Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.
Notice: Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, all MSU all students, staff, and faculty must scan their MSU ID to access the MSU Library building between 10:00 pm – 7:30 am on Sunday - Thursday.

Support the MSU Libraries

Michigan State University Libraries is a leader among international research libraries, and the center of academic life at MSU. Our collections, programmatic expertise, and growing infrastructure for discovery and creation are the backbone of our mission. We strive to build an accessible, enriching environment for researchers and learners on campus and around the world. Philanthropic support makes this vision possible.

Donate Now

Partner with Us

MSU Libraries consists of multiple branches and units, including the MSU Archives, Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections, Kellogg Biological Station Library and the Gast Business Library. The Libraries Development team supports every facet of the MSU Libraries by arranging financial support from alumni and friends. We accept gifts of all shapes and sizes, including items of historical and cultural value, and can assist you in including MSU Libraries as part of your estate plans. Please contact us to learn more.

Your support makes a difference. We encourage you to partner with MSU Libraries to empower students, share your passions, and promote equal access to information and spaces for all. Speak with one of our Development Officers today to discuss how you’d like to make an impact.

Contact Us


Ways to Give

You can support us today with an immediate gift to MSU Libraries. A receipt for your tax-deductible gift will be emailed to you.

You can donate online to any fund at the MSU Libraries by clicking here.

Make a check payable to Michigan State University and mail to:

Office of Development
Michigan State University Libraries
366 West Circle Drive (Room W102-J)
East Lansing, MI 48824

 If you have any questions, please contact our development team at (517) 884-6449. 

By remembering the MSU Libraries with an estate gift, you can support our mission long into the future. Many people find they can make a more generous gift through a bequest in their will or trust than they could comfortably manage during their lifetime. In addition, your bequest may qualify your estate for a charitable tax deduction. If you are interested in learning more about how a gift through your estate can benefit the Libraries, please contact the MSU Libraries' Development Office at (517) 884-6449.

If you have already included a provision in your estate plans to support the MSU Libraries in your will/trust, please contact the Development Office at (517) 884-6449, to ensure that we can thank you and make certain our records for the use of this future gift match your intention.

The MSU Libraries has an excellent collection and is unable to accept most donations of books and other material including personal or departmental libraries. This policy is due to serious space constraints, a large gifts backlog, and the high cost of sorting, reviewing, and processing donated material. In many subject areas, we are now focused primarily on electronic materials.

If you feel your potential gift is rare or unique material of research interest for the circulating collection, please provide additional information to Susan Kendall (, Collections Strategist.

If your potential gift is unique manuscript material, rare books, or archives, please contact Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections at

If your gift contains archival/unpublished materials/personal or departmental papers relating to your career or the university’s history, please contact University Archives and Historical Collections at

If you are looking for somewhere to take books, magazines, DVD’s and other materials, please consider the book donation box at MSU Surplus and Recycling. MSU Surplus sells these in their store for the benefit of MSU.

Have the MSU Libraries had a significant impact on your life, or the life of a loved one?

Is there a change you would like to personally help make happen at the MSU Libraries?

If so, you may feel compelled to make a significant investment in the MSU Libraries through a major gift.

The Development Office is available to help you determine what you would like your major gift to accomplish at the MSU Libraries, and then match your gift with the most vital needs. Please call the Development Office at (517) 884-6449, for more information about making a major gift.

By making a major gift to the MSU Libraries, you may qualify for membership in one of Michigan State University's donor societies

Endowments are a type of account that provide permanent income the Libraries can depend on, year after year. Funds that are donated into endowment accounts are never spent. Rather, the Libraries spends the annual income off of the growth of the funds invested.

Over the years, our generous supporters have contributed to existing endowments as well as established endowments in their names, or in honor of loved ones for many diverse purposes. A few examples include The Force Family Endowment for the Popular Culture Collection, The Mirdza Kuze Endowment for Baltic Collections, The Dr. E. James and Geri Potchen History of Horticulture Endowment Fund and the Margaret Wallace Moon Endowment Fund for the Florence G. Wallace Conservation Laboratory.

Whether for collections or operational needs, endowments ensure that your support for the MSU Libraries will continue steadily for many years to come.

For more information about setting up an endowment, please contact our development team at (517) 884-6449 or email the development offices to discuss your intended gift.

These electronic bookplates represent and recognize the generous support of donors who contribute to the work of the Libraries through their significant gifts, grants, and endowments. For more information about the MSU Libraries electronic bookplate program, contact the Libraries' Development Office at (517) 884-6449.