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Banana Specialties

Banana Specialties. The Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Collection, MSS 314, Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries. Available at
Copyright owner/holder cannot be located. This item is made available strictly for educational and research purposes. If you have any more information about this item or if you are the copyright owner and believe our website has not properly attributed you, please let us know.
The front has a cluster of bananas at the top with a plate of cooked banana bites below the title. The title is on a yellow diagonal background. The back reads, "Six Simple Meal Planning Suggestions featuring Cooked Bananas. Cooked bananas are a natural accompaniment for meat, fish, and poultry." Six suggested menus are included. Below the menus is a box reading, "Banana High-lights." Three panels printed front and back. Two folds. Second printing.