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Hints On Growing Your Garden For Victory With Delicious Recipes From Aunt Jenny

Spry Shortening
Hints On Growing Your Garden For Victory With Delicious Recipes From Aunt Jenny. The Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Collection, MSS 314, Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries. Available at
This item is under copyright.
The front cover of this pamphlet has a color drawing of a father showing a carrot from his Victory Garden to his wife and daughter. There are color drawings of vegetables and greens in each corner with the title in black and red print. The back cover has a color drawing of Aunt Jenny at the top, with "I can make you a better cook in spite of food shortages, rationin' says Aunt Jenny." There is a promotion about using Spry shortening and information to send to Aunt Jenny for more vegetable seeds. Below is a promotion in red, orange, green, black and white about Spry now in glass jars. The front end page has Garden For Victory in the upper left corner and a letter from Aunt Jenny about the benefits of planting a Victory Garden. She tells how this pamphlet will help them grow the seeds which came with the pamphlet: lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, beets and carrots. The first section is For Best Results: Ground Preparation, Seed Sowing and Cultivation, Cultivation, Thinning and Transplanting, Hints on the Care of Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Plant Lettuce Early, and Start Tomatoes Indoors. Following are Tempting Ways to Serve Your "Victory Vegetables," including recipes and Simple Salad Tricks. At the end is information to send for Big Sister's Flower Seeds for 10¢.