Environmental Monitoring Reports

The Conservation and Preservation Unit monitors temperature and humidity conditions throughout the Main Library and our Remote Storage Facility. Monitoring activities began in the 1980s using paper-based hygrothermographs. Later on, five original PEM units, from the Image Permanence Institute, were purchased and rotated around the library system. Over the years, data collection and retention or these units proved problematic, as well as the fact they became technologically obsolete. In 2015 over two dozen HOBO UX100-03 loggers were purchased from Onset Computer Corp. and were deployed throughout the Main Library (including exhibit areas), the Business Library and the Remote Storage Facility. At first, reports are generated using the HOBOware software and Excel. While this is a feasible solution and is inexpensive, it is not the easiest to update. MSU Libraries now uses eClimateNotebook for data analysis (along with the HOBOware software to download the data). More recently, we have delployed Bluetooth-enabled HOBO MX1101 units for enclosed display cases and more sensitive UX100-011 loggers for Special Collections. For more information on our data logger deployment and data analysis, please contact Eric Alstrom.

The loggers collect data at regular intervals throughout the day. The eClimateNotebook software takes this data and can create graphs for any time span along with an report to interpret the data. This report can let us know if the storage environment is putting our collections at risk so we can adjust the temperature and humidity to improve conditions. Quarterly reports for the current year for all major storage areas are listed below. Past years' reports are compiled into a yearly summary. Custom reports comparing different areas and time frames can be generated for internal use. If you need more specific data, please contact Eric Alstrom. All reports are in PDF format.

Main Library

Special Collections

Murray and Hong Special Collections*

Kline Digital and Multimedia Center/Vincent Voice Library*

Maps Library - 2E

  • 2018 (pdf) - data collection begins in September 2018
  • 2019 (pdf)
  • 2020 (pdf)
  • 2021 (pdf)
  • 2022 (pdf)

Turfgrass Information Center

  • 2018 (pdf) - data collection begins in September 2018
  • 2019 (pdf)
  • 2020 (pdf)
  • 2021 (pdf)
  • 2022 (pdf)

Exhibition Areas

Edwards Special Collections Exhibition Gallery

Sawyer-Koch Exhibit Cases

General Collections

All General Collections

Ground Floor*

East Wing*

  • 2015 (pdf)
  • 2016 (pdf)
  • 2017 (pdf) - 2E not included after October due to moving collections
  • 2018 (pdf) - 3E not included after December due to moving collections

Remote Storage Facility*

* Report contains multiple locations for this area.