Michigan State University Libraries
Health Sciences
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Faculty Literature Search Request

Faculty members with the College of Nursing and the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders can request a literature search, conducted by the librarian. This can include searches for:

  • Systematic Reviews (please contact Jessica directly if you're interested in conducting a Systematic Review)
  • Scoping Reviews
  • Journal Articles
  • Grant Applications
  • Presentations
  • Reading Lists
  • Working Groups or Taskforces
  • Exploration of research area

If you're a CON faculty member and would like to request a literature search, please fill out and submit the form below. Please keep in mind that searches can be quite extensive and time-consuming, so please request literature searches well in advance of any deadlines.

This form is to be used by faculty or research assistants for faculty at the College of Nursing. Please fill out as much information as possible.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jessica at jsender@msu.edu or 517- 355-8324.

Required fields denoted with asterisk *.

Why do you need a literature search?
Please provide your research question, or topic of interest. Please provide as much detail as you can.
Please select any limits you would like to be applied to your search.
What a databases would you like searched?
What is your deadline for this search? This is contingent on the nature of the search and Jessica's schedule. A month is ideal for grant proposals and complex searches.
How would you like to receive results?