Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

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Philippica. Ou haras de chevaux. Anvers: Robert Bruneau, 1614.
    276, [8]p., frontis., port., 3 plates, index, 24.5cm.

TAM, FRANZ JOSEPH, Freiherr von

(Franz Josephs Freyherrn v. Tam … bewährte) Horn-Schaf-Pferd-und Federviehs-Arzneykunst. Wien und Prag: Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattnern, 1765.
    [16], 605p., frontis., 2 plates, index, 19.5cm.

TAPLIN, WILLIAM, 1740?-1807

The American farrier, or New-York horse doctor; being a further improvement upon Adancourt’s “Taplin Improved,” with terms and names of disorders adapted to the nomenclature of farmers, teamsters, and ostlers in the northern and middle states. Troy: F. Adancourt, 1826.
    xiii, 188, [4]p., frontis., 10 plates, index, adverts., 17cm.

A compendium of practical and experimental farriery, originally suggested by reason and confirmed by practice. Equally adapted to the convenience of the gentleman, the farmer, the groom, and the smith. Interspersed with such remarks, and elucidated with such cases, as evidently tend to insure the prevention, as well as to ascertain the cure of disease. Brentford: Printed by P. Norbury, 1796.
    xi, [1], 274, [2]p., frontis., 1 plate, index, adverts., 22.5cm.
Provenance: Alfred Barmore Maclay.

The gentleman’s stable directory; or, modern system of farriery. Comprehending the present entire improved mode of practice: containing all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident. Interspersed with occasional remarks upon the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, and others. Including directions for feeding, bleeding, purging, and getting into condition for the chase. [London]: Printed for G. Kearsley, 1788.
    xvi, 356, [8]p., index, 21.5cm.

The gentleman’s stable directory; or modern system of farriery. Comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident; … To which is now added a supplement, containing practical observations upon thorn wounds, punctured tendons, and ligamentary lameness. With ample instructions for their treatment and cure; … With a successful method of treating the canine species, in that destructive disease called the distemper. Tenth edition, considerably enlarged, and carefully corrected. London: G. G. J. and J. Robinsons and G. Kearsley, [179?].
    xxiv, 519p., frontis., port., index, 21cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library

The gentleman’s stable directory; or modern system of farriery. Volume the second. Containing experimental remarks upon breeding, stabling, breaking, exercise, and shoeing, rowelling. … London: Printed for G. Kearsley, 1791.
    viii, 419, [5]p., index, adverts., 21cm.

The gentleman’s stable directory; or modern system of farriery. Twelfth edition. London: G. G. J. & J. Robinson, and C.& G. Kearsley, 1793. 2 vols.
    xvi, 504, [8]p., frontis., port., index; 419, [5]p., index, adverts., 21cm.
Provenance: David Lyon.

The gentleman’s stable directory; or modern system of farriery. Thirteenth edition. London: G. G. and J. Robinson, and G. Kearsley, 1796-1799. 2 vols.
    xvi, 504, [8]p., frontis., index; viii, 416p., index, 21cm.
Volume 2 is the fifth edition.
Provenance: Christr Idle.

The gentleman’s stable directory. Sixteenth edition. London: John Stockdale and George Robinson, 1810. 2 vols.
    xvi, 503, [8]p., index; viii, 409, [7]p., index, 22.5cm.

The sportsman’s cabinet; or, a correct delineation of the various dogs used in the sports of the field: including the canine race in general. … To which is added, a scientific disquisition upon the distemper, canine madness, and the hydrophobia. London: J. Cundee, 1803. 2 vols.
    viii, 276, [2]p., frontis., illus., 11 plates, index; [6], 310, [2]p., illus., 11 plates, index, 29 cm.

Taplin’s Multum in parvo or sportsmans equestrian monitor. London: J. Wheble, 1796.
    viii, 104p., frontis., 2 plates, adverts., 14.5cm.


Cracks of the day. Edited by Wildrake. (pseud. George Tattersall). [London]: Rudolph Ackermann, [1840].
    [2], iv, 271, [1], 8p., frontis., illus., 43 plates, 25cm.


Recollections of a horse dealer. London: Ward and Lock, 1861.
    iv, 300p., 16cm.

TAYLOR, JOSEPH, 1761-1844

The general character of the dog: illustrated by a variety of original and interesting anecdotes of that beautiful and useful animal, in prose and verse. London: Darton and Harvey, 1804.
    iv, 187, [12]p., illus., adverts., 18.5cm.
Provenance: Sarah van Hoosen Jones.


Bits: their history, use and misuse. New York and London: Harper & Row, [1966].
    [9], 214p., illus., index, 21cm.


The diseases of live stock and their most efficient remedies; including horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Being a popular treatise, giving … the most successful treatment of American, English and European veterinarians: together with anatomical and physiological explanations, alphabetical and classified lists of the drugs used in veterinary medicine, and their doses, a large collection of valuable receipts and formulas for condition powders, liniments, washes, drenches, &c. Providence, R.I.: Buker, 1882.
    469p., illus., index, 22cm.


(Seyferts von Tennecker) … Handbuch der praktischen Heilmittellehr, zum Gebrauche für angehende‘Pferdeärzte und Freunde der Rossarzneikunde. Leipzig: Theodor Seeger, 1799-1800. 2 vols.
    [4], 139; [4], [3]-[364]p., 20.5cm.

TESORE DI VARI SEGRETI, e rimedi provati contra il male contagioso de’ buoi. Con due dissertazioni, e una lettera di medici illustri circa cagioni interne, ed esterne, e la cura del medesimo. Colla giunta di molti rimedi, e ricordi per la peste, ò contagio degli uomini, per i mali de’ cavali, e per varie altre malattie del corpo umano, et in fine per quelle cagionate del mal Francese. Venezia: Girolamo Albrizzi, [1712.
    [32], 160p., 1 plate, adverts., 15cm.


Observations on hydrophobia, produced by the bite of a mad dog, or other rabid animal. With an examination of the various theories and methods of cure, existing at the present day; and an inquiry into the merit of specific remedies. Also, a method of treatment best adapted to the brute creation. In a series of letters addressed to a friend. Plymouth, Mass.: Joseph Avery, 1812.
    xii, 301, [1]p., 1 plate, 21.5cm.


Horses in early modern England: for service, for pleasure, for power. [Reading, Eng.]: University of Reading, 1978.
    [4], 28p., 24cm.
The Stenton Lecture for 1977.


Allegemeines Vieharzneibuch, Zweiter Theil. Oder: des alten Schäfers Thomas aus Bunzlau in Schlesien seine Kuren an Rundvieh, Schweinen, Schaafen, Ziegen und den übrigen Hausthieren. Glogau: Carl Flemming, 1835.
    xiii, 342p., 16.5cm.
Bound with: Thomas. … seine Kuren an Pferden.

Des alten Schäfer Thomas aus Bunzlau in Schlesien seine Kuren an Pferden. von ihm selbst in seiner Mund-und Schreibart beschrieben und zum Besten seiner Nebenmenschen herausgegeben von seinem Sohne dem Schafer Thomas in Weissenborn. Mit einer Vorrede versehen von S. von Tennecker. Glogau: Carl Flemming, 1834.
    xvi, 270, [9]p., 16.5cm. Pages 269-70 placed between pages iv and v.
Bound with: Thomas. Allgemeines Vieharzneibuch, … Zweiter Theil.


Rules for bad horsemen. Addressed to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. Third edition, with a preface and additions. London: J. Robson, 1765.
    [4], viii, 84p., 15.5cm.

Rules for bad horsemen; hints to inexpert travellers; and maxims worth remembering by the most experienced equestrians. A new edition, with modern additions, by John Hinds [i.e., John Badcock]. London: Printed for the author for Sherwood & Co., 1830.
    viii, 87, [1]p. 2 plates, index, 18.5cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.


Modern practice of farriery; or, complete horse doctor. Explaining the various symptoms of the approaching disorders and the most approved cures for the several diseases to which horses are subject … but also a complete farrier … the whole being the result of 37 years practice and experience. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1807.
    [4], xiv, 152p., 14.5cm.
Provenance: Levi G. Wells, 1824.


The feisty veterinarians of New Jersey. Their first one hundred years. Rockaway, N.J.: New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association, 1984.
    viii, 254p., illus., index, 29cm.


Der Landmann als Thierarzt bey Krankheiten der Pferde, des Rindviehes, der Schweine, Schafe, Ziegen, Hunde, des Federviehes und Stubenvögel. Nebst den erprobtesten Mitteln und Recepten der berühmtesten practischen Thierärzte. Ein nützliches. … Handbuch für deutsche Landwirthe und Familien, welche keinen Thierarzt in der Nähe haben, und sich in vorkommenden, dringenden Fällen mit Rath und That selbst Hülfe verschaffen wollen. Linz: Friedrich Eurich, 1826.
    xii, 380p., 20cm.


Tindall’s Yorkshire farriery, being a treatise on the diseases of horses, with a statement of cases, and applicable recipes, never before published, whereby gentlemen, sportsmen, farmers, and others, having the management of horses, are enabled to apply remedies to the diseases incidental thereto. Huddersfield: J. Lancaster, 1814.
    [6], vii, [5], 228, [13], [1]p., errata, advert., 21cm.


Examen du projet de décret sur l’enseignment vétérinaire suivi d’un nouveau plan d’organisation et d’une proposition concernant les vétérinaires militaires. Lyon: Nigon, 1848.
    92p., 19cm.


Sull’ epizoozia de’ cavalli comparsa in Piemonte nel mese di Settembre del 1811. Memmoria utilissima alle persone dell’arte, ed ai proprietari de’cavalli. Torino: Vedove Pomba, e Figli, 1812.
    92p., errata, 16cm.

De l’hydrorachitis des agneaux connu des bergers sous le nom de foiblesse. Turin: Vedove Pomba e Figli, 1810.
    67p., 20 cm., 19cm.

Della ruminazione, e digestione de’ ruminanti; saggio fisiologico-critico, … con cui tenta l’autore di dilucidare questa stessa dottrina altra volta compendiosamente pubblicata. E questo seguito da breve ragionamento sopra la malattia delle bovine, e delle pecore detta idatide cerebrale, e volgarmente bestia lorda. Torino: Vedove Pomba e Figli, 1819.
    vii, 269p., 22cm.

Storia e cura del tifo ossia della febbre nervosa enzeootica nelle bovine del comune di Guarene. Alba: Domenico Bott, 1812.
    46p., 18cm.


A new compendious system on several diseases incident to cattle. Wherein the disorders are orderly described, and the symptoms of each disease obviously laid down: together with a complete number of medicines for every stage and symptom thereof. There is also annexed, an essay on the diseases incident to calves, and their curative indications. In the course of this work will be found several observations on the diseases peculiar to horses, and their proper method of treatment. London: Printed for J. Scatcherd & J. Whitaker, T. Scollick & J. Todd, 1788.
    xvi, 421, [6]p., index, 22cm.


The farmer’s directory; comprehending a system of agricultural economy, agreeably to the practice of the most eminent and experienced agriculturists. The complete farrier; containing a statement of the various diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, swine, etc. are liable; accompanied with true and approved remedies in each case. London: Henry Fisher, 1822.
    720p., frontis., 20 plates, index, 26.5cm.

TRADUCTION D’ANCIENS OUVRAGES LATINS RELATIFS A L’AGRICULTURE ET A LA MÉDÉCINE VÉTÉRINAIRE: avec des notes: par M. Saboureux de La Bonnetrie. Paris: P. Fr. Didot le jeune, 1771. 2 vols.
    lvi, 248p., 2 plates, errata; [4], 413p., 2 plates, errata, 21.5cm.

A TREATISE ON GREYHOUNDS, with observations on the treatment & disorders of them, by a sportsman. Second edition. [London]: T. Gosden, 1825.
    xiii, 122p., frontis., illus., 16.5cm.


The accoutrements of the riding horse. London: Seeley Service & Co., 1951.
    [1], 160p., frontis., index, 29cm.


Neu-auserlesenes Pferd-Buch, in zweyen Theilen verfasset. Deren der erste die Ross-Anatomie/ Zergliederung/ inn-und äusserliche Gestalt/ starcke Glieder Beine/ Musculn und Adern des gantzen Leibes der Pferde vorstellet. Der zweyte Theil/ Die Ross-Artzney, Geschlecht der Pferde dero verschiedenen Arten/ die Complexion, Natur und Alter/ nebst guten und bösen Eigenschafften/ Kranckheiten und Gebrechen/ (wie denenselben fruchtbarlich fürzukommen/ und die so allbereit verhanden/ glücklich curirt und geheilt werden mögen/) ausführlich/ und gründlich anweiset. Ein Werck/ welches allen Liebhabern der Pferde zu nützlich-und nothwendigen Gebrauch mit grossem Fleiss zusammengetragen/ mit vielen selbst-probirten Arcanis vermehrt/ vollständigen Registern versehen/ vielen Kupffern gezieret … Zweyte Auflag. Nürnberg: Peter Conrad Monath, 1717. 2 vols.
    [28], 546, [26]p., frontis., 56 plates, index, 16.5cm.; [40], 1172, [1]p., frontis., index, 17cm.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.


Novello giardino della pratica, ed esperienza … diviso in tre libri, nel primo de’ quali si tratta della generazione, e nobilità del cavallo co i segni buoni, e cattivi del medesimo; delle origini, e qualità de’morbi, che li accadono; col chiaro modo di curarli perfettamente, e quando si deve sagnare, con la regola di darli l’erba; ed avvertimenti, come si vende, e compra; nel secondo si vede come si generano i vitelli, come si governano, e domano, con una serie di remedii di molta, e vera esperienza per l’infermità, che ai bovi sogliono occorrere; nel terzo descritto in dialoghi … s’insegna il modo, e vera maniera di ridurre il cavallo all’esercizio cavalleresco. Napoli: Gaetano Castellano, 1775.
    [10], 316 [8], 82, [2], 75p., frontis., illus., 3 plates, indices, 23.5cm.
Manuscript notes on both sides of final leaf.
Provenance: J. H. Anderhub.


The gentleman’s pocket-farrier: shewing how to use your horse on a journey, and what remedies are proper for common accidents that may befal [sic] him on the road. Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1832.
    34p., frontis., 15cm.


A treatise on the foot of the horse, and a new system of shoeing, by one-sided-nailing; and on the nature, origin, and symptoms, of the navicular joint lameness, with preventive and curative treatment. London: Printed for the author and published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1832.
    xii, 106p., 25cm.


Introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the session 1863-4, at the Royal Veterinary College. [London?: 1863?]
    13p., 21.5cm.
Author’s presentation copy to Professor Spooner.

A pharmacopoeia including the outlines of materia medica and therapeutics for the use of practitioners and students of veterinary medicine. Second edition. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1874.
    x, 341p., index, 19cm.
Provenance: George G. Nash, 1877.