About the Conservation & Preservation Unit
The Conservation & Preservation Unit's mission is to maintain the excellent physical condition of the library’s print and media collections. This is done by performing conservation treatments on individual books and other library materials, protecting fragile volumes with boxes or other physical enclosures, collecting data on treatment needs and environmental conditions, and promoting the facilities in the conservation lab, binding preparation and preservation departments. For media collections, materials are surveyed, assessed and digitized as appropriate. The Conservation and Preservation Unit works closely with those in charge of digital collections to help preserve works in these formats. In so doing, the Conservation and Preservation Unit ensures all of the Libraries' collections continued availability for students and faculty and their longevity for future generations.
Conservation & Preservation Staff Directory
Eric Alstrom, Preservation Librarian, Head of Conservation & Preservation
Conservation Lab
Linsey Allen, Special Collections Conservation Technician
Garrett Sumner, Conservation Librarian
General Collections Book Repair
Binding Preparation Department
Louis Villafranca, Library Assistant
Media Preservation
Melanie Goulish, Media Preservation Assistant
Sarah Mainville, Media Preservation Librarian, Head of Media Preservation