Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

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Mémoire sur une maladie qui affecte les boeufs destinés aux salaisons de la Marine; … suivi du rapport sur ce mémoire, par les cc. Chabert et Huzard. Imprimés par Arrête de la Société d’Agriculture du départment de la Seine. Paris: Madame Huzard, Au xll [1804].
    [2], 16p., 21.5cm.

CAIUS, JOHN, 1510-1573

De canibus britannicis, liber unus; de rariorum animalium et stirpium historia, liber unus. Londini: Gulielmum Seresium typographum, 1570.
    [1], 13, [3], 30, [2], 31, [4] leaves, folding-table, 14cm.
Each work has separate title-page and pagination. The first two works are dedicated to Conrad Gesner, the third to Thomas Hatcher.
Provenance: Delamere House, Northwich, Cheshire.

Page from book showing chart with names

Caius 1570 (213)

Joannis Caii Britanni De Canibus Britannicis, liber unus; De rariorum animalium & stirpium historia, liber unus; De libris propriis, liber unus; De pronunciatione Graecae & Latinae linguae, cum scriptione nova, libellus; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recogniti à S. Jebb, M.D. Londini: Car. Davis, 1729.
    xv, 249, [7]p., index, 22cm.
Provenance: Edward Mansel Sympson.

Of Englishe Dogges, the diversities, the names, the natures, and the properties. A short treatise written in Latine by Johannes Caius … and newly drawne into English by Abraham Fleming. London: Rychard Johnes, 1576. [London: A. Bradley, 1880].
    [10], 44, [8], [2]p., index, adverts., 20.5cm.


Remedies of Dr. B. C. Callaway, for the most common and fatal diseases of that most noble animal—the horse. Trenton, N. J.: The “True American” Office, 1860.
    45p., 22.5cm.


Colics and their treatment. Edited by D. M. Campbell. Chicago: American Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 1914.
    [7], 137, [1]p., adverts., 18cm.


Dissertatio inauguralis medica de hydrophobia. … Niponti: Typographia aulica formis Trattnerianis, 1774.
    78p., 18cm.


La gloria del cavallo … ne’ quali oltra gli ordini pertinenti alla cavalleria, si descrivono tutti i particolari, che son necessari nell’allevare, custodire, maneggiare, & curar cavalli … Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de’ Ferrari, 1566.
    [68], 520, 4, 521-969, [1]p., index, 22cm.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.

La Gloria del cavallo … Con due nuove aggiunte d’altri approvatissimi rimedii. Una à tutte l’infermità de’ cavalli: L’altra per tutte l’infermità de’ Buoi. Venetia: Nicolò Moretti, 1589.
    [64], 520, 4, 521-969, [1]p., illus., 20.5cm.


La science, ou manuel des ecuyers, sur les différens remedes souverains pour la guérison des maladies qui arrivent aux chevaux & aux autres animaux servants à l’utilité de l’homme. Seconde edition. Paris: Cailleau, 1751.
    [8], 205, [5]p., 20cm.

CARCANO, FRANCESCO, [ca. 1500-1580]

I tre libri de gli vccelli da rapina. Ne’ quali si contiene la vera cognitione dell’ arte de’ struccieri, & il modo di conoscere, ammaestrare, reggere, & medicare tutti gli augelli rapaci. Con un trattato de’ cani da caccia del medesimo. Vicenza: Il Megietti, 1622.
    [16], 218p., illus., 16cm.


A Series of questions on breeding and the hereditary diseases of horses and cattle. Quebec: Peter Sinclair, 1856.
    vii, 47p., 18.5cm.


The care of horses. A book for all who have practical charge of horses. London: George Bell & Sons, 1904.
    [2],viii, 111p., illus., adverts., 18cm.
Provenance: Gurdon and Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.


The horses of the world: The Development of Man’s Companion in War Camp, on Farm, in the Marts of Trade, and in the Field of Sports by Major General William Harding Carter, U.S.A. Paintings by Edward Herbert Miner, with 95 illustrations, including 24 pages of color. Washington: The National Geographic Society, 1923.
    [6], 118, [2],p., illus., adverts., 25cm.


Practical horse farrier; or, the traveller’s pocket companion. Shewing the best methods to preserve the horse in health; and likewise the cure of the most prominent diseases to which this noble animal is subject in the United States of America. … Second edition much enlarged, and embellished with three engravings. Philadelphia: M’Carty & Davis, 1820.
    12, xxv, 251p., 3 plates., 17cm.


Considerazioni esposte ai suoi allievi sulla natura contagiosa della rogna degli animali domestici. Torino: Barberis, 1821.
    14p., 19cm.

CASES AND CURES OF THE HYDROPHOBIA, selected from The Gentleman’s Magazine: containing many curious and interesting accounts relative to that most alarming malady. London: Machell Stace, 1807.
    76p., 20.5cm.


Julii Casserii Placentini … De vocis auditusq organis historia anatomica singulari fide methodo ac industria concinnata tractatibus duobus explicata ac variis iconibus aere excusis illustrata ...
[Ferrariae: Excudebat Victorius Baldinus, 1600-01]. 2 parts in 1 vol.
    [60], 191, [1]p., port., illus.; 126, [2]p., illus., 40.6cm.


Tarifa, hecha por Diego Albarez y Calderon de la Barca, protho-albeytar por S. M. del Principado de Cathaluña &c. Para el buen gobierno de Maestros herradores, lo que deben llebar, y percibir por cada una de las Herraduras, que estilaren, y demás de sus trabajos. [Barcelona?: N.p., 178_?].
    [3]p., 22cm.


Guida del veterinario all’ onorevole e fortunato esercizio dell’arte sua ovvero precetti e norme a cui attenersi nelle singole circostanze della pratica in riguardo a sè stesso, ai colleghi ed al pubblico. Si aggiungono 1. Dettagliate istruzione risguardanti i contratti degli animali domestici, con brevi cenni sulle frodi e sui raggiri che in essi avvengono e sulla maniera di scoprirli. 2. Una copiosa raccolta di modelli di petizioni, di certificati e di rapporti ai privati o alle autorità amministrative e giudiziarie per conseguimento d’impieghi, per notificazioni e verificazioni di malattie contagiose, ferite, avvelenamenti; per sequestri, e sopratutto per perizie nei casi di malattie, difetti e vizi redibitorii. 3. Le disposizioni di legge e le discipline sanitarie riferibili alla veterinaria. Milano: Pirotta, 1848.
    239p., 21.5cm.
Signed by author.

L’idrofobia; o, la rabbia canina, istruzioni teorico-pratiche, esposte alla comune intelligenza. Milano: Truffi, 1844.
    195p., 22cm.

Manuale di ostetricia veterinaria ovvero compendio di istruzioni teorico-pratiche sul modo di assistere nei parti difficili e non naturali le femmine dei più utili animali domestici—sulle cure da prestarsi alle medesime durante la gravidanza e dopo il parto—non che sull’allevamento dei nuovi prodotti e sui speciali soccorsi onde possono abbisognare. Milano: Martinelli, 1845.
    xii, 268p., 8 plates, index, 21cm.

THE CATTLE KEEPER’S GUIDE or, complete directory for the choice and management of cattle whether horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, lambs, or hogs; with a description of the symptoms, and most approved methods of curing every disorder they are subject to. To which is added the art of measuring cattle, to ascertain their weight while living. London: Dean and Munday, [17__?].
    72p., frontis., 17cm.

CATTLE PRACTICE, a collection of articles by thirty-one writers. Reprint from “Veterinary Medicine,” October 1929. Chicago: Veterinary Magazine Corporation, 1930.
    96p., illus., 23.5cm.
Title page on front cover.


Rei rusticae auctores Latini veteres, M. Cato, M. Varro, L. Colvmella, Palladivs: priores tres, e vetustiss. editionibus; quartus, e veteribus membranis aliquammultis in locis emendatiores: cum tribus indicubus, capitum, auctorum, & rerum ac verborum memorabilium … Hier. N.p.: Commelini Typographico, 1595.
    [24], 775p., illus., 17.5cm.


Katoptron; sive speculum artis medicae hippocraticum: spectandos, dignoschendos curandosque exhibens universos, tum universales tumparticulares, totius corporis humani morbos, in quo multa visuntur, quae à praeclarissimus quibusque medicis intacta prorsus relicta erant arcana. Francforti: Matthiae Beckeri, 1605.
    [16], 663p., 16cm.
Provenance: Charles E. Bessey.

CHABERT, M. (PHILIBERT), 1737-1814

Instructions et observations sur les maladies des animaux domestiques; avec les moyens de les guérir, de les préserver, de les conserver en fanté, de les multiplier, de les élever avec avantage, & n’être point trompé dans leur achet. On y a joint l’analyse des ouvrages vétérinaires, anciens & modernes, pour tenir lieu de tout ce qui est écrit sur cette science. Troisième édition, corrigée & augmentée. Paris: Huzard, [1782-1804]. 6 vols.
    [1]p., 1 plate, indices, adverts.; 432p., indices; 432p., 1 plate, indices; 440p., indices; 447, [1]p., indices, adverts.; 456p., 2 plates, indices, 19cm.

Instructions et observations sur les maladies des animaux domestiques, avec les moyens de les guérir, de les préserver, de les conserver en santé, de les multiplier, de les élever avec avantage, & de n’être point trompé dans leur achat. On y a joint l’analyse des ouvrages vétérinaires, anciens & modernes, pour tenir lieu de tout ce qui est écrit sur cette science. Paris: J. B. Huzard, 1793.
    416p., index, 21cm.

Traité des maladies vermineuses dans les animaux. Paris: De l’Imprimerie royale, 1782.
    120, [2], 87p., 2 colored folding plates, 19cm.
Bound with: Pesperrières, Poissonnier. Second mémoire sur les avantages qu’il y auroit a changer la nourriture des gens de mer. N. p.: 1774.

Traité du charbon ou anthrax dans les animaux. Paris: De L’Imprimerie Royale, 1782.
    109p., 19.5cm.


Médecine des chevaux, a l’usage des laboureurs. Tirée des ecrits des meilleurs auteurs; & confirmée par l’expérience, à laquelle on a joint des observations sur la clavelée des bêtes à laine. Paris: Claude Herissant, 1763.
    285, [3]p., frontis., 1 plate, 17cm.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.

La Médecine des bêtes a laine, contenant leur histoire naturelle & vétérinaire, plusieurs observations qui leur sont relatives, leurs maladies & les remédes pour les guérir. Paris: Claude Herissant, 1769.
    [4], xii, 268, [3]p., 16.5cm.


Chapman’s manual of the pathological treatment of lameness in the horse, treated solely by mechanical means. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1901.
    [iv], 124, [16]p., frontis., port., adverts., 23cm.


An essay on the canine state of fever. Philadelphia: Hugh Maxwell, 1801.
    [3], viii, 68p., 21cm.


Vaccine et variole. Nouvelle étude expérimentale sur la question de l’identité de ces deux affections. Étude faite, au nom de la Société des Sciences Médicales de Lyon. Paris: P. Asselin, 1865.
    [2], 105p., 20.5cm.


Un catechisme de philosophie médicale à l’adresse des gens instruits. Bruxelles: N. p., 1884-1886. 3 vols. in 1.
    16; 16; 11; 60p., 9 plates, 25.5cm.
Vol. 1: Hygiene équestre. Manuel de la bauchérisation du cavalier. Vol. 2: Livret du cavalier-bauchériste, suivant le bauchérisme belge. Vol. 3: L’équitation et le XIXe siècle suivant un écuyer bauchériste.


Diseases of the horse, and how to treat them: a concise manual of special pathology, for the use of horsemen, farmers, stock-raisers, and students in agricultural colleges in the United States. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1874.
    vii, [1], 180p., frontis., 19cm.

CHIFNEY, SAMUEL, 1753?-1807

Genius genuine. A fine part in riding a race, known only to the author. Why there are so few good runners; or why the turf horses degenerate. A guide to recover them to their strength and speed; as well as to train horses for running, and hunters and hacks for hard riding. To preserve their strength, and sinews from being so often destroyed. … [London]: Sold only for the author, [1804].
    vii, 170p., 22.5cm.


Del conoscere le infermità, che avvengono al cavallo, et al bue, co’rimedii à ciascheduna di esse. Libri tre. Aggiunti alla gloria del cavallo. Venetia: I Gioliti, 1589.
    [8], 136p., 20.5cm.
Provenance: Oetting/Wallerstein; J. H. Anderhub.


An examination into the true seat and extent of the powers of the horse, with a view to their most advantageous application in draught and burthen; in which most of the organic diseases treated are shown to be consequences of defective balance. … Dublin: Hodges and Smith, 1843.
    64p., illus., 22cm.

CLARK, BRACY, 1771-1860

Description of a new horse-shoe, removable at pleasure. Invented by Bracy Clark. [London: N. p., 18__?]
    8, [2]p., frontis., 6 plates, 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

A description of a new horse shoe which expands to the foot. Invented by Bracy Clark. … with some account of its application and advantages, being an appendix to the Stereoplea. London: Author, 1820.
    18,[4]p., frontis., 3 plates, 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse. London: Author, 1809.

A description of a new horse shoe which expands to the foot. ... Second edition. London: Printed for the author and sold by T. & G. Underwood, 1827.
    12p., frontis., 8 plates, 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

A description of two ancient horse-shoes, found near Silbury Hill, in Wiltshire. [London: 18__?].
    4p., frontis., 1 plate, 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p. 1829.

An essay of the bots of horses, and other animals. London: Printed for the author, 1815.
    72, [4]p., 2 colored plates, 28cm.
Supplementary sheet. “Discovery of the fly of the white bot…” 4 pages at end.
Bound with Clark, Bracy. Of the insect called oistros by the ancients … [London: N. p., 1827], and Clark, Bracy. An appendix or supplement to a treatise on the Oestri and Cuterebrae. [London?: N. p., 1845-48?]

An essay on the causes and cure of running frush in horses’ feet. London: Author, 1821.
    [2], 16p., 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse. London: Author, 1809.

An essay on the knowledge of the ancients respecting the art of shoeing the horse, and of the probable period of the commencement of this art. Second edition. London, 1831.
    36p., frontis., 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

An essay on the nature and cure of the split-hoof: vulgarly termed sand-crack. London: Author, 1818.
    12p., 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse. London: Author, 1809.

Guide to the shoeing-forge, or, plain directions to gentlemen going to have their horses shod, of what they should observe in seeing it properly executed. [London?].
    7p., 1 folding plate, 17.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

Hippodonomia, or the true structure, laws, and economy, of the horse’s foot: also podophthora, or a ruinous defect in the principle of the common shoe detected; and demonstrated by experiments: with a proposition for a new principle of shoeing, which abundant practice has since confirmed. Second edition, enlarged and improved. London: Printed for the author, sold by T. & G. Underwood, 1829.
    viii, 140, [2], 79p., frontis., 11 plates, 27.5cm.
On title page words “Hippodonomia” and “Podophthora” are printed in red. Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Stereoplea … Second edition. London: N. p., 1832; Clark, Bracy. A description of a new horse shoe which expands to the foot. Second edition. London: N. p., 1827; Testimonies communicated by various persons in favor of the expansion shoe. London: N. p., 1828; Clark, Bracy. Guide to the shoeing-forge. [London?: N. p., 18__?]; B. C. [Bracy Clark]. Some account of the circulation of the blood in the foot of the horse. Second edition. London: N. p., 1846; Clark, Bracy. Description of a new horse-shoe, removable at pleasure. [London: N. p., 1855?]; [Clark, Bracy]. A description of two ancient horse-shoes, found near Silbury Hill, in Wiltshire. [London: N.p.,18—?]; Clark, Bracy. An essay on the knowledge of the ancients respecting the art of shoeing the horse. … Second edition. London: N. p., 1831.

Hippodonomia, or the true structure, laws, and economy, of the horse’s foot: also podophthora, or a ruinous defect in the principle of the common shoe detected; … Second edition, enlarged and improved. London: Printed for the author, sold by T. & G. Underwood, 1829.
    140, [2]; 79p., frontis., 10 plates, 27cm.
Wanting: plate 9 of 11 plates.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Podophthora; or the demonstration of a pernicious defect in the principle of the common shoe. Clark, Bracy. The cholera unmasked; or, its true name, nature, and causes pointed out; also a more consistent and successful mode of treating it. London: N. p., 1848; [Clark, Bracy]. Testimonies communicated by various persons in favor of the expansion shoe. London: N. p., 1828.
First word of title covered by label: Farriery laid open.

A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse, exhibiting the changes produced by shoeing, and the causes of the apparent mystery of this art. London: Author, 1809.
    147p., frontis., 11 plates, 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Stereoplea, or the artificial defence of the horse’s hoof considered. London: N.p., 1817; Clark, Bracy. A description of a new horse shoe which expands the foot. London: N. p., 1820; Clark, Bracy. An essay on the nature and cure of the split-hoof: vulgarly called sand-crack. London: N. p., 1818; Clark, Bracy. An essay on the causes and cure of running frush in horses’ feet. London: N. p., 1821.

Some account of the circulation of the blood in the foot of the horse. Second edition. London: N. p., 1846.
    10p., 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippdonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

Stereoplea or the artificial defence of the horse’s hoof considered. London: Author, 1817.
    [1], 38p., frontis., 3 plates, 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse. London: N. p., 1809.

Stereoplea or the artificial defence of the horse’s hoof considered. London: Printed for the author, 1817.
    [2], 38p., 3 plates, 27cm.
Cover title gives date as 1818 and calls this Part III.

Stereopolea: or, the artificial defence of the horse’s foot considered. Also, hints for rearing young colts, sound and with good feet. Second edition. London: Printed for the author and sold by Renshaw and Rush, 1832.
    iv, 52p., frontis., 2 plates, 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

Testimonies communicated by various persons in favor of the expansion shoe. London: Printed for the author and sold by T & G. Underwood, 1828.
    16p., 27.5cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.

Testimonies communicated by various persons in favor of the expansion shoe. London: Printed for the editor, by Richards, 1828.
    8p., 27cm.
Bound with: Clark, Bracy. Hippodonomia. London: N. p., 1829.


Observations upon the shoeing of horses: together with a new inquiry into the causes of diseases in the feet of horses. In two parts. Part I. Upon the shoeing of horses. Part II. Upon the diseases of the feet. Edinburgh: J. Balfour, 1775.
    15, [5], 207p., 1 plate, 21cm.

A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental to horses, from bad management in regard to stables, food, water, air, and exercise. To which are subjoined observations on some of the surgical and medical branches of farriery. By J. Clark, farrier to his majesty for Scotland. Edinburgh: Printed by W. Smellie for the author, 1788.
    xii, 425, [1]p., errata, 22.5cm.

Two pages from book

Clark 1788 (271)

A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental to horses … . Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Edinburgh: Printed for the author and sold by W. Creech, J. Dickson, P. Hill, and C. Elliot, 1790.
    xii, 427p., 21cm.

CLATER, FRANCIS, 1756-1823

Every man his own cattle doctor; or a practical treatise on the diseases of horned cattle: being a concise and familiar description of all the diseases incident to oxen, cows, and sheep; with the most simple and effectual method of curing each disorder, in all its various stages; and the most efficacious treatment of cows, before, at, and after the time of calving, and also of ewes during the lambing season. Fourth edition, corrected and improved. London: B. & R. Crosby, 1814.
    xxx, [33]-376, [6]p., frontis., index, 21.5cm.

Every man his own cattle doctor; … Fifth edition. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1817.
    xxxii, 384p., frontis., index, adverts., 22.5cm.

Every man his own cattle doctor: containing the causes, symptoms, and treatment of all the diseases incident to oxen, sheep, and swine; and a sketch of the anatomy and physiology of neat cattle. By Francis Clater. Edited, revised, and almost rewritten by William Youatt, author of “The Horse,” &c. with numerous additions, embracing an essay on the use of oxen, and the improvement in the breed of sheep, &c. by J. S. Skinner. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1848.
    xvii, 251, [36]p., illus., index, adverts., 18.5cm.

Every man his own farrier, or the whole art of farriery laid open: containing cures for every disorder, that useful animal, a horse, is incident to. The following are a few of the particular ones. Poll-evil, fistulas, farcy, quitter-bones, greasy heels, to take off false-quarters and sand-cracks, bone-spavin, scab or mange, scab in sheep, &c.&c. To which is added an appendix; including several excellent recipes, and preparations of many valuable medicines. Fourth edition, with corrections and additions. Newark, England: A. Tomlinson, 1791.
    xii, 178p., 22.5cm.

Every man his own farrier, … Sixteenth edition. Newark, England: A. Tomlinson, 1806.
    xii, 180p., 20.5cm.
Provenance: Geo. Armytage.

Every man his own farrier; or, the whole art of farriery laid open. Containing a distinct and accurate view of the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, for every disease to which the horse is liable. Rewritten, corrected, and greatly enlarged. In which are incorporated upwards of one hundred original recipes, never before published. With an appendix, considerably augmented, containing a number of valuable recipes; and the proper method of preparing and compounding all the different medicines recommended in this work. Twenty-second edition. London: B. Crosby, 1813.
    xvi, 360p., frontis., port., index, 21cm.

Every man his own farrier; containing the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure for every disease to which the horse is liable; with a veterinary pharmacopoeia. … To which is added, a practical treatise on the most prevalent diseases of dogs. Twenty-fifth edition, with numerous additions and corrections, and a portrait of the author. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1826.
    xii, 379, [1]p., frontis., port., index, adverts., 21cm.
Provenance: Richard Ward.

Every man his own farrier: containing the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, of the diseases of horses. … First American from the twenty-eighth London edition. With notes and additions by J. S. Skinner. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1845.
    xii, 219, [6]p., index, adverts., 19.5cm.

Clater’s every man his own farrier, revised, and much new matter added by D. McTaggart. Together with Rarey’s treatment and management of the horse. London: Milner and Company, 1880?
    xiv, lxiv, 370p., frontis., 1 plate, index, 14cm.

Every man his own farrier and cattle doctor. Two volumes in one: every man his own horse and cow doctor: with a treatise on the cause and cure of diseases in sheep. Revised and much new matter added, by D. McTaggert. Every man his own cattle doctor; or a practical treatise on the diseases of horned cattle, and sheep. Revised, and much new matter added by D. McTaggert. London: Milner and Company, [1860].
    viii, 260, 216, [1], 22p., frontis., 1 plate, indices, adverts., 16.5cm.

Farmers’ barn-book: by Clater, Youatt, Skinner, and Mills. Containing the causes, symptoms, and treatment of all the diseases incident to oxen, sheep, and swine; the anatomy and physiology of neat cattle; with an essay on the use of oxen and the breed of sheep; stable management; treatment of the diseases of horses; plain and practical directions in the choice and purchase of horses; with directions how to ascertain the good qualities, and detect the faults, of carriage, cart, and saddle horses. Philadelphia: W. A. Leary & Co., 1850.
    xii, 311p., frontis., illus., 10 plates, 19.5cm.

Le vétérinaire domestique, ou l’art de guérir soi-même ses chevaux. Traduit de l’anglais sur la 21e édition, par P. L. Prétot. Paris: Anselin et Pochard, 1822.
    [4], xvii, [1], 452p., 2 plates, errata, 21.5cm.


Essais sur les maladies contagieuses du betail, avec les moyens de les prévenir & d’y remédier effacement. Bruxelles: l’Imprimerie Royale, [1766?]
    [2], 46p., 16cm.


Faune des médecins, ou histoire des animaux et de leurs produits, considérés sous le rapport de la bromatologie et de l’hygiène en général, de la thérapeutique, de la pharmacologie et de la toxicologie ouvrage entièrement neuf, avec figures. Paris: Crochard, 1822-1825. 6 vols. in 5.
    479; 484; 479; 484; 488; 192p., 54 colored plates, 20.5cm.
Provenance: Coll. Emile Moreau, 1896.


Entozoa: an introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference, more particularly, to the internal parasites of man. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1864.
    xxvi, [1], 480p., frontis., illus., 20 plates, errata, 26cm.
Provenance: Charles Atkinson Kofoid.

The internal parasites of our domesticated animals; a manual of the entozoa of the ox, sheep, dog, horse, pig, and cat. London: The Field Office, 1873.
    ix, [1], 144, [6]p., illus., 2 colored folding plates, errata, index, adverts., 19.5cm.

Parasites; a treatise on the entozoa of man and animals, including some account of the ectozoa. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1879.
    xi, [1], 508, [1], 23, [1]p., illus., errata, index, adverts., 21cm.


Swine husbandry. A practical manual for the breeding, rearing, and management of swine, and the prevention and treatment of their diseases. New, revised, and enlarged edition. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1883.
    iv, 295, [5]p., illus., index, adverts., 18.5cm.


The American poultry book; being a practical treatise on the management of domestic poultry. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1844.
    xv, 179p., illus., index, 15cm.


Observationes anatomicae selectiores. Amstelodamensium 1667?1673. Reading, England: University of Reading Press, 1938.
    [2], xi, 45, 53, [8]p., frontis., port., illus., 3 plates, index, 16.5cm.
Provenance: John Farquhar Fulton [Yale], Yale Medical Historical Library.

COLE, SAMUEL W., 1796-1851

The American veterinarian, or diseases of domestic animals, showing the causes, symptoms, and remedies, and rules for restoring and preserving health, by good management; with directions for training and breeding. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co., 1847.
    xii, 288p., frontis., illus., 15.5cm.
At head of title: A book for every farmer.

The American veterinarian, or diseases of domestic animals, ... Boston: John P. Jewett, 1850.
    xii, 288p., frontis., illus., 15.5cm.

COLEMAN, EDWARD, 1765-1839

Observations on the formation and uses of the natural frog of the horse; with a description of a patent artificial frog, to prevent and cure contracted hoofs, thrushes, cankers, and sand cracks. [London]: Printed for the author, by J. Crowder, 1800.
    [2], iii, 23p., 2 folding plates, 21.5cm.

Observations on the structure, oeconomy, and diseases of the foot of the horse, and on the principles and practice of shoeing. Dublin: Graisberry & Campbell, 1798.
    xi, 124p., 8 plates, 22.5cm.
Provenance: Manuscript note: Andrew Harrington’s property, Boston, April 1813.

COLERAINE, GEORGE HANGER, 4th baron, 1751?-1824

Colonel George Hanger, to all sportsmen, and particularly to farmers, and gamekeepers. Above thirty years’ practice in horses and dogs; how to feed and take care of them, and also to cure them of all common disorders. Effectually to allure and catch all vermin. The rat-catching secret; to catch every rat on the premises alive, without using poison. To breed and feed pheasants, and cure their disorders. … London: Printed for the author, 1814.
    226, 8p., adverts., 22.5cm.


Compte rendu a la Société d’Agriculture du Département de la Seine d’une expérience tentée et des succès obtenus contre la morve et le farcin, qui infectoient depuis dix-huit mois les chevaux du 23e. Régiment de Dragons....suivi du rapport de MM. Desplas, Huzard et Tessier. Paris: Mme. Huzard, 1810.
    47p., 19.5cm.

COLLART, GASPAR, b. ca. 1570

Recueil et abbrege de Gaspar Collart. Contenant les qualitez de toutes les parties de la bouche du cheval; la curiosité du caval leger; le devoir du maistre d’escurie; l’effect de la poudre de bonne bouche des chevaux; & aucunes receptes les plus necessaires pour aucunes maladies & accidens qui peuvent survenir aux chevaux. Brussels: Godfroy Schoeuaerts, 1627.
    [8], 178, [5]p., illus., 15cm.
Seconde livre de recveil de Gaspar Collart, pages [49]-[183], has special title page.
Misbound in the following order: pages [1]-96, 101-104, 97-100, 109-112, 105-108, 117-120, 113-116, 125-128, 121-124, 129-178.

COLLINS, SAMUEL, 1618-1710

A systeme of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants. Illustrated with many schemes....engraven in seventy four folio copper plates. And after every part of man’s body hath been anatomically described, its diseases, cases, and cures are concisely exhibited. [London]: In the Savoy, Thomas Newcomb, 1685. 2 vols.
    [4], [8], [14], lvi, [4], 1-44, [4], 45-196, [4], 197-410, [4], 411-510, [4], 511-678; [2], [4], 679-894, [4],895-1263, [3], [4], [8], [2], [28]p., 73 plates, 37.5cm.


Libro di Maestro Agostino Columbre meneschalcho de Santo Severo. [Vinegia, Nelle case di Pietro di Nicolini da Sabio: alle spese pero di Pietro Facolo, detto dal Cavallo], 1536.
    [208]p., 15.5cm.

I tre libri della natura de i cavalli, et del modo de medicar le loro infermità. Vinegia: N. p., 1547.
    99 leaves, 15cm.
Provenance: Alfred Barmore Maclay.

THE COMPLEAT HORSE DOCTOR; or, horseman’s sure guide, with directions for the management of horses, and riding in general; likewise, the different symptoms of the several distempers to which horses are liable, and the methods of cure. To which is added, directions for breeding game cocks; also, the royal gardener or monthly calendar; together with plain instructions for destroying vermin, particularly such as infect houses, gardens, dairies, barns, bees, poultry, &c. London: T. Sabine, [17__?].
    145, [1]p., frontis., adverts., 18.5cm.

Title page and illustration

The Compleat Horse Doctor 17__? (303)

THE COMPLETE FARMER; or, general dictionary of agriculture and husbandry: comprehending the most improved methods of cultivation; the different modes of raising timber, fruit, and other trees; and the modern management of live-stock: with descriptions of the most approved implements, machinery, and farm-buildings. Fifth edition, wholly re-written and enlarged. London: For R. Baldwin, … 1807. 2 vols. Vol. 1 printed by Rider and Weed, … Vol.2 printed by W. Flint, …
    vii, [2], [916]p., illus., 54 plates, 27cm.; [iv], [942]p., illus., 44 plates, 27 cm.
Engravings frequently clipped but with almost no loss of image.
Provenance: Manuscript signature Robert Horner, 1847.

THE COMPLETE FARMER: or, a general dictionary of husbandry, in all its branches; containing the various methods of cultivating and improving every species of land, according to the precepts of both the old and new husbandry… By a society of gentlemen, members of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. London: The authors, 1766.
    [724]p., frontis., 27 plates, 37cm.

THE COMPLETE FARMER: or, a general dictionary of husbandry in all its branches; containing the various methods....according to the precepts of both the old and new husbandry. Comprising everything valuable in the best writers on this subject... together with a great variety of new discoveries and improvements. Also the whole business of breeding, managing, and fattening cattle and poultry of all kinds; and the most approved manner of curing diseases to which they are subject. Fourth edition. London: T. Longman, etc., [1793].
    [718]p., frontis., 34 plates, 37cm.

THE COMPLETE FARRIER, or, gentleman’s travelling companion. Comprising a general description of the perfections and imperfections of that noble animal, the horse, with a concise account of his diseases, their symptoms and remedies; and advice with respect to purchase, age, action, condition, shoeing, feeding, exercise, docking, nicking, pricking the tail, and the structure and management of the stable; with directions for the treatment of a horse, preparatory to, and on a journey … compiled from the best authorities … and interspersed with much original matter. ... Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, 1809.
    vi, [9], 248p., frontis., 2 plates, 17cm.
Provenance: Manuscript signature: Samuel Wetherell, junr.

THE COMPLETE GRAZIER: or, gentleman and farmer’s directory. Containing the best instructions for buying, breeding and feeding cattle, sheep and hogs, and for suckling lambs. A description of the particular symptoms, commonly attending the various distempers to which cattle, sheep, and hogs are subject; and the most approved remedies. … London: J. Almon, 1767.
    xii, 252p., illus., 17cm.


The twentieth-century dog. Compiled from the contributions of over 500 experts. London: Grant Richards, 1904. 2 vols.
    xii, 350, 16p., frontis., illus., 38 plates, adverts.; viii 456, 8p., frontis., illus., 41 plates, adverts., 21cm.
Copy imperfect: Vol. 1, signatures L (pages 145-160) and N (pages 177-192) wanting; signature N from Vol. 2 is inserted in their place.

CONSIDERAZIONI SULLE EPIZOOTIE, e sulle malattie che assalgono ogni sorte di bestiame colle loro cause, segni, distintivi, e metodo facile di curarle sicuramente e sulla dottrina Browniana. Venezia: N. p., 1798.
    [2], 142p., 19.5cm.


The cattle plague; with remarks upon the drainage of farm buildings and stables. Third edition, with much additional matter. York: Robert Sunter, 1866.
    55, [1]p., 20cm.
Provenance: Mr. Charles Loughlin Markree Library, Markree Castle, Collooney, Co. Leitrim.


The complete English farmer: or, husbandry made perfectly easy, in all its useful branches. Containing what every farmer ought to know and practice. Among the various articles treated in this work are … the best methods of breeding and rearing colts, managing horses and mares, and of curing their numerous diseases. The art of rearing calves & lambs, together with the best methods of managing bulls, oxen, cows & sheep, to make them turnout to greatest advantage. Also several excellent receipts to cure the different disorders they are subject to. … Boston: Daniel Kneeland, [1770].
    142p., 16.5cm.
Provenance: Presented by Ichabod Tucker, 1846; Wm. Bartlett.

COOPER, J.W. (JOHN W.), b. 1803?

Game fowls: their origin and history, with a description of the breeds, strains, and crosses, the American and English modes of feeling, training and heeling. How to breed and cross, improving quality and preserving feather. Together with a description and treatment of all diseases incident to game fowls. Fort Gaines, Ga.: F. E. Grist, [1900]. 2 vols.
    122 p., frontis.; 125p., illus., 23.5cm.


Breve tractado de naturaleza de cavallos, y todo lo que conviene a cavalleros de hazer en cima de un cavallo, y otras circunstancias, y modo de correr lanzas armado y desarmado, y enfrenar a la brida, y enfermedades de cavallos, vistas, y passadas en esperiencia. Milan: Pandolfo Malatesta, 1603.
    56p., 20cm.
Bound with: Monte Simoncelli, Baldovino di, Il Cesarino. Ovvero dell’arte di cavalcare. Mantova: Aurelio et Lodovico Osanna, 1625.

CORTE, CLAUDIO, b. ca. 1525

Il cavallarizzo...nel qual si tratta della natura de’ cavalli, del modo di domarli, & frenarli. Venetia: Giordano Ziletti, 1562.
    [4], 130 leaves, illus., 19.5cm.
Provenance: J. H.Anderhub.

Il cavalerizzo. Lyone: Alessandro Marsilii, 1573.
    [10], 162, [2] leaves, illus., 25.5cm.

THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN’S COMPANION. In two volumes. London: T. Trye, 1753.
    239; 172, [51], [12]p., 16.5cm.


Toevlucht ofte heylsame remedien voor alderhande siektens en accidenten, die de paarden souden konnen overkomen. … Mitsgaderseen kleyn tractaatje van medicyne voor koe-beesten. Deze sesden druk van merkelyke fouten verholpen, en met verscheide hulpmiddelen vermeerdert. Te Amsterdam: Janssoons van Waesberge, 1731.
    [8], 248p., 15.5cm.
Two manuscript single sheet recipes bound in after pages 104 and 158.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.


The farmer’s companion, a manual of practical information especially adapted to the wants of farmers, mechanics & workingmen of every occupation. By W. S. Courtney, and George E. Waring Jr. Detroit: F. B. Dickerson, 1882.
    589p., frontis., illus., 5 plates, index, 20.5cm.
Provenance: Sarah van Hoosen Jones.


Address given by Mr. James Cowie … of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, at a National Congress of Veterinary Surgeons, of Great Britain and Ireland, held on July 21st and 22nd 1881 in London. Bromley: E. Strong and Sons, 1881.
    16p., 22cm.
Provenance: Kalamazoo Public Library.


Address delivered by Hon. Henry H. Crapo, Governor of Michigan, before the Central Michigan Agricultural Society, at their sheep-shearing exhibition, held at the Agricultural College Farm, on Thursday, May 24th, 1866. Lansing: John A. Kerr, 1866.
    20p., 21cm.

CULLEY, GEORGE, 1735-1813

Observations on live stock; containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic animals. By George Culley, Farmer, Northumberland. The Fourth Edition, with an appendix. London: Printed for G. Wilkie and J. Robinson; ..., 1807.
    xx, 274, [6], 16p., illus., index, adverts., 23.5cm.


Horse sense. A practical treatise on horse beeding—selection of stallions and brood mares—care and handling of stallions—care of brood mares...good and bad shoeing—miscellaneous recipes—veterinary questions and answers.... Minneapolis: Farm, Stock & Home, 1900.
    xvi, 245, [246]p., frontis., port., illus., 23cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.