Michigan State University Libraries
Conservation & Preservation
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Water Disaster: First Response

Remain Calm

Personal safety comes first. Never enter a flooded area until you are confident there is no electrical or toxic hazard.

Call the Main Library Circulation Desk Desk: (517) 355-2333

Provide the following information:

  • Your name, phone number, and location
  • Nature and size of emergency and exact location affected by water

Circulation will call the appropriate service personnel to remedy the situation.

Circulation will also call the Disaster Recover Committee Chair who will then alert committee members.

Go to the Disaster Barrel

If you are in the Main Library, Circulation will bring one to you.

Remove appropriate materials:

  • If water is coming from ceiling on to books or anything that might be damaged by water, throw plastic sheeting over the area.
  • If a plastic wastebasket could catch drips place it appropriately under the leak.
  • If water is on floor put down gator tails to keep it contained.
  • Cordon off the affected area with “Do Not Enter” tape.

Follow Up

Follow your Unit’s procedures for contacting a full time Library Staff Member from your Unit to inform them of the situation.