Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections Instruction
Murray & Hong Special Collections can be a valuable partner in your undergraduate or graduate instruction. With diverse, unique holdings across all academic disciplines, we look forward to working with you to create an engaging experience for all students — whether it is for a single session or across multiple meetings. Collaboration with Special Collections can take many forms, including group discussions around documents or objects, individual assessment of rare books, or first-hand exploration of manuscript materials. We are happy to work with you to customize your course instruction and support assignments. Due to personnel shortages, some custom instruction session many not be offered during this time.
In order to schedule a class session in Special Collections, please contact us at at least four weeks before your class session and provide the following information:
- The course code
- An approximate number of students
- Preferred date(s) for the instruction session
- A syllabus or relevant assignment guidelines
- Faculty are required to attend the teaching session.
If you are interested in working with materials housed in University Archives and Historical Collections, please contact UAHC at
If you are looking for general library instruction, such as how to search the Libraries’ catalog or navigate subscription databases, please reach out to the MSU Libraries’ Teaching & Learning librarians or your subject librarian.
Classroom and material use policies
For the safety and security of our collections, please leave food and drinks outside of all Special Collections classrooms and the Reading Room. All materials must be handled respectfully and with care. Students will be guided by library staff in the handling and use of Special Collections materials.