Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Microforms Library

NOTE: Collection that is housed in off campus facility must be requested by emailing: 

Reels requested by 2 p.m. Monday-Friday will be available for your viewing at the Hollander MakeCentral Service desk, on 2West in the late afternoon of the same day.

Requests after 2 p.m., will be available by the afternoon of the next business day.

Film is retrieved Monday-Friday.

If you request film, you will receive an email when the film is available at the service desk.

The MSU collection comprises approximately 119,000 reels of microfilm, 1.1 million microfiche and microcards, as well as, indexes and printed information for use with these materials.  Much of the microfilm collection is located in an off campus location and may be requested by emailing:   All of the fiche, microcards, and some Major Newspapers on Microfilm are located in the Microforms Library, located on 2nd Floor West, in the Main Library.

Digital microreaders are available in the MakeCentral on 2 West in the Main Library. These reader/scanners allow users to save scanned images to a CD or removable drive at no charge. Printing is also available.