Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Library Disruptions

It is the policy of the University Libraries to maintain an appropriate academic atmosphere in order to fulfill its mission to the University.

"The mission of the MSU Libraries is to support the instructional, research, and public service programs of the University by making information resources available to the students, faculty and staff for their curricular, research and general information needs."

It is incumbent upon all library users, including visiting scholars and community users, to assist us in this endeavor.  Compliance with library policies helps to insure an atmosphere conducive to study and research.  While these policies are written specifically for the Main Library, they are generally applicable to the branch libraries (except where superseded by local policies).

Library Policies


Floors 1 – 4 of the East Wing are designated "Quiet Study".  Please adhere to the following policies when in these areas:

  • Avoid talking or working in groups.
  • Silence cell phones and beepers. Use stairwells if you must use a phone.
  • Sounds from audio-visual devices, including computers, should be restricted to user headphones and be inaudible to other patrons.  Headsets may be checked out in the Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center (4 West).
  • If others are disruptive, please ask them to be quiet.  If they do not cooperate, please ask for assistance from the Supervisor at the Circulation Desk on the first floor near the Red Cedar exit.
  • Library patrons who fail to abide by the quiet study policies will be asked to leave the quiet study area.

The West Wing floors, the First Floor central corridor and the Basement are open for group study.  However, Library users are expected to be considerate of others and endeavor to keep noise levels to a minimum in all areas.

  • Mobile phones and pagers should be set on non-audible signals when it is necessary that they be left on in the library.
  • Patrons are encouraged to restrict the use of mobile phones to the stairwells.
  • Sounds from audio-visual devices, including computers, should be restricted to user headphones and be inaudible to other patrons. (Private listening areas and headphones are available in the Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center.)

A campus event may create high foot traffic through the building, thereby creating noise and other disturbances.  Library staff may then implement special procedures to minimize disruption and insure an appropriate atmosphere for study.  Procedures include, but are not limited to, routing of event participants around the building, or limiting their access to restrooms and other library facilities for the duration of the event.

Food and drink

Patrons are encouraged to keep food items in the Cyber Café.  Drinks in spill-resistant containers are allowed in most areas of the Main Library where they will not threaten library material, equipment, or furnishings.  No beverages are allowed in the Map Library, Special Collections, MakeCentral or copy machine areas.  (For full policy, see MSU Policy and Procedures Statement 3.4.18, "Food/Drink in the Main Library.")

Smoking and chewing tobacco

MSU is a tobacco and smoke-free campus. Smoking and chewing tobacco are prohibited on campus. For more information, please visit MSU's Tobacoo Free webpage.

Other Forms of Disruption

The use of equipment meant for the outdoors, such as in-line skates, roller skates, or skateboards, is prohibited within the Libraries.  Bicycles are prohibited within the Libraries.

Gathering petition signatures and other forms of solicitation are prohibited within the Libraries.

Animals (excluding guide dogs) are not allowed in the Libraries.

The Libraries expects compliance with all University policies including but not limited to those dealing with sexual harassment, computer usage, and disorderly conduct, as outlined in Spartan Life, Student Resource Guide.

Library Procedures

It is the expectation of MSU Libraries that all users will abide by the directions of Libraries staff.  At the discretion of staff, users in violation of Libraries policies may be asked to change their behavior or leave the Libraries.  In some instances the Department of Police and Public Safety may be called to handle the situation. (See MSU Ordinances 15.02. Disruption of Educational Activities, and 15.05. Disruption of persons, firms or agencies.)