TS Units & Staff
Need to find one of us? See this map of our staff area (pdf) available on the MSUL intranet.
- Kay Granskog, Associate Director, Head of Technical Services
- Joshua Barton, Assistant Head
Acquisitions orders, receives, and catalogs materials for the MSU Libraries collections. We process all monograph and serials orders and receipts, are responsible for monitoring the materials budget, and manage materials fund accounting processes. Approval plan processing (including shelf-ready plans) and copy cataloging of print monographs and serials also takes place in Acquisitions.
- Lisa Smith, Head
- Hsiang-Ping Cha
- Cevetta Howard
- Lyudmila Ivanova
- Lan Oberdick
- Kim Wiljanen
- Ed Gildner, Assistant Head
- Lisa Bosman
- Laura Carter
- Robbie Carter
- Rita Jenkins
- Beth Nugent
- Galena Ostipow
- Judy Redding
Catalog Maintenance is a partner with other teams in Technical Services to provide access and availability through the physical processing of materials, updating the catalog, providing quality control, and performing batch record loads. Catalog Maintenance also conducts special collection maintenance projects on a large scale, including the transfer and withdrawal of selected collection material.
- Lisa English, Head
- Max Brauer
- Anne Erickson
- Lynn Farabaugh
- Andrea James
- Pearl Wong
The Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit provides bibliographic access to resources in all formats and in a wide variety of languages. The expertise of the unit supports resource description and information organization throughout the Libraries. The unit consists of the Original Cataloging team, which creates original metadata or enhances existing metadata, and the Copy Cataloging team, which identifies and enhances existing metadata. We operate principally in MARC-based metadata in OCLC's WorldCat (our bibliographic utility) and Sierra (our local catalog), but with an eye to linked data, BIBFRAME and other emerging standards. MSU Libraries is a member institution of NACO and CONSER, with our participation in these conducted principally by the Original Cataloging team.
- Joshua Barton, Assistant Head of Technical Services / Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services
- Original catalogers
- Janice Ahee
- Janet Baldwin
- Mike Erickson
- Loretta Fiacco
- Tim Kiser
- Copy cataloger reports
- Andrea McCulloh
- Kate Ojibway
- Emily Sanford
- Nicole Smeltekop
- Cataloging secondary & tertiary reports
- Tad Boehmer
- Julia Frankosky
- Lucas Mak
- Zoë McLaughlin
- Autumn Faulkner, Assistant Head of CMS / Head of Copy Cataloging
- Tina Andrews
- Cathy Illman
- Ruth Ann Jones
- Cherish Vorgias
- Vicki Walker
Electronic Resources evaluates and supports technical & access issues related to electronic services and resources including purchased databases, the catalog, and other digital resources. The unit is also responsible for maintenance of the Electronic Resource Management (ERM) system.
- Ranti Junus, Systems Librarian
The Authorities Management unit is responsible for authority and quality control of the MSU Libraries catalog. Tasks include: reviewing and updating catalog records; running the new & duplicate headings reports and URL checker; maintaining the local authority file; creating, reviewing, and updating vendor record load instructions; cleanup of loaded records; assisting in the implementation of the discovery tool; assisting with the harmonization of metadata across digital projects with the catalog & discovery tool.
- Lisa Lorenzo, Head
- Mark Andrews
- Lark Braten