Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

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Encyklopädie der gesammten Thierheilkunde … Mit 300 zum Theil colorirten Abbildungen auf 30 Tafeln. Leipzig: Mayer und Wigand, 1843. 2 vols.
    viii, 420p., index, 27.5cm.; 30 plates, 26cm.
Atlas volume is bound as double leaves with 30 plates, some are colored.

Gründliche Anweisung die Krankheiten des Pferdes sowohl die inneren als die äussern zu erkennen und zu heilen. Ein nützliches Handbuch für Cavallerie-Offiziere, Stallmeister, Bereiter, Pferdezüchter, Pferde-Liebhaber und für jeden Pferdebesitzer überhaupt. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Danzig: S. Anhuth, 1846.
    xv, [1], 135p., 4 plates, 20cm.


Abhandlung über die gewöhnlichsten Krankheiten des Rindviehes. Für Oekonomen und Thierärzte. Wien: Degen, 1810.
    vi, 68, [2]p., 1 plate, 17cm.

Allgemeine Pathologie der grösseren Hausthiere, für angehende Thierärzte. Wien: Geistinger, 1812.
    [15], 272p., 14.5cm.

Therapie oder praktisches Heilverfahren bey fieberhaften Krankheiten der grösseren nutzbaren Hausthiere für angehende Thierärzte und Landwirthe. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Wien: Geistinger, 1821. 2 vols.
    534, [6]; 294, [2], [4]p., adverts., 14.5cm.


Lagographia natura leporum, qua prisci autores et recentiores prodide. Re quid ve utilitatis in re medica ab isto quadrupede percipiatur. Ambergae: Joh. Schönfeldii, 1619.
    83, [4]p., illus., 19.6cm.

WALLEY, THOMAS, 1842-1894

A horse’s troublous life. The life of a dairy cow. The life of a dog with animal characteristics. Edinburgh: Turnbull & Spears, n.d.
    [6], 57, [2]p., frontis., adverts.., 18.5cm.

WALLIS, JOHN, 1616-1703

An account of the extraordinary cure of an horse that was staked into his stomach, … [Royal Society Of London]: Philosophical Transactions. January and February, 1695/6. Number 219.
    117-120p., 21.5cm.


The farrier’s and horseman’s complete dictionary: containing the art of farriery in all its branches; with whatever relates to the manage, and to the knowledge, breeding, feeding, and dieting of horses; as delivered by the best writers upon these subjects. London: W. Owen and E. Baker at Tunbridge Wells, 1759.
    vi, 330p., 17cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.

The farrier’s and horseman’s complete dictionary: … Second Edition. London: W. Owen and E. Baker, 1764.
    vi, 330p., 16.5cm.
Provenance: William Bagshaw of the Oaks.

The farrier’s and horseman’s complete dictionary: containing the art of farriery in all its branches; with whatever relates to the manage, and to the knowledge, breeding, feeding, and dieting of horses; as delivered by Newcastle, Bracken, Gibson, La Fosse, Bartlett, Burdon, Markham, Solleysell, Guillet, Wood, Reeves, Snape and others, the best writers upon these subjects. By Thomas Wallis, surgeon. Third edition. Dublin: James Williams, 1766.
    vi, 330p., 20cm.
Provenance: Capt. J. Wisdom.

The farrier’s and horseman’s complete dictionary: containing the art of farriery in all its branches; with whatever relates to the manage, and to the knowledge, breeding, feeding, and dieting of horses; as delivered by the best writers upon these subjects. By Thomas Wallis, surgeon. The third edition. London: Printed for J. Beecroft, F. Rivington, W. Owen, T. Lowndes, G. Robinson, and T. Baker, 1775.
    vi, [330]p., 17cm.
Provenance: B.E. Morse, Calcutta, May 4, 1842.


The western gentleman’s farrier, containing remedies for the different diseases to which horses are incident in the western and south western states. To which is added an appendix, containing receipts for the cure of many diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs are liable, together with much useful land interesting information to the farmer and horse grower, selected from the most eminent and erudite authors. Troy, Ohio: John T. Tullis, 1838.
    171, [5]p., index, 14cm.
Wanting: pages 35-38, 125-26.

Title page
Wallis 1838 (1341)

WALSH, JOHN HENRY, 1810-1888

The dog in health and disease. Comprising the various modes of breaking and using him for hunting, coursing, shooting, etc., and including the points or characteristics of all dogs, which are entirely rewritten. By Stonehenge (pseud.). Third edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1879.
    xviii, 509, [2]p., illus., adverts., 20.5cm.

The greyhound in 1864: being the second edition of a treatise on the art of breeding, rearing, and training greyhounds for public running … by Stonehenge. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1864.
    xvi, 435, 24p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 21.5cm.

The horse, in the stable and the field: his varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy, physiology, etc. etc. Illustrated with one hundred and seventy engraving by Barraud, H. Weir, Zwecker, … New edition. London: George Routledge, 1873.
    x, 622p., frontis., illus., index, 21.5cm
Provenance: Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Vt., December 9, 1874.

The horse, in the stable and the field. … London: George Routledge and Sons, 1880.
    x, 622p., frontis., illus., index, 21.5cm.
Provenance: Gurdon and Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.

The horse, in the stable and the field. … London: George Routledge and Sons, 1883.
    x, 622p., frontis., illus., index, 21.5cm.

The horse in the stable and the field. … Thirteenth edition. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1890.
    x, 622p., frontis., illus., index, 21cm.


Kürze Beschreibung der Pferde-und Vieh-Zucht. Wie auch allerhand künstlichen und wolbewehrten Ross-und Vieh-Artzneyen. Allen Hauss-Vätern unnd Hauss-Müttern, allermeist aber den Reutern Bereitern und Huffschmieden zum besten beschrieben. Königsberg in Preussen: Paschen Mense, 1649.
    [1], 227, [11]p., 2 plates, 15cm.


A new treatise on the method of breeding, breaking, and training, horses. Edinburgh: J. Dickson, C. Elliot, and W. Schaw, 1776.
    xvi, 200p., frontis., 3 folding plates, 21.5cm.
Manuscript note: Presentation copy from the author.


First-hand bits of stable lore. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1903.
    x, 297, [1]p., frontis., 18 plates, 20cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.

WARE, JAMES, fl.1826

The pocket farrier; or gentleman’s guide in the management of horses under various diseases. With an explanation of the symptoms attending the different disorders, and the shortest, plainest, and most humane methods of curing them. Directions for judging of the horse’s age, and useful observations on the breeding, raising, and training of colts. Hints to purchases, and general directions for using a horse on a journey, with useful rules for riding with safety, gracefulness, &c. and directions to perform the necessary surgical operations. Receipt for gelding, on a new and improved plan: and for securing horses from the dangers arising from bots, truncheons, &c. To which is added, the horse’s skeleton, taken from that of the Academy of science at Paris. [Richmond]: T. W. White, 1828.
    xvi, 192p., frontis., 17.5cm.


Modern training, handling and kennel management. By B. Waters, (Kingrail). Chicago: The Blakely Printing Co., 1889.
    xviii, 373p., illus., 19.5cm.


The equestrian’s manual; or, the science of equitation, with advice to purchasers of horses, saddlery, &c. &c. London: W. Shoberl, 1850.
    xii, 171p., frontis., 2 plates, 19.5cm.
Provenance. E. A. Morrison, Jr.

Graceful riding. A pocket manual for equestrians. Abridged and revised from “Waite’s equestrian’s manual.” London: Robert Hardwicke, 1859.
    8, 70p., frontis., 3 plates, 16cm.


The farmer’s guide. A treatise on the diseases of horses and black cattle. With a selection of proved prescriptions, and instructions for the management of breeding mares and cows. Sixth edition. Edinburgh: Blackie & Son, 1847.
    xi, 223p., frontis., 3 plates, 17cm.
Manuscript note on paste down: Kirkhill Manse.

    48, [16]p., illus., adverts., 18cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.

WESTERN FARMER. Detroit, 1841-42.
    Semi-monthly, Vol. I: nos. 1-24, Vol. II: nos.1-2., illus.

    Vol. II: nos. 1-20, 24, illus., index.


In des Welt-berühmten Hefftrigs Reit-Schule Kunst-geübter Bereiter und durch Erfahrenheit gelehrter Ross-Artzt, vorgestellt in diesem so nöthig als nutzlichen Tractat, worinnen zwar kürtzlich, doch vollkommmen, entdecket wird, wie so wol der Mann sich zu dem Reiten schicken, als auch das Pferd erkennen, nach den Kunst-Reguln wol anführen, und dann geschicklich zäumen soll; welchem ferner beygefüget ist ein vollständiges Ross-Artzney-Buch, worinnen zu allen und jeden Kranckheiten und Gebrechen der Rosse dienliche und von ob-wolernannten Hefftrig erlernte auch nachmals aus eigener Erfahrung bewährt-erfundene Mitteln enthalten. Nürnberg: Johann Jonathan Felsseckers Erben, 1701.
    [10], 82 [84]p., frontis., illus., 46 plates, 31cm.


L’utile a tout le monde, ou le parfait écuyer militaire et de campagne. Divisé en quatre livres. 1E. De la connoissance du cheval. 2E. De la cure des chevaux. 3E. De la ferrure. 4E. Des qualités & devoirs du parfait écuyer. Bruxelles: J. J. Boucherie, 1767. 2 vols. in one.
    [6], xvi, 319, [3]p., adverts.; [2], 206, [18]p., errata, 10cm.

Compendio di veterinaria pratica per la preservazione e cura de’ morbi epidemici, contagiosi, infiammatori putridi degli animali più necessari all’uomo ed alla vita. … Coll’ aggiunta I. D’un instruzione per conoscere, e curare la malattia volgarmente chiamata sciamoro delli cavalli. II. Della descrizione d’una carroza straordinaria. Napoli: N.p., 1789.
    [16], 150, [2]p., errata, 23.5 cm.


Hand-book of the treatment of the horse in the stable and on the road; or, hints to horse owners. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1873.
    137, [6]p., frontis., illus., errata, adverts., 19cm.
Errata slip bound in.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.


The anatomy and physiology of the horse’s foot, concisely described; with practical observations on shoeing; together with the symptoms of, and most approved remedies for, the diseases of horses with fourteen illustrative plates. London: T. Chapman, 1801.
    xvi, 160, [1]p., color frontis., illus., 14 plates (3 colored), errata, 14cm.
Eight leaves of manuscript receipts at front and back.
Provenance: Capt. Jas. Wills.

A compendious dictionary of the veterinary art: containing concise explanations of the various terms used in veterinary medicine and surgery: also, a short description of the anatomy or structure of the eye, the foot, and other important parts of the horse. With practical observations on his diseases, as well as those of other domestic animals. The second edition greatly enlarged. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1830.
    [498]p., folding frontis., 17.5 cm.
Title on Spine: Veterinary dictionary.

A compendium of cattle medicine; or practical observations on the disorders of cattle and the other domestic animals, except the horse. With a series of essays on the structure, economy, and diseases of horned cattle and sheep, … By James White, … being a fourth volume of his “Treatise on Veterinary Medicine.” Fourth edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Co., 1825.
    xvi, 331p., index, 18cm.

A compendium of the veterinary art; containing an accurate description of all the diseases to which the horse is liable, their symptoms and treatment; the anatomy and physiology of the horse’s foot; observations on the principles and practice of shoeing; on feeding and exercise, the stable, &c. Illustrated by plates. Canterbury: Printed by W. Bristow, 1802.
    232p., color frontis., illus., 14 plates (3 colored), index, 17cm.

A compendium of the veterinary art. Containing plain and concise rules for the treatment of all the disorders and accidents to which the horse is liable; … also, a brief description of the structure, economy, and diseases of the horse’s foot, with principles and practice of shoeing. Fourteenth edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825.
    [4], xlvi, 340p., color frontis., illus., adverts., 19 cm.
The twenty-three plates described on pages [xli]-xlvi are wanting. Publisher’s catalog bound between front paste down paper and free endpaper.

A compendium of the veterinary art, containing plain and concise rules for the treatment of all the disorders and accidents to the horse is liable; with observations on grooming, feeding, exercise, and the construction of stables. Also a brief description of the structure, economy, and disease of the horse’s foot. Fifteenth edition. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1828-1831 [v.1, 1829]. 4 vols.
    xlvi, 340p., illus., 23 plates (3 colored), index; xii, 360, 4p., adverts.; xii, 384p., color frontis., illus., 2 plates, index; xii, 331, [1]p., index, 18cm.
Edition varies: v.1, fifteen edition; v.2, sixth edition, very considerably enlarged and improved; v.3, eighth edition; v.4, fifth edition.

A compendium of the veterinary art, containing plain and concise rules for the treatment of all the disorders and accidents to which the horse is liable; with observations on grooming, feeding, exercise and the construction of stables. Also, a brief description of the structure, economy, and diseases of the horse’s foot, with the principles and practice of shoeing. The sixteenth edition. London: Longman, Orme, and Co., 1837.
    Vol.I only: xlvi, 335p., color frontis., illus., 23 plates (4 colored), index, 18cm.

A compendium of the veterinary art…and a copious materia medica and pharmacopoeia…by James White, seventeenth edition, entirely reconstructed, with considerable additions and alterations, bringing the work up to the present state of veterinary science, by W. C. Spooner. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1842.
    xxviii, 558p., color frontis., illus., index, 21cm.
Title on spine: White’s farriery.

A compendium of the veterinary art … eighteenth edition. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851.
    xxviii, 560p., color frontis., illus., index, 22cm.

A complete system of farriery, and veterinary medicine. Containing a compendium of the veterinary art or an accurate description of the diseases of horses, and their mode of treatment; … the anatomy and physiology of the foot, and the principles and practice of shoeing. With observations on stable management, feeding, exercise, and condition. By James White, … Newly arranged by the publishers, in which are introduced the late and important treatises upon the glanders, farcy, staggers, inflammation of the lungs and bowels, the prevention and treatment of lameness. … First American edition, newly arranged from the tenth London edition. Pittsburgh: R. Patterson and Lambdin, 1818.
    [2], 311p., frontis., illus., 18 plates, index, 19 cm.

A complete system of farriery and veterinary medicine. … Second American edition, newly arranged from the tenth London edition. Pittsburgh: Henry Holdship & Son, 1832.
    216p., 18 plates, index, 18cm.
Provenance: Thomas Squire.

A treatise on veterinary medicine, in two volumes. Illustrated by plates. The ninth edition, considerably enlarged. Vol. 1. London: J. Johnson and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809; Vol. 2 London: J. Johnson, 1808.
    [7], 409, [8]p., colored frontis., illus., 13 plates (3 colored), index, 18.5cm; vii, [2], 266p., 18.5cm.
Vol. 1: Containing a compendium the veterinary art. Or an accurate description of the diseases of the horse, and their mode of treatment; the anatomy and physiology of the foot; and the principles and practice of shoeing. Vol. 2: Containing the materia medica, and pharmacopoeia. A new edition.
Provenance: George Birch, Esq. Hollybank, Near Burton-upon-Trent.

A treatise on veterinary medicine, in two volumes. Vol. 2. Containing the material medica, and pharmacopoeia. A new edition. London: J. Johnson and Co., 1811.
    vii, [1], 266p., illus., 14 plates (3 colored), 18cm.

A treatise on veterinary medicine, in four volumes. … Eleventh edition, considerably enlarged and with additional plates. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1815-1818. 4 vols.
    vi, 370, [vi]p., colored frontis., illus., 17 plates, index; xii, 263p., adverts.; xxiii, [1], 300p., frontis., illus., 4 plates, index, adverts.; x, [1], 216p., frontis., illus., 4 plates, 18cm.

A treatise on veterinary medicine, Vol. III. Containing practical observations on the structure, economy, and diseases of the digestive organs of the horse, and other diseases resulting from them. Also practical observations on the treatment and prevention of lameness. The seventh edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825.
    xii, 384p., colored frontis., illus., 2 plates, 18cm.


A treatise on two of the most important diseases which attack the horse. In two parts. Part I. Containing an accurate account of the cause, progress, termination together with the mode of treatment found most successful for the cure of that dreadful disease termed locked jaw and tetanus, illustrated with several cases successfully treated; being the result of many years experience. Part II. A treatise on the epidemical disease, or catarrhal affection, which sometimes prevails among horses. Newcastle: Printed by E. Walker, sold in London by Longman & Co., 1818.
    xiv, [2], 212p., frontis., 28cm.


Medecine vétérinaire: ou instruction au laboureur, sur la maniere de connoître & de guérir les maladies de son bétail à cornes, & de ses brebis: Traduite de l’Allemand de Mr. Charles Ant. Villbourgh; … avec un abrégé de matiere médicale, & les noms des remedes, tant simples que composés. Berne: N.p., 1785.
    xvi, 287, [3]p., 18.5cm.


Wiliams’[sic] new system of handling and educating the horse, together with diseases and their treatment. Revised edition. Claremont, N.H.: Claremont Manufacturing Company, 1879.
    280p., frontis., port., illus., 18cm.
Sheet of lined paper laid in with embossed crest with pencilled cures: Rx for Worms in Horses; Rx for Vermin, External; Rx for Liniment; Rx for Retention of after Birth in Cows.


Dogs and their ways; illustrated by numerous anecdotes compiled from authentic sources. With woodcuts. London: Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1863.
    viii, 376p., frontis., 7 plates., 16.5 cm.


Surgical and obstetrical operations for veterinary students and practitioners. … Embodying portions of the Operationskursus of Dr. W. Pfeiffer. Ithaca, N.Y.: The author [1903].
    ix, 210p., illus., 34 plates, 20cm.


The principles and practice of veterinary medicine. Third edition, revised, with supplement. Edinburgh: John Menzies, 1882.
    xix, 833p., 2 colored frontis., illus., 6 plates, index, 21.5cm.

The principles and practice of veterinary medicine. Fourth edition. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1884.
    xix, 836p., 2 colored frontis., illus., 13 plates, index, 21cm.
Wanting: half title.
Provenance: Dr. T. D. Hinebauch, Class of 1885.

Principles and practice of veterinary medicine. Eighth edition. Revised by the author, assisted by his son, W. Owen Williams. Edinburgh: John Menzies & Co.; London: Baillière, Tindall, & Cox, 1897.
    xv, 863p., frontis., illus., 13 plates (some colored), index, 22.5cm.

The principles and practice of veterinary surgery. Ninth edition. Revised by the author, assisted by his son, W. Owen Williams. Edinburgh: John Menzies &Co., 1899.
    xiv, [2], 760p., illus., 6 plates, index, 22.5cm.
Frontispiece wanting.


The farmer’s dictionary; or a cyclopedia of agriculture, in all its departments, principles, methods, recent improvements, and business affairs, as taught and practised by the most distinguished British agriculturalists of the present day. Edited by John M. Wilson. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co.; New York: Fullarton, Macnab & Co., [185?]. 2 vols.
    xxxviii, 744; 771p., frontis., illus., 48 plates, 24.5cm.


Curioser Stallmeister oder vollständige Ross Artzney-Kunst in dreyen Büchern verabfasset: Deren I. Von der Pferde Complexion, Erkennung des Alters, und allen innerlichen Haupt-Kranckheiten. II. Von allen innerlichen Kranckheiten der Brust und dess Schmeerbauchs; wie auch von allerhand Pferdz-Purgationen; von der Gras-Fütterung; auch von unterschiedlicher Art Clystiren und Laxic-Zapffen; ferner von Fiebern und der Pest. III. Von allerhand Salben; Oelen; Balsamen und Pflastern ins gemein; wie auch von allen aüsserlichen Schäden und Huff-Mängeln insonderheit; so dann endlich auch von unterschiedlichen zur Heilung dieser Gebrechen benöthigten Medicaments-Formuln; vom Aderlassen, Nerven-gebrechen &c. handelt. Nicht allein aus den bewerthesten Authorn zusammen getragen, sondern auch aus eigener Erfahrung zu diesem Stand gebracht und mit vielen Kupffern der Patienten ausgezieret. Halberstadt: In Verlegung des Authoris, 1691.
    [22], 980, [20]p., frontis., 44 plates, 16cm.
Signed by the author.

Wolerfahrner Pferde-Artzt, welcher gründlich lehret, wie man der Pferde Complexion, Natur und Alter erkennen, alle inner- und äusserliche Kranckheiten curiren, und die gesunden Pferde vor allen beforstehenden Mängeln praeserviren solle. Mit einem Anhang einiger raren, für junge Fohlen treflich gut befundenen Arzeney-Mitteln versehen, auch durch und durch verbessert, und mit den bewährtesten Arcanis vermehret durch Valentin Trichter. Nürnberg: Joh. Andrea Endter, 1757
    [38], 838, [18]p., illus., 16.5cm.
Several plates missing or seriously mutilated.
Provenance: Reuben R. Guiscmer, 1842.

Wohlerfahrner Pferde-Arzt, welcher gründlich lehrt wie man die Complexion der Pferde, ihre Natur und Alter erkennen, alle innerlichen und aüsserlichen Krankheiten heilen, so wie auch wie man dieselben vor bevorstehenden Uebeln verwahren könne, nebst einigen, höchst seltenen, für junge Fohlen vielfach bewährt gefundenen Arzenei-Mitteln. Durchgesehen, verbessert, mit neuen Zusätzen und erleichternten Kupfern versehen von Valentin Trichter. Philadelphia: Edmund Y. Schelly, 1840.
    839p., 25 plates, 18cm.

Wolerfahrner Ross-arzt; oder, Vollständige Ross-Artzney-Kunst, in dreyen Büchern verabfasset. … Nicht allein aus den bewehrtesten Authorn zusammen getragen, sondern auch aus einiger vieljähriger Erfahrung und langer Praxi zu diesem Stand gebracht. … Aus dem Teutschen in das Lateinische übersetzt, und anitzo zum ersten Mal in offentlichem Druck heraus gegeben. Nürnberg: verlegt durch W. Endter, 1678.
    [14], 490, [10]p., illus., index, 33cm.
Latin and German in parallel columns. Additional title page in Latin. Added illustrated title page.
Provenance: Graf Kinigl, Freyherr in Ehrnburg und Warth; Alfred Barmore Maclay; K. K. Bibliothek, Salzburg.

Trattato nuovo … del far la razza di cavalli, diviso in tre parti … La Terza. Delle cariche ed altre incombenze del peroriga, garzon maggiore, marescalco ed altri famegli di stalla; & in particolare per gli affari domestici di ciascun mese: finalmente si propone una specieria fornita di semplici & altre medicine per bisogno di cavalli. Nuremberg: Jean Andre & Wolfgang Endter, 1672.
    [18], 169p., frontis., illus., 36 plates, 31.5cm.

Page from chapter 15
Winter 1672 (1392)
Illustration of horse with foal and men


Illustrated catalogue of veterinary instruments, books, drugs, turf goods, etc. The most extensive makers of surgical instruments in the United States: trusses, deformity appliances, crutches, electrical batteries, rubber goods, hospital & laboratory supplies. Fourteenth edition. Cincinnati: [M. Wocher, 191?].
    272p., illus., index, 23.5cm.

WOHL-EINGERICHTETES VIEH-ARZNEY-BUCH, worin enthalten die Wartung und Pflege, sowol als die Krankheiten und Heilungsmittel I. Der Pferde, II. Des Rindviehes, III. Der Schaafe, IV. Der Schweine; und V. Der Gänse und Hüner. Aus den Schriften der bewährtesten Vieh-Aerzte, und derer welche die Viehzucht getrieben und beschrieben haben, mit Fleiss zusammen getragen; und zum allgemeinen Nutzen, besonders aber zum Gebrauch des Landmanns heraus gegeben. Philadelphia: Heinrich Miller, 1771.
    x, 184p., illus., 15.5cm.
Title page and following nine pages torn with some damage to the text.


Der Milzbrand des Hornviehes. Eine Abhandlung durch die der Landmann, so wie jeder Oekonom, diese bis jetzt unheilbar geschienene Krankheit genau kennen, ihr vorbeugen und sie heilen lernt. Rödelheim: [n.p.] 1808.
    59p., 16.5cm.
Provenance: Stamp on verso of title page: Ex Bibliotheca Solms-Lauracensi.


Anmerkungen über die Viehseuchen in Oesterreich. Nebst einer Abhandlung gegen das Umbringen der Thiere in Seuchen. Neue Auflage. Wien: bey Joseph Camesina & Comp., 1798.
    [8], xii, 147p., 2 folding charts, 21 cm.

Das Buch für Thierärzte im Kriege, über die Verletzungen, die den Pferden durch Waffen zugefügt werden. Wien: Rudolph Gräffer, 1788.
    [12], xii, 146p., 1 plate, 18.5cm.
Provenance: Franz Jos., Graf Desfours.

Das Buch von den Seuchen und Krankheiten des Hornviehes, der Schaafe und der Schweine für die Einwohner auf dem Lande. Neue Auflage. Wien: J.G. Binz, 1802.
    [4], 92p., 20.5cm.

Das Buch von Viehseuchen für Bauern. [Wien?: n.p.], 1796.
    [4], 44, 17.5cm.


A new compendious treatise of farriery. Wherein are set forth in a plain, familiar, and natural manner the disorders incident to horses, and their respective cures: Together with some interesting observations on bleeding, purging, exercise, &c. London: Printed for the author at Mr. Hewett’s, 1757.
    xiv, 28, [1], xcviii, 136, 6, 72p., index, 22.5cm.
Wanting: leaf with “additional names” of the subscribers.
Bound at end: Wood, John. A supplement to the new compendious treatise of farriery. … London: 1757.

A new compendious treatise of farriery. … London: Printed for the author at Mr. Hewett’s, 1757.
    xiv, 28, xcviii, 136, 6, 72 p., indices, 22cm.

A supplement to the new compendious treatise of farriery. Concerning inflammations, tumours, mortifications, wounds, and fractures, diabetes, and the present epidemical distemper amongst horses, and the mad staggers. With a postscript, wherein is set forth the singular conduct of a couple of late writers in point of practice in the branch of farriery: with a dissertation on bot-worms, and proposals for erecting an infirmary for diseased horses. London: Printed for the author, at Mr. Hewett’s, 1758.
    [2], 88p., 20cm.
Bound with: Wood, John, A new compendious treatise of farriery. … London: 1757.


The trotting horse of America: how to train and drive him. With reminiscences of the trotting turf. By Hiram Woodruff. Edited by Charles J. Foster. New York: J. B. Ford and Company, 1871.
    xxxvi, 412, 4, 8p., frontis., port., 19.5cm.
Provenance: Private Library of W.J. Beal.
Manuscript note: To Robert S. Shaw from his friend.


The clinical diagnosis of lameness in the horse. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1898.
    xi, [5], [9]-170, [1]p., illus., index, 23 cm.