The horseman’s guide, and farrier. By York & Williams. Montpelier, Vt.: Argus and Patriot, 1864.
52p., 15cm.
Provenance: Dr. Fred Beaudette.
YORK, S. V. R.
The horseman’s guide and farrier, a new and improved system of handling and educating the horse, together with diseases and their treatment. By S. V. R. York. Also, a treatise on shoeing, educating cattle and dogs, with hints on stable management. Revised edition. Auburn, N.Y.: Wm. J. Moses, 1868.
218p., frontis., port., 18cm.
YOUATT, WILLIAM, 1776-1847
Cattle. By W. Youatt and W. C. L. Martin, being a treatise on their breeds, management, and diseases, comprising a full history of the various races; their origin, breeding, and merits; their capacity for beef and milk; the nature and treatment of their diseases; the whole forming a complete guide for the farmer, the amateur, and veterinary surgeon, with 100 illustrations. Edited by A. Stevens. New York: C. M. Saxton, 1851.
viii, 469, [10]p., frontis., illus., 3 plates, index, adverts., 18.5cm.
Provenance: Michigan State Agricultural College Library.
Cattle. Being a treatise on their breeds, management, and diseases, Edited by A. Stevens. New York: C. M. Saxton and Company, 1856.
viii, 469, [10]p., frontis., illus., 3 plates, index, adverts., 19cm.
Cattle; their breeds, management, and diseases; with an index. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliot, 1836.
[6], viii, 600p., illus., index, 23cm.
At top of title page appears the heading Library of Useful Knowledge.
Provenance: Thos. Ellison, Homestead, N. Windsor 1836. To W. R. Waldron, 1892.
Cattle; their breeds, management, and diseases; London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1842.
viii, 600p., illus., index, 22.5cm.
At top of title page appears the heading, Library of Useful Knowledge.
Provenance: Sarah van Hoosen Jones.
The dog. Edited, with additions, by E. J. Lewis. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1848.
xii, 403p., frontis., illus, 23 plates, index, 19.5cm.
A history of the horse, in all its varieties and uses; together with complete directions for the breeding, rearing, and management; and for the cure of all diseases to which he is liable. Also, a concise treatise on draught. With a copious index to the whole. Washington: Duff Green, 1834.
viii, 360 p., illus., index, 21.5cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.
The history, treatment, and diseases of the horse. Embracing an account of his introduction and use in various countries; general management under all peculiar circumstances; an abstract of the best veterinary practices; useful medicinal and other recipes; articles of food, etc. With a treatise on draught, and a copious index. Originally published in London under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Hartford, Conn.: S. Andrus & Son, 1851.
viii, 470p., illus., index, 21.5cm.
The hog; a treatise on the breeds, management, feeding, and medical treatment of swine; with directions for salting pork and curing bacon and hams, by William Youatt and W. C. L. Martin, illustrated with engravings, drawn from life by William Harvey, Esq. Edited by A. Stevens. New York: C. M. Saxton, 1855.
[5], iv, 231, 8p., illus., index, adverts., 18.5cm.
Provenance: Sarah van Hoosen Jones.
The horse; with a treatise on draught; and a copious index. London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1831.
viii, 472p., illus., index, 21.5cm.
“Treatise on Draught” is by Isambard K. Brunel.
At top of title page appears the heading Library of Useful Knowledge?.
The horse, by William Youatt. A new edition, with numerous illustrations. Together with a general history of the horse; a dissertation on the American trotting horse, how trained and jockeyed, an account of his remarkable performances; and an essay on the ass and the mule, by J. S. Skinner, New York: Leavitt & Allen, [1843?].
xvi, 448p., frontis., illus., index, 22cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.
The horse, Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1843.
xvi, 448, [20]p., illus., index, adverts., 23.5cm.
The horse, by William Youatt. With a treatise of draught [by I. K. Brunel]. A new edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843.
viii, 581, [2]p., illus., index, adverts., 21cm.
At top of title page appears Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge?.
The horse, by William Youatt. A new edition, with numerous illustrations. Together with a general history of the horse; a dissertation on the American trotting horse, and an essay on the ass and the mule by J. S. Skinner. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, [ca.1843].
vvi, 448p., frontis., illus., index, 22.5cm.
The horse, Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1850.
xvi, 448, 16p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 21.5cm.
The horse, by William Youatt. With a treatise on draught [by I. K. Brunel]. Edited by Walker Watson. New Impression. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1898.
vi, [2], 589p., illus., index, 21.5cm.
Provenance: Gurdon and Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.
Das Pferd, seine Zucht, Behandlung, Structur, Mängel und Krankheiten, mit einer Abhandlung über das Fuhrwesen und einem vollständigen Register. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage nach der dritten Auflage des englischen Originals mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen von E. Hering. (Die englische Viehzucht. Bd.1). Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1844.
viii, 535, [1]p., illus., index, 20.5cm.
Le cheval. Traduit de l’ouvrage anglais the horse, de William Youatt, par H. Cluseret. Nouvelle édition, augmentée du tableau synoptique des différentes races équestres du globe [par Eugène Gayot]. Bruxelles: Librairie Deprez-Parent, 1852.
xiii, 262p., 1 folding plate, 18.5cm.
On canine madness; comprising the symptoms, post-mortem appearances, nature, origin, and preventive and curative treatment of rabies in the dog, and other domestic animals: being a series of papers published in “The Veterinarian,” in 1828, 1829, and 1830. London: Longman, and Co., 1830.
[4], 52p., 21cm.
The pig: a treatise on the breeds, management, feeding, and medical treatment, of swine; with direction for salting pork, and curing bacon and hams. Illustrated with engravings drawn from life by William Harvey, Esq. London: Cradock, and Co., 1847.
viii, 164p., frontis., illus., index, 22 cm.
Sheep, their breeds, management, and diseases. To which is added, The mountain shepherd’s manual. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London: Robert Baldwin, [1837].
viii, 568, 36p., illus., index, 22cm.
Sheep: their breeds, management, and diseases. London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1841.
viii, 568, 36p., illus., index, 21.5cm.
At top of title page appears the heading “Library of Useful Knowledged”.
Sheep: their breeds, management, and diseases, by William Youatt. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. With illustrative engravings. To which are added remarks on the breeds and management of sheep in the United States, and on the culture of fine wool in Silesia. New York: A. O. Moore, [1848].
159, [1]p., illus., index, 22.5cm.
Bound with: Randall, Henry S., Sheep husbandry; with an account of the different breeds, and general direction in regard to summer and winter management, breeding, and the treatment of diseases. With portraits and other engravings with his letter to the Texas Almanac on sheep husbandry in Texas, and Geo. W. Kendall’s on sheep raising in Texas. New York: C. M. Saxton, Barker & Co., 1860.
Title on spine: Shepherd’s own book.
Sheep: breeds, management, and diseases; New York: A. O. Moore, 1858.
159, [1]p., frontis., illus., index, 23cm.
Sheep: their breeds, management, and diseases. New edition. With an introduction by Col. M. C. Weld. To which are added remarks on the breeds and management of sheep in the United States. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1891.
159, [1]p., illus., index, 23cm.
Youatt on the structure, and the diseases of the horse, with their remedies; also, practical rules to buyers, breeders, breakers, smiths, &c. Being the most important parts of the English edition of “Youatt on the horse,” somewhat simplified. Brought down to 1849, by W. C. Spooner. To which is prefixed, An account of the breeds in the United States, compiled by Henry S. Randall. With numerous illustrations. Auburn, N.Y.: Derby and Miller, 1851.
xvi, 483, [8]p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 19cm.
Pages 21 & 22 bound between pages iv & v.
Provenance:Manuscript note on title page: State Agrl. College. Presented by Caleb Clark, Esq. Sept 1865.
Youatt on the structure, and the diseases of the horse, with their remedies; Auburn and Buffalo, N.Y.: Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1854.
xvi, 483, [1]p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 19cm.
Provenance: A. G. Kellogg.
Youatt on the structure and diseases of the horse, with their remedies. New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1857.
xvi, 483, [1]p., frontis., illus., index, adverts., 19cm.
Provenance: Compliments of B. E. Stahl, Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1958.
Youatt on the structure and the diseases of the horse, New York: C. M. Saxton, 1858.
xvi, 483., [4]p., frontis., illus., index, adverts.,19cm.
THE YOUNG LADY’S EQUESTRIAN MANUAL. London: Whitehead and Compy, 1838.
[2], 96p., frontis., illus., 16cm.
Provenance: Gurdon & Virginia Dimoc, Kalamazoo Public Library.