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Malted Nuts A Delicious Nut Cream

Battle Creek Food
Malted Nuts A Delicious Nut Cream. The Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Collection, MSS 314, Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries. Available at
This item is in the public domain.
The front panel has an orange line frame around the text and a picture of a jar of Malted Nuts. The full title is Malted nuts a delicious nut cream more palatable and more digestible than cow's milk. A boon to lean folks. Indispensible for both adults and infants with whom cow's milk does not agree. Good for everybody. The company name and address are at the bottom. The back panel has the orange line frame. The title is Good ways of using malted nuts and discusses: as a beverage, nut cream, malted nuts replace cream and sugar, malted nuts in soups, and for shortening. The company name and address are at the bottom. All the inside pages have the orange line frame. The headers are in orange text. There is a discussion of the discovery of malted nuts, their composition , for nursing mothers, and humanized milk and how to feed it to babies with an infant feeding table. The end page has a picture of a baby fed malted nuts. There are no page numbers or date.