Gov Docs - Call Number Quiz

1. All the letters at the beginning of call numbers are based on the name of the department--A is Agriculture, C is Commerce, D is Defense and so on.
Right! X and Y call numbers aren't based on the name of the Department.
No. Although most are based on the name of the department, X and Y call numbers aren't.
2. The SuDocs classification is based on the Dewey Decimal System.
You're right! SuDocs is not a decimal system.
No. SuDocs is not a decimal system.
3. Which call number run is in the correct SuDocs call number order?
C 3.2:N 21
C 3.2:N 21/3
C 3.2:N 21/997
TD 4.8:IN 8/996
TD 4.8:IN 8/999
TD 4.8:IN 8/2/997
L 2.121/34:M 66
L 2.121/34:P 53
L 2.121/33:P 53/2
S 1.2:B 56
S 1.23:C 33
S 1.3:D 44
No. Years come before numbers. The order should be:
C 3.2:N 21,
C 3.2:N 21/997,
C 3.2:N 21/3.
Yes! This is the correct SuDocs call number order.
No. These are in order alphabetically by the letter after the colon, but L 2.121/33: comes before L 2.121/34:
No. This is in decimal order, but SuDocs is not a decimal system. The order should be: S 1.2:, S 1.3:, S 1.23:
4. How many digits are normally used to represent a year in a SuDocs call number?
No. Although you may see call numbers, especially in large series, such as TD 1.20:98-106, where you know that the number represents a year, years are never 2 digits. 998 would be a year; 98 is a number.
Yes. Years in call numbers are 3 digits until the year 2000. Years from 2000 forward are four digits.
Yes. Years from 2000 onward are written as 4 digits.
5. What is the general rule of order you should follow when shelving SuDocs?
No. Years are first, but the rest is wrong.
No. That is not the right order.
No. Think again.
No. Try again.
Yes! The order is always years, letters, numbers.
No. Think about it and try again.
6. The call number before the colon is called the call number stamen.
Right, it's called the stem.
No. It's called the stem. (Yes, this is a pretty silly question)
7. The following books are not shelved correctly. Which one book can you move to put them in correct call number order?
Books A through D with call numbers: A is TD 1.35:995, B is TD 1.35:96-65, C is TD 1.35:997 and D is TD 1.35:98-40
No. This should be the first book on the shelf.
Yes! If you move this book so that it comes after TD 1.35:997, the books would be in correct call number order.
Yes! If you moved this book so that it came before TD 1.35:96-65, the books would be in correct call number order.
No. This should be the last book on the shelf.
8. The SuDocs classification system is called a provenance system.
Wrong. The SuDocs system is a provenance system, which organizes publications by issuing agency.
Yes. A provenance system organizes publications by issuing agency.