Michigan State University Libraries
Interlibrary Services
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Our Services - InterLibrary Services

All of our services are provided FREE to MSU students, staff, and faculty.

  • Interlibrary Loan - We'll borrow books and other material for you from other libraries around the world.
  • Article Delivery - If you need an article, book chapter, or something else, we'll find it, scan it, and deliver it to you as a PDF.
  • Distance Services - If you live off campus, we'll send library materials to your home. (service limited to the United States and Canada)

MSU Faculty and Staff Only:

  • Office Delivery - We deliver material to your on-campus office address (some restrictions apply).

Additionally for MSU Faculty exclusively:

  • On-demand Purchase - If you think the MSU Library should own a book - and it meets our criteria for on-demand purchase - we'll buy a copy for the collection. Simply place an interlibrary loan request and select ‘purchase’ under the ‘Purchase Recommendation’ option.  (Although On-Demand purchase is for faculty only, anyone can make a suggestion to purchase something.)