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Selected Banana Recipes For Appetizing And Nutritious Dishes: Relishes, Vegetables, Salads, Desserts

Selected Banana Recipes For Appetizing And Nutritious Dishes: Relishes, Vegetables, Salads, Desserts. The Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Collection, MSS 314, Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries. Available at
This item is in the public domain.
The front cover is beige with a brown frame and a large bunch of yellow bananas in the center. Above the bunch is the title: Selected Banana recipes For Appetizing and Nutritious Dishes Relishes Vegetables Salads Desserts. Below the bunch reads, "Fruit Dispatch Company imports the best" and Compliments of the Fruit Dispatch Company, 17 Battery Place, New York City, N. Y. The back cover is beige with The Schilling Press, Inc. New York. Made in U.S.A. The front end page lists the benefits of bananas. The back end page lists the branch houses of the Fruit Dispatch Company. The first two pages have a reprint from the Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. by Royal S. Copeland, M.D. titled: Why you Shouldn't Neglect Your Friend the Banana. There are black and white line drawings at the start of each section of recipes. The recipes cover breads, meat dishes, relishes, bananas as vegetable, salads, cakes, pies, and tarts.