Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Health Sciences contact

Michigan State University Libraries
Health Sciences
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Point of Care Resources

Point of Care resources are used to quickly make evidence-based decisions in a clinical setting. They are examples of filtered information sources and include summaries, with links to relevant articles and guidelines, and are often graded for quality. Point of care tools are one facet to practicing evidence-based medicine - find out why with our evidence based medicine guide. We have a guide that lists mobile Apps for Physicians and Medical Students and includes instructions on accessing mobile apps for MSU-subscribed point of care tools, journals/readers, textbooks/study tools, terminology and translation, calculators, and multimedia.

The MSU Libraries does not subscribe to UpToDate, Lexicomp, or Micromedex - if you are affiliated with or rotating at a hospital check with your hospital librarian to see if you have access through them. What we do subscribe to is listed below alphabetically.


  • DynaMed is a leading evidence based point-of–care resource.
  • For the DynaMed mobile app, please see our installation guide.

Essential Evidence Plus

  • Essential Evidence Plus includes evidence based point-of-care tools and other resources.
  • To access Essential Evidence Plus (web and mobile versions) you must sign up for a free personal account in addition to utilizing the MSU authentication link. Using the top right side navigation, sign up using your email and a unique password.

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database

  • Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database is a source of clinically reliable information on more than 1000 natural medicines, including herbs, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc. that can be used as a point of care reference tool.

Nursing Reference Center

  • Nursing Reference Center (NRC) is a point-of-care resource intended for nurses, nursing students, and nursing faculty.

Pediatric Care Online

  • From the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Pediatric Care Online is a practical and convenient resource integrating a full range of essential pediatric-specific clinical information and premier patient education content. This innovative and dynamic tool includes a wealth of point-of-care references, tools, videos, handouts, and more.


  1. VisualDx is a web-based clinical decision support system designed to aid in the identification of dermatologic, infectious, genetic, metabolic, nutritional and occupational diseases, benign and malignant growths, drug-induce conditions, and other injuries. 

    December 19 2023 VisualDX moved to a single sign on model. After logging in with your NetID you may be prompted to set up a free personal account to access the tool. 

    To download the VisualDx mobile app:

    1. Use the MSU VisualDx -  SSO Login Link

    2. You should see your email in the top right corner of the website, access to web-based version of VisualDX will be automatic

    3. You will receive a password reset email after clicking that link. If you do not then download the mobile app and use the “cannot access account” button to reset your password. Use this to set a unique password for VisualDX. Your username is your MSU email address. 

    4. Users will only have to login to Mobile app once.