Web Archives @ Michigan State University
Beginning in January 2011, MSU initiated a partnership with the Internet Archive's Archive-It program to collect and preserve the University's web pages of historical value produced by administrative offices, schools, departments, service units, institutes, centers, programs, and faculty, student and alumni organizations. Access to these archives is provided by the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine technology. Our Web Archiving Collection Development Plan (PDF)* documents the methodology for selecting and preserving MSU websites. We also collect non-MSU websites to complement our Michigan historical collections. More answers can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
Access to the collections of MSU websites
2000– 2023-> Waybackmachine
2000 -> Archive-It
MSU Websites from campus units, faculty and students. Also available are topical websites such as snow storms, campus ghosts, campus activism, controversial speakers, and more.
Suggested Citation Format for Archived Websites
Basic Format:
"Page Title" archived month/day/year. Collection Title, Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections. ArchivalURL. (Accessed month/day/year).
"State of the University 2012 | Michigan State University" archived January 8, 2013. Michigan State University Web Archives, Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections. http://http://wayback.archive-it.org/1813/20130108232951/http://www.msu.edu/stateofmsu2012/. (Accessed April 11, 2013).
Website Crawl Requests
If you know of a MSU-related website that should be considered for the archives, please send an email to archives@msu.edu with the following information: URL, Title, and a description.