Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Permission to Film and/or Photograph Within the MSU Libraries

The MSU Libraries are spaces for students, faculty and staff to use for study, research and collaboration. Staff receive many requests to film and/or photograph in our spaces, which must be taken into consideration along with the needs for our space and the privacy of the people studying within it. The Michigan Library Privacy Act protects the confidentiality of our patrons including their selection and use of library materials. Patrons may not be filmed or photographed using materials without written permission. Please note that those looking to film or photograph within the MSU Libraries must take extra precautions to not film patrons studying or researching unless permission is previously secured from said patrons.
Affiliation of Person Seeking Approval (select 1)
Please identify publisher/platform/channel/outlet/etc.
Date Start Time End Time Operations
Indicate no more than 4 day/time slots.
People? Spaces? Materials?
Please abide by the following:
  • Patrons may not be photographed or filmed unless individual written permission is granted.
  • Halls, aisles, doors, and access to library materials or resources may not be obstructed.
  • A quiet study atmosphere must be maintained.
  • Use of electrical outlets for equipment must be approved due to possibility of tripping a breaker.
  • Library environment must be accepted “as is.” (Furniture may not be moved, lights must stay on, etc.)
  • MSU Libraries will not be held liable for the film, photos or other equipment.
  • Filmer/Photographer must check in at the Circulation Desk when arriving at the Library.
  • A physical copy of this completed form must be shared with both the Circulation Desk and the Communications Unit Head Elise Jajuga (
I understand if any patrons are included in the film, written permission must be obtained from the patron; this includes people shown in film, or anyone in the foreground or background of a film
I have read and agree with the aforementioned terms and conditions
Sign above using your touch screen or your mouse (click and drag).
Please fill with your full legal name (e.g. Jules Quin Ivanovich)