Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour (Quaker Oats Company)
Advertisement for “Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour” by Quaker Oats, Co. features a coloring contest that ties in with the film “Imitation of Life.” The ad includes: • Photos of past winners of previous Quaker Oats contests: Fred Selby (won a trip to Chicago to see “The Babe”) and Noneen McCosh (won a $50 bicycle) • Two images of actress Claudette Colbert holding a box of Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour: one is in full color; the other is a black and white cartoon. The winner of the coloring contest wins $1,000. • A smaller image displaying two boxes of “Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour:” a red box for pancake & waffle flour and a yellow box for buckwheat cakes • A head shot of Ms. Colbert • Photos dealing with the film “Imitation of Life:” 1. “Fannie Hurst’s Great Story:” Author Hurst holding a copy of her book, “Imitation of Life” 2. “Thrust on Her Own:” a shot of Actress Colbert who plays widow Bea Pullman 3. “Pancake Recipe Revealed:” a scene from the movie shows housekeeper Delilah Johnson (played by black actress Louise Beavers) talking with Mrs. Pullman about Ms. Johnson’s family pancake recipe. 4. “The Million Dollar Idea;” A scene with Mrs. Pullman talking across a dining table to customer Elmer Smith (actor Ned Sparks) who wears a hat and an overcoat 5. “A Tremendous Climax:” A serious Mrs. Pullman confers with her equally serious boyfriend Stephen Archer (actor William Warren)
24.5 x 36.2 cm
Tribune Company
- English
- Actors--American--1930-1940
- Actresses--American--1930-1940
- Cereal products--1930-1940
- Children--1930-1940
- Coats--1930-1940
- Colbert, Claudette--Performances
- Contests--United States--1930-1940
- Courtship--1930-1940
- Hats--1930-1940
- Pancakes & waffles--1930-1940
- Quaker Oats Company--Products--1930-1940
- Relations between the sexes--1930-1940
- Widows--1930-1940
- Authors--American--1930-1940
- William, Warren, 1895-1948
- Women domestics--1930-1940
- African American women--1930-1940
- Ethnic stereotypes--1930-1940
- Herbert Roystone, Inc.--Products--1910-1920
- Imitation of life (Motion picture : 1934)
- Selby, Fred
- McCosh, Noneen
- Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968
- Pullman, Bea (Fictitious character)
- Beavers, Louise, 1902-1962
- Dining tables--1930-1940
- Johnson, Delilah (Fictitious character)
- Smith, Elmer (Fictitious character)
- Race relations--United States--1930-1940
- Sparks, Ned, 1883-1957
- Archer, Steven (Fictitious character)
- still image
- text
- These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.
- The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection
- Chicago Sunday Tribune (February 10, 1935), p. 8
- application/pdf
- image/jpeg

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