Pest Monitoring
The MSU Libraries’ Preservation Unit maintains an active pest monitoring program. Areas where collections of distinction are housed, including Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections, the Maps Library, the Kline Digital Media Center and the Turfgrass Information Center are checked regularly. The Preservation Unit also monitors the Remote Storage Facility for insect infiltration. Other areas in the library and monitored from time to time or as needed. The Preservation Unit partners with the Libraries’ Facilities Department to monitor insect, rodent and other pest activity thoughout the library buildings.
Fortunately, for all areas, there are only rare sightings of pests dangerous to library collections. The monitoring allows us to take a proactive approach in case there is an infestation of pest which will harm our library collections.
For more information, contact Eric Alstrom. For library staff, reports from the various collection areas are available.