Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

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Libri duo philippicorum sive de equorum naturâ, electione, educatione, disciplinâ, & curatione. Lugduni Batavorum: Andreas Cloucquium, 1531, [i.e. 1631].
    [8], 70, [1]p., 18.5cm.

Title page
Naaldwyck 1531 (932)


The farmer’s practical horse farriery. Containing Rarey’s Art of taiming vicious horses, with illustrated instructions, practical rules on buying, breeding, breaking, lameness, vicious habits, management, prevention, symptoms, treatment and cure of diseases. And the largest collection of valuable receips, ever published, &c. &c. &c. to which is prefixed an account of the breeds in the United States. 14th thousand revised. Auburn and Buffalo, N.Y.: John E. Beardsley, [1857].
    vi, 198, [1]p., illus., 17.5cm.

The farmer’s practical horse farriery. Auburn, N.Y.: Ephraim Nash, 1858.
    vi, 198, [1], [2]p., illus., adverts., 18cm.


Der aufrichtige Leipziger Ross-Arzt. [Leipzig], 1762.
    10], 132, [7]p., 16.5cm.
A double leaf of manuscript bound in following page 120.
Manuscript signature on title page: Johann Friedrich Agricola.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.


Navin’s veterinary practice: or explanatory horse doctor. Written in plain and common language, for the use of the farmer, breeder, or owner of the horse, to enable him to treat correctly and successfully all the diseases to which the horse is liable. Copiously illustrated by cuts and engravings. Indianapolis: Published for the author, 1864.
    v, 506p., frontis., port., illus., index, 22cm.
Provenance: H. W. Hillyard’s Book, P.O. Address Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Mich.

Navin’s veterinary practice: or explanatory horse doctor. Indianapolis: John B. Hann, 1873.
    x, 506, ix; iv, 229, [4]p., frontis., port., 28 plates, illus., 22cm.
The work is divided into two separately paginated sections: the first on the horse, the second on cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry. The title on the second title page announces Part Second.
Title on spine: Navin’s Explanatory Stock Doctor.


Ordinis medici in Academia Ludoviciana H.A. Decanus D. Ernestus Ludovicus Whilhelmus Nebel clarissimorum atque doctissimorum quorundam medicinae candidatorum solemnia inauguralia indicit, atque historiam artis veterinariae a rerum initio usque ad aevum Caroli V praemittit. Giessae: Typis Schroederi Academicis, 1806.
    [2], 44p., 21.5cm.


The horse and his diseases. A valuable collection of receipts and much other valuable information. South Bend, Ind.: Tribune Printing Company, 1880.
    2, 89, [7]p., illus., index, adverts., 17.5cm.
Lettering on spine: “A jewel among horsemen.”

NEEDHAM, WALTER, 1631?-1691?

Disquisitio anatomica de formato foetu. Londini: Gulielmi Godbid, 1667.
    [24], 205, [1], [13], [1]p., 7 plates in facsimile, errata, index, 16.5cm.


Beyträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie, Thierarzneykunde und Naturgeschichte, gesammelt in Berlin. Göttingen: bey Heinrich Dieterich, 1807.
    xvi, 152p., 2 plates, 19.5cm.

Vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie der Verdauungswerkzeuge der Säugethiere und Vögel. Durchaus nach eigener Zergliederung und Beobachtung dargestellt.Berlin: Realschulbuchhandlung, 1806.
    lii, [2], 273, [1]p., 6 plates, 18.5cm. Manuscript note: Geschenk der Verfassers an Schröder.


The laws concerning game. Of hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling … also of setting-dogs, grey-hounds, lurchers, nets, tunnels … to destroy the game; shewing who are qualified by law to keep and use them. The fifth edition. [London]: Printed by Henry Lintot, for T. Waller, 1753.
    [2], xvii, 259, [33]p., errata, index, adverts., 17cm.


Biographies vétérinaires. Avec 42 portraits dessinés par l’auteur. Paris: Asselin et Houzeau, 1896.
    xi, [2], 443p., illus., errata, 42 plates, index, 22cm.

THE NEW AMERICAN POCKET FARRIER AND FARMER’S GUIDE in the choice and management of horses, neat cattle, sheep and swine: including a description of their internal structure their digestive system, the diseases to which they are liable, with their causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure: from the writings of Youatt, Lawrence, Hines, White, Clayter, and others. To which is added a variety of agricultural and miscellaneous receipts. Philadelphia: Leary & Getz, [1845].
    iv, 284, 8p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 15cm.

THE NEW AND IMPROVED SYSTEM OF EDUCATING THE HORSE. Also, a treatise on shoeing, with new and valuable recipes for diseases of horses. Together with the rules of the Union Course. New York: J. S. Ogilvie, [n.d.].
    58, [8]p., adverts., 18cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.


A general system of horsemanship in all it’s branches: containing a faithful translation of that … work of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, entitled, The manner of feeding, dressing, and training of horses for the great saddle … with all the original copper plates … London: Printed for J. Brindley, 1743.
    2 vols. in one. viii, 142, [168], [4]p., illus., plates, index; 4, 4, [18], 138, [14], illus., plates, index.
Additional title page: La Methode Nouvelle. Invention extraordinaire de dresser les chavaux les travailler selon la nature, … Anvers: Jacques van Meurs, 1658.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.

A new method and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature: as also, to perfect nature by the subtilty of art; which was never found out, but by … William Cavendishe … London: Printed by Tho. Milbourn, 1667.
    [12], 342, 001-040, 343-352, [4]p.

A new method and extraordinary invention, … Dublin: Thomas Wilkinson, [17__?].
    [xii], [8], 343, [1]p., 17cm.
In pencil on title page: 1740.

EIN NEWE UND BEWERTE ROSSARTZNEY, darinen allerhand Gebresten so innerlich unnd eusserlich des leibs der Rossen zustehen oder begegnen möchten. … Welche heimliche, gewisse, bewerte und verborgene kunst, lang zuvor im Niderland für ein sonderlich Kleinot unnd Schatz verborgen gewesen. Newlichen aber durch einen Liebhaber diser Kunst in einem Tumult in Brabant bekomen, und mit sonderlicher mühe und unkosten meniglichem zu nutz und güten an tag geben und in Truck verfertiger. Strassburg: Niclaus Wyriot, 1583.
    170, [9]p., illus., index, 29.5cm.
Provenance: Heynemann; J. H. Anderhub.

Nouvelle methode pour dresser les chevaux, en suivant la nature & mesme la perfectionnant par la subtilité de l’art. Traduction nouvelle sur l’original Anglois. Avec des annotations, ou supplemens … par Monsieur de Solleysel. Paris: Gervais Clouzier, 1677.
    [26], 302, [4]p., frontis., port., illus., 8 plates, 24.5cm.
Provenance: Ellie Morgan and her Fryendes—key circled by ribbon.


The farmer’s assistant: being a complete treatise on agriculture in general. Also, upon the various subjects, of gardening, fruit trees, farriery and the dairy. Albany, N. Y.: Henry C. Southwick and T. C. Fay, 1815.
    x, viii, 327, [1]p., errata, index, list of subscribers, 21cm.
Provenance: Liberty Hyde Bailey.

The farmer’s assistant. The subjects on which this work treats, are numerous. … embracing every article relating to agriculture, arranged in alphabetical order. Albany, N. Y.: Printed by H. C. Southwick, 1814.
    viii, 327, [1]p., errata, index, 21.5cm.
Provenance: W. Paddock; Capt. Shepwick? Saratoga; Emily Conover, Crum Elbow, Nov. 1884; John Brush.

NIMROD, (pseud.), 1778-1843

The horse and the hound: their various uses and treatment, including practical instructions in horsemanship and a treatise on horse-dealing. By Nimrod [pseud.]. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1842.
    viii, 524p., frontis., illus., 7 plates, 19.5cm.

Nemrod ou l’amateur des chevaux de courses. Observations sur les méthodes les plus nouvelles de propager, d’élever, de dresser et de monter les chevaux de courses. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1838.
    viii, 258p., frontis., illus., 1 plate, 23cm.

Remarks on the condition of hunters, the choice of horses, and their management. By Nimrod [pseud.]. Second edition. London: M. A. Pittman, 1834.
    [ix], 524p., ill., index, 22.5cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.


Commentatio veterinario-medica de Melanosi cum in hominibus tum in equis obveniente specimen pathologiae comparatae. Lipsiae: Leopoldum Voss, [1826].
    [2], viii, 33, [1]p., 3 (2 hand-colored) plates, 25.5cm.

NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL et raisonné de médecine, de chirurgie, et de l’art vétérinaire. Paris: Hérissant le fils, 1772. 6 vols.
    xvi, 642; [21], 615; [4], 548; [4], 364; [4], 652; [4], 568p., 16.5cm.
Provenance: Königl. priv. Neues Leseinstitut in Bamberg.

LE NOUVEAU PARFAIT BOUVIER, ou, traité complet sur le gouvernement des boeufs, des vaches, des chevaux, des moutons, des chèvres, etc. Ouvrage ou l’on apprend à connaître tous les animaux utiles au village … les symptômes de leurs maladies, les moyens de les guérir; par quels soins les Espagnols rendent leurs troupeaux si productifs et si sains; ce que doit être la ferrure lorsque le pied se trouve en santé, ou qu’il est vicieux ou malade. … Paris: Belin-le-Prieur, 1832.
    406p., frontis., 3 plates, 19cm.
Provenance: Conte Ugo Grottanelli, Libreria.