] (6 p. pub. and supplier's adverts.).

IBRA 388

Foster, Oliver. How to raise comb honey.... Mount Vernon, Iowa, Edson Fish. 22 pp.: [3] 2-14 [6].

J & J 176

1887 Hutchinson, W. Z. The production of comb honey.... Flint, Mich., Globe Printing House. 70 pp.: [3] 4-45 [25 (adverts.).

J & J 240

Simmins, Samuel, 1856-. A modern bee-farm and its economical management. Brighton, Simmins; London, Pettitt. Frontis. and 228 pp.: [3] iv-xiv [1] 2-195 [11 (adverts.)]; 3 plates in text.

New and rev. ed. London, Fawcett, 1893. 296 pp.: [5] iv-xiv [1] 2-274 [6] (6 p. supplier's adverts.).

IBRA 395

1888 Jenyns, Charles Fitzgerald Gambier. A book about bees. London, Wells Gardner, Darton, &: Co. Frontis. and 222 pp.: [7] x-xxiv [1] 2-200.

IBRA 390

Rennie, James, 1787-1867. Insect architecture...New edition, much enlarged, by the Rev. J. G. Wood. London, Bell &: Sons. 480 pp.: [7] vii-xv [2] 2-439 [1], [24] publisher's 24 p. Cat. (Nov. 1891).

IBRA 208

Webster, W. B. The book of bee-keeping. London, Upcott Gill. 100 pp.: [3] 2-98.

IBRA 401

1889 Perez, Jean, N., 1833-1914. Les abeilles. Paris, Hachette. 576 pp.: [5] ii-viii [1] 2-548, [16] (16 p. publisher's cat.).

In Walker

1893 Shavrov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1858-. Kratkii ocherk' sovremennago polozbeniia pchelovodstva na kavkaz'. (A short essay on the current state of bee culture in the Caucasus). Tiflis, 1893. 98 pp. [11] 2-88.

1895 Benton, Frank, 1852-1919. The bees for the harvest. [Washington, D.C., American Farmer Print. 5 pp.]

J & J 57

1896 Soignie, Jules de. L'abeille a travers les ages. Brussells &: Paris, J. Lebegue [1896]. 202 p.: [5] ii-iii [2] 6-198.

In Walker.